United Kingdom

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Experimental film[edit]

  • LUXONLINE, a web resource for exploring British based artists’ film and video in-depth
  • Subversion: Concerning Underground Cinema.
  • Jackie Hatfield (ed.), Experimental Film and Video, Eastleigh: John Libbey Publishing, 2006. ISBN 0861966643 [1]
  • David Curtis, A History of Artists' Film and Video in Britain, 1897-2004, BFI Publishing, 2006. ISBN 9781844570966 [2]

Electronic music[edit]


Computer art[edit]

  • White Heat Cold Logic: British Computer Art 1960-1980. Edited by Charlie Gere, Paul Brown, Nick Lambert and Catherine Mason. Published by MIT Press
  • Catherine Mason, A Computer in the Art Room: the origins of British computer arts 1950-80. Norfolk: JJG Publishing, 2008. ISBN 978-1-899163-89-2 review
  • Catherine Mason, A Computer in the Art Room. Paper presented at FUTURES PAST: TWENTY YEARS OF ARTS COMPUTING, CHArt conference 2004 [3]
  • Catherine Mason, Routes Towards British Computer Arts: Educational institutions - Page 57, Summer 2004, Bulletin of the Computer Arts Society [4]
  • Richard Wright. "More Power: The Pioneers of British Computer Animation and their Legacy". Paper published in Diverse Practices: A Critical Reader on British Video Art (ed.) by Julia Knight, Arts Council of England and University of Luton Press, 1996. [5]

Video art[edit]

  • Julia Knight, Diverse practices: a critical reader on British video art, John Libbey Media, Faculty of Humanities, University of Luton, 1996. ISBN 1860205003
  • Catherine Elwes, Video Art: A Guided Tour, I.B. Tauris, 2005. ISBN 9781850435464
  • Chris Meigh-Andrews, A History of Video Art, Oxford: Berg, 2006. ISBN 1845202198 [6]
  • Jackie Hatfield (ed.), Experimental Film and Video, Eastleigh: John Libbey Publishing, 2006. ISBN 0861966643 [7]
  • David Curtis, A History of Artists' Film and Video in Britain, 1897-2004, BFI Publishing, 2006. ISBN 9781844570966 [8]
  • Sean Cubitt, Stephen Partridge (eds.), REWIND: British Artists' Video in the 1970s & 1980s, John Libbey, 2012. [9] [10]

Peformance art[edit]


New media art, Media culture[edit]


Belfast, Birmingham, Brighton, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Reading, Sheffield, Tottenham.

Artists and artist groups
  • Matthew Fuller. Conceptualism? (Talk notes for Tate Britain ‘British new media art’ symposium). April 2004. [11]
  • Pauline van Mourik Broekman. Waste Net, Want Not: Art and new media in 90s Britain. [12]
  • Lucy Kimbell (ed.). New Media Art: Practice and Context in the UK, 1994-2004. Art's Council and Cornerhouse: London and Manchester, 2004. [13] ISBN: 0-94879-788-6
  • Steve Dietz. British New Media Art. April 2004. [14]