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tranzit is a network of civic associations working in the field of contemporary art in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania and across the borders of a wider Europe. Its main goal is to support and articulate emancipatory practices, establish connections between culture and society by moving across geographies, generations, and political realms. [1]
Founded by Erste Bank Group in September 2002. tranzit’s main partner is the ERSTE Foundation.
Board of directors (since 2009): Judit Angel (from fall 2013), Vít Havránek, Dóra Hegyi, Georg Schöllhammer, Attila Tordai-S.
Programme directors (2002-2008): Katrin Rhomberg and Mária Hlavajová.
-, Vienna
- Georg Schöllhammer (head), Larissa Agel (project coordinator). Formerly: Michaela Geboltsberger (general manager and project coordinator, Jan 2015-).
-, Prague
- is an initiative for contemporary art and a member of the network, founded in 2002 and working independently in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania. Over the course of its existence, has been engaged in numerous international projects and exhibitions within the framework of, such as Monument to Transformation 1989-2009; Manifesta 8, Murcia, Spain (2010); Report on the Construction of a Spaceship Module, New Museum, New York City, USA (2014); and others. From 2007 to 2017 tranzit was a part of the project of the tranzitdisplay gallery in Prague. In 2017 initiated the code of practice of the Feminist (Art) Institution, and in 2018 it established the Biennale Matter of Art, which is a member of the East Europe Biennial Alliance (alongside OFF–Biennale Budapest, Hungary, Kyiv Biennial, Ukraine, and Biennale Warszawa, Poland). The ERSTE Foundation is the main partner of (2023)
- Tereza Stejskalová (curator, 2015-2018; program director, 2019-), Karin Akai (production manager), František Fekete (production manager). Formerly: Veronika Janatková (executive director, from 2019) [2], Vít Havránek (director, 2002-2019), Zbyněk Baladrán (curator), Věra Krejčová (project manager).
-, Bratislava
- Judit Angel (director, since 2013), Petra Balíková (project coordinator), Ivana Krištofíková (project coordinator), Eliška Mazalanová (project coordinator). Formerly: Ivana Rumanová (project coordinator, -2022), Lýdia Pribišová (project coordinator), Laco Teren (interim director, 2012-2013), Boris Ondreička (director, 2002-2012).
-, Budapest
- The contemporary art program has been running in Budapest since 2005. It creates platforms for discursive, research, and publication projects, and initiates collaborations on both international and local levels. considers contemporary art an educational endeavor that supports the development of civic responsibilities. Consequently, art is researched, interpreted, and discussed at the intersection of different disciplines: in historical, political, and social contexts. Based on the Eastern European Neo-avantgarde tradition of critical art practices, considers artistic activity a public issue, an attempt to participate in the public sphere.
- Moving to its own office and program venue in 2011—the “open office” named Mayakovsky 102— aims to create a space that is not simply a meeting point for artists and spectators, but a place where everyone is a participant. aspires to contribute to the democratic and solidarity-based functioning of the art scene in Hungary, as well as to mediate between different spheres and disciplines by using the network capital of international curatorial practice. Besides dealing with urgent issues, its mission is to generate discourse around transdisciplinary and taboo topics, as well as to find appropriate forms for their discussion through public and participatory learning processes.
- In its projects, experiments with various themes and formats, such as alternative pedagogical and educational methodologies, forms of democratic cooperation, and critical thinking (Free School for Art Theory and Practice, Artists at Schools, Creativity Exercises). A number of its projects aim to advance the professional self-empowerment of members of the Hungarian contemporary art scene by initiating dialogues and fostering community building within the art field (tranzitblog, Catalyst Award, Action Days). curates discursive exhibitions (Parallel Chronologies, Art Under a Dangerous Star, Open Doors: Tamás Király ‘80s) and produces online and off-line publications (Artists’ Texts from Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, 1947–2009; Art Always Has Its Consequences; Curatorial Dictionary; IMAGINATION/IDEA. The Beginning of Hungarian Conceptual Art. The László Beke Collection, 1971). (2023)
- Dóra Hegyi (head, since 2005), Zsuzsa László, Gyula Muskovics (curator, since 2013), Eszter Szakács. Formerly: Vera Simon (office manager and project coordinator, 2011-).
-, Bucharest
- Livia Pancu (co-director), Attila Tordai-S. (co-director), Raluca Voinea (co-director, since 2012).
- Studio spaces, Zlaté piesky, Bratislava, 2006-2013. In March 2006, opened a post-factory studio building located next to its exhibition space in Zlaté piesky. Resident artists included Andrea Bartošová, Michal Czinege, Mária Čorejová, Viktor Frešo, Mira Gáberová, Matej Gavula, Lukáš Haruštiak, Marian Hornyák, Kristína Hrončeková, Dorota Kenderová, Július Koller, Denisa Lehocká, Betty Majerníková, Monika Mitášová, Juliana Mrvová, Zuzana Surkošová, Erik Šille, Milan Tittel, Lucia Tkáčová, Gordana Zlatanovič, and the 13m3 initiative. [3]
- Auditorium, Stage, Backstage – An Exposure in 32 Acts, exhibition, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, 13 Dec 2006-4 Mar 2007. Commissioned by Chus Martínez, director of the Kunstverein.
- Monument to Transformation 1989–2009, research project, Prague, 2006-2011. Initiated by
- Július Koller Society, established 2008 in Bratislava.
- Manifesta 8, Murcia, 9 October 2010-9 January 2011. Curated by Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF), Chamber of Public Secrets (CPS) and
- Sweet Sixties, an experimental curatorial, scientific and educational research project that investigates hidden territories of the revolutionary period of the 1960s regarded from contemporary artistic and theoretical perspectives. Initiated by, 2010-2014.
- Changer d’image / To Alter the Image, a series of performative events, mumok kino, Vienna, April-October 2013. Series of performative events will take place in April and the autumn of 2013 in the mumok kino on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the tranzit initiative. Conceived by Part 2.
- Report on the Construction of a Spaceship Module, exhibition, New Museum, New York, 22 January-13 April 2014. Curated by tranzit. Catalogue PDF. Exh. review: Nouril (ArtMargins).
- The School of Kyiv – Kyiv Biennial 2015, Kyiv, 8 September-1 November 2015. Organised with the Visual Culture Research Center (Kyiv).
- Matter of Art / Ve věci umění, biennial, various locations, Prague, 22 July-15 November 2020; 21 July-23 October 2022. Organised by
- We Are All Emotional / Všichni jsme emotivní, festival of performance art, Divadlo X10, Prague, 6-7 May 2022. Curated by
- To Leave Is to Return Another Way, festival of performance art, Prague, 13-14 December 2023. Curated by
On tranzit[edit]
- "What in fact is tranzit and who is behind it?", Report, Oct 2004.
- Simona Darulová, Tranzit ako dynamická medziodborová platforma pre súčasné umenie v strednej Európe. Vznik a inštitucionálna prax českej pobočky tranzitdisplay, Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018, 94 pp. Master's thesis. (Slovak)
- Beáta Hock, "Evolving Networks: International Sponsors of Post-Socialist Art Scenes", Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 31:1, Feb 2023, pp 95-108, PDF.