Mikhail Bakhtin

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The Bakhtin Circle, Bakhtin sitting in the centre. [2]
Born November 17, 1895(1895-11-17)
Oryol, Russian Empire
Died March 7, 1975(1975-03-07) (aged 79)
Moscow, Soviet Union
Web Aaaaarg, Wikipedia, Academia.edu
Michail Bachtin. Lithography by Yuri Seliverstov. [1]

Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin (Михаил Михайлович Бахтин, 1895–1975) was a Russian philosopher, literary critic, semiotician and scholar who worked on literary theory, ethics, and the philosophy of language. His writings, on a variety of subjects, inspired scholars working in a number of different traditions (Marxism, semiotics, structuralism, religious criticism) and in disciplines as diverse as literary criticism, history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology and psychology. Although Bakhtin was active in the debates on aesthetics and literature that took place in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, his distinctive position did not become well known until he was rediscovered by Russian scholars in the 1960s. Among the concepts associated with his work are heteroglossia [разноречие], dialogism [диалогизм], carnivalesque [карнавализация], polyphony [полифонизм], the chronotope [хронотоп], and the grotesque.

The Circle

The Bakhtin Circle, centered on the work of Bakhtin, addressed philosophically the social and cultural issues posed by the Russian Revolution and its degeneration into the Stalin dictatorship. Their work focused on the centrality of questions of significance in social life in general and artistic creation in particular, examining the way in which language registered the conflicts between social groups. The key views of the circle are that linguistic production is essentially dialogic, formed in the process of social interaction, and that this leads to the interaction of different social values being registered in terms of reaccentuation of the speech of others. While the ruling stratum tries to posit a single discourse as exemplary, the subordinate classes are inclined to subvert this monologic closure. In the sphere of literature, poetry and epics represent the centripetal forces within the cultural arena whereas the novel is the structurally elaborated expression of popular ideologiekritik, the radical criticism of society. Members of the circle included Matvei Isaevich Kagan (1889-1937); Pavel Nikolaevich Medvedev (1891-1938); Lev Vasilievich Pumpianskii (1891-1940); Ivan Ivanovich Sollertinskii (1902-1944); Valentin Nikolaevich Voloshinov (1895-1936); Mariia Veniaminovna Iudina (1899-1970); and others. (Craig Brandist, IEP)



Toward a Philosophy of the Act, 1993, ARG.
  • K filosofii postupka [К философии поступка] [1919-21], intro. S.G. Bocharov, Moscow, 1986; Moscow: Labirint, 1996, 176 pp, HTML. Some of his early texts, unearthed in 1972.
    • Toward a Philosophy of the Act, trans. & notes Vadim Liapunov, eds. Vadim Liapunov and Michael Holquist, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993, 106 pp, ARG. [3] (English)
    • Mijail M. Bajtín, Hacia una filosofía del acto ético. De los borradores y otros escritos, trans. Tatiana Bubnova, comm. Iris M. Zavala and Augusto Ponzio, Barcelona: Anthropos / EDUPR, 1997. (Spanish) [4]
    • Michail Bachtin, Per una filosofia dell'azione responsabile, eds. Augusto Ponzio and Iris M. Zavala, Lecce: Manni, 1998, 180 pp; new ed. as Per una filosofia dell'atto responsabile, Pensa Multimedia, 2009, 188 pp. (Italian)
    • Mikhaïl Bakhtine, Pour une philosophie de l'acte, L'Âge d'Homme, 2003. (French)
    • Mihail Bahtin, Ka filosofiji postupka, trans. Dušan Radunović, Službeni glasnik, 2010, 84 pp. (Serbian)
    • Michail Bachtin, Zur Philosophie der Handlung, ed. & intro. Sylvia Sasse, trans. Dorothea Trottenberg, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2011, 190 pp, Introduction. [5] (German)
Art and Answerability: Early Philosophical Essays, 1990, ARG.
  • Art and Answerability: Early Philosophical Essays [1919-24], eds. Michael Holquist and Vadim Liapunov, trans. Vadim Liapunov and Kenneth Brostrom, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990, 360 pp, ARG. Contains 3 essays, "Art and Answerability (1919)" (1-3), "Author and Hero in Aesthetic Activity (ca. 1920–1923)" (4-256), and "The Problem of Content, Material, and Form in Verbal Art (1924)" (310-79). Review: Bernard-Donals (1990). [6] (English)
  • Avtor i geroy. K filosofskim osnovam gumanitarnych nauk [Автор и герой. К философским основам гуманитарных наук] [c1920-23], St Petersburg: Azbuka, 2000, 337 pp, DJVU. Unfinished book-length essay.
    • Mihail Bahtin, Autor i junak u estetskoj aktivnosti, trans. Aleksandar Badnjarević, Novi Sad: Bratstvo-Jedinstvo, 1991, 221 pp. (Serbian)
    • Michail Bachtin, L'autore e l'eroe. Teoria letteraria e scienze umane, ed. C. Strada Janovic, trans. V. Strada, Einaudi, 2000. (Italian)
    • Michail Bachtin, Författaren och hjälten i den estetiska verksamheten, trans. Kajsa Öberg Lindsten, afterw. Gunnar D Hansson, Gråbo: Anthropos, 2000, 251 pp. (Swedish)
    • Mihail Bahtyin, A szerző és a hős, trans. Patkós Éva, Budapest: Gond-Cura Alapítvány, 2004. (Hungarian)
    • Michail Bachtin, Autor und Held in der ästhetischen Tätigkeit, eds. Rainer Grübel, Edward Kowalski and Ulrich Schmid, trans. Hans-Günter Hilbert, Rainer Grübel, Alexander Haardt and Ulrich Schmid, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2008, 356 pp. [7] (German)
  • V.N. Voloshinov (В. Волошинов), Freidizm: kriticheskiy ocherk [Фрейдизм], Leningrad: GIZ, 1927; 1982; New York: Chalidze, 1983, 280 pp; 1993; repr. in Freidizm..., 2000 (see below). Later also attributed to Bakhtin.
    • V.N. Vološinov, Freudianism: A Marxist Critique, trans. I.R. Titunik, eds. & intro. I.R. Titunik and Neal H. Bruss, New York: Academic Press, 1976, 153 pp, PDF; Verso Books, 2013, 176 pp. [8] (English)
    • Mikhaïl Bakhtine, Le Freudisme, trans. Guy Verret, Lausanne: L'Age d'Homme, 1980, 229 pp. [9] (French)
    • Mihail Bahtin (V.N. Vološinov), Marksizam i filozofija jezika, trans. Radovan Matijašević, Belgrade: Nolit, 1980, 189 pp. (Serbo-Croatian)
    • "Freudizmus", in M.M. Bachtin, V.N. Vološinov, Marxizmus, freudizmus, filozofia jazyka, trans. Ladislav Holata and František Novosad, intro. Ladislav Holata, Bratislava: Pravda, 1986. (Slovak)
    • O Freudismo: um esboço crítico, trans. Paulo Bezerra, São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2001, Scribd. [10] (Portuguese)
    • Michail Bachtin, Freud e il freudismo. Studio critico, ed. Augusto Ponzio, Mimesis, 2005, 195 pp. (Italian)
    • Mihail Bahtin (V.N. Vološinov), Frojdizam: kritička studija, trans. Marija and Branislav Marković, Belgrade: Logos, 2009, 186 pp. (Serbian)
  • P.N. Medvedev, Formalnyi metod v literaturovedenii, Leningrad: Priboy, 1928; repr. in Freidizm..., 2000 (see below). Later also attributed to Bakhtin.
    • M.M. Bakhtin, P.N. Medvedev, The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship: A Critical Introduction to Sociological Poetics, trans. Albert J. Wehrle, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978, 191 pp. Reviews: Gossman (1979), Pechey (1980). (English)
    • M.M. Bachtin, Formální metoda v literární vědě: kritický úvod do sociologické poetiky, trans. Jiří Honzík, ed. & afterw. Vladimír Svatoň, notes Jiří Franěk, Prague: Lidové nakladatelství, 1980, 314 pp. (Czech)
    • Mijail Bajtín (Pavel N. Medvedev), El método formal en los estudios literarios. Introducción crítica a una poética sociológica, intro. Amalia Rodríguez Monroy, trans. Tatiana Bubnova, Madrid: Alianza, 1995, 265 pp, Scribd. (Spanish)
    • Pável Medviédev, O método formal nos estudos literários: introdução crítica a uma poética sociológica, trans. Sheila Camargo Grillo and Ekaterina Vólkova Américo, São Paulo: Contexto, 2012, 269 pp. Review: Faraco (2012). (Portuguese)
  • V.N. Voloshinov, Marksizm i filosofiya jazyka, Leningrad, 1929; 1930; repr. in Freidizm..., 2000 (see below). Later also attributed to Bakhtin.
    • V.N. Vološinov, Marxism and the Philosophy of Language, trans. Ladislav Matejka and I.R. Titunik, New York and London: Seminar Press, 1973, PDF, Scribd; Harvard University Press, 1986, 224 pp. [11] (English)
    • Valentín N. Voloshinov, El signo ideológico y la filosofía del lenguaje, trans. Rosa Maria Russovich, Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión, 1976, 242 pp, PDF. (Spanish)
    • V.N. Vološinov, Marxismo e filosofia del linguaggio. Problemi fondamentali del metodo sociologico nella scienza del linguaggio, intro. Augusto Ponzio, trans. Rita Bruzzese and Nicola Cuscito, Dedalo, 1976, 288 pp. [12] (Italian)
    • Mikhaïl Bakhtine (V.N. Volochinov), Le Marxisme et la philosophie du langage. Essai d'application de la methode sociologique en linguistique, trans. Marina Yaguello, intro. Roman Jakobson, Paris: Minuit, 1977, 244 pp, IA, PDF. (French)
    • Mikhail Bakhtin (V.N. Volochínov), Marxismo e filosofia da linguagem, trans. Michel Lahud and Yara Frateschi Vieira, intro. Roman Jakobson, São Paulo: Hucitec, 1979; 2nd ed., 1981, PDF; 12th ed., 2006, PDF. (Portuguese)
    • "Marxizmus a filozofia jazyka", in M.M. Bachtin, V.N. Vološinov, Marxizmus, freudizmus, filozofia jazyka, trans. Ladislav Holata and František Novosad, intro. Ladislav Holata, Bratislava: Pravda, 1986. (Slovak)
    • Valentín Volóshinov, El marxismo y la filosofia del lenguaje, trans. Tatiana Bubnova, Madrid: Alianza, 1992; Buenos Aires: Godot, 2009, 256 pp, PDF. (Spanish)
Problemy tvorchestva Dostoevskogo, 1929; 1963, PDF; 1994, HTML, DJVU.
Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, 1984, PDF, ARG.
  • Problemy tvorchestva Dostoevskogo [Проблемы творчества Достоевского], Leningrad: Priboy, 1929, 243 pp; 2nd ed., rev. & enl., as Problemy poetiki Dostoevskogo [Проблемы поэтики Достоевского], Moscow: Sovetskiy pisatel, 1963, 361 pp, PDF; 3rd ed., Moscow: Khud. literatura, 1972, 470 pp; 4th ed., Moscow: Sov. Rossiya, 1979, 318 pp; Kiev: Next, 1994, pp 205-508. Reprint of 1929 ed., Kiev: Next, 1994, pp 9-201, HTML, DJVU. [13] [14]
    • Mihail Bahtin, Problemi poetike Dostoevskog, trans. Milica Nikolić, intro. Nikola Milošević, Belgrade: Nolit, 1967, 356 pp; Belgrade: Zepter Book World, 2000, 254 pp, PDF, Scribd. (Serbo-Croatian)
    • Michail Bachtin, Dostoevskij. Poetica e stilistica, trans. Giuseppe Garritano, Torino: Einaudi, 1968; 2002, 356 pp. (Italian)
    • Dosutoehusuki Ron: Sosaku Hoho no Shomondai, trans. Araya Keysabouro, Tokyo: Todziousya, 1968. (Japanese)
    • in Michail Bachtin, Literatur und Karneval, trans. Alexander Kaempfe, Munich: Hanser, 1969, pp 61-132; 1990. (German)
    • Mikhaïl Bakhtine, Problèmes de la poétique de Dostoïevski, trans. Guy Verret, Lausanne: L'Age de l'homme, 1970. (French)
    • Mikhaïl Bakhtine, La poétique de Dostoïevski, trans. Isabelle Kolitcheff, intro. J. Kristeva, Paris: Seuil, 1970. (French)
    • M. Bahtin, Problemele poeticii lui Dostoievski, trans. S. Receveschi, Bucharest: Univers, 1970, Scribd. (Romanian)
    • Michał Bachtin, Problemy poetyki Dostojewskiego, trans. Natalia Modzelewska, Warsaw: PIW, 1970. (Polish)
    • Michail Bachtin, Probleme der Poetik Dostoevskijs, trans. Adelheid Schramm, Munich: Hanser, 1971. (German)
    • Michail Bachtin, Dostojevskij umělec: K poetice prózy, trans. Jiří Honzík, afterw. Radegast Parolek, Prague: Československý spisovatel, 1971, 367 pp. (Czech)
    • Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, trans. R.W. Rotsel, Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1973, 249 pp. Trans. of 2nd ed. (English)
    • Михаил Бахтин, Problemi na poetikata na Dostoevski [Проблеми на поетиката на Достоевски], trans. Konstantin G. Popov, Sofia: Nauka i iskustvo, 1976, 303 pp. (Bulgarian)
    • Problemas da poética de Dostoiévski, trans. Paulo Bezerra, Rio de Janeiro: Forense-Universitária, 1981. (Portuguese)
    • Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, ed. & trans. Caryl Emerson, intro. Wayne C. Booth, University of Minnesota Press, 1984, 333 pp, PDF, ARG. (English). Also includes appendices "Three Fragments from the 1929 Edition Problems of Dostoevsky's Art" (275-282) and "'Toward a Reworking of the Dostoevsky Book' (1961)" (283-302). Review: Wellek (1984).
    • Mijaíl M. Bajtín, Problemas de la poética de Dostoievski, trans. Tatiana Bubnova, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1986, PDF; 2nd ed., 2003, 400 pp, Scribd. (Spanish)
    • Michail Bachtin, Dostojevskijs poetik, trans. Lars Fyhr and Johan Öberg, Anthropos, 1991; 2nd ed., rev., 2010. (Swedish)
    • Mihail Bahtin, Dostojevskin poetiikan ongelmia, trans. Paula Nieminen and Tapani Laine, Helsinki: Orient Express, 1991. (Finnish)
    • in Bakhtin, Latter og dialog: utvalgte skrifter, trans. Audun J. Mørch, Cappelen Damm, 2003. (Norwegian) [15]
    • Michail Bachtin, Problemi dell'opera di Dostoevskij (1929), Dal Sud, 1997, 328 pp. (Italian)
    • Mihail Bahtyin, Dosztojevszkij poétikájának problémái, trans. Csaba Könczöl, Katalin Szőke, István Hetesi and Géza Horváth, Budapest: Gond-Cura/Osiris, 2001. (Hungarian)
Tvorchestvo Fransua Rable i narodnaya kultura srednevekovya i Renessansa [1940], 1965; 1990, PDF, PDF.
Rabelais and His World, 1968; 1984, PDF, ARG.
  • Tvorchestvo Fransua Rable i narodnaya kultura srednevekovya i Renessansa [Творчество Франсуа Рабле и народная культура средневековья и Ренессанса] [1940], Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1965, 525 pp; new ed., rev. & exp., 1990, 543 pp, PDF, PDF. Amended version of doctoral thesis presented to the Gorky Institute of World Literature in 1940. Written 1938-40. [16]
    • Rabelais and His World, trans. Hélène Iswolsky, MIT Press, 1968; 2nd ed., 1971; Indiana University Press, 1984, 484 pp, PDF, ARG. Reviews: Frame, Beaujour, Keller (1969, 1969, 1971). (English)
    • in Michail Bachtin, Literatur und Karneval, trans. Alexander Kaempfe, Munich: Hanser, 1969, pp 7-60; 1990. (German)
    • Mikhaïl Bakhtine, L'Œuvre de François Rabelais et la culture populaire au Moyen Age et sous la Renaissance, trans. Andrée Robel, Paris: Gallimard, 1970; 1982, 476 pp. (French) [17]
    • Mijaíl Bajtín, La cultura popular en la edad media y el Renacimiento: El contexto de François Rabelais, trans. Julio Forcat and César Conroy, Barcelona: Barral, 1971; 1974; Madrid: Alianza, 1987; 1998; 2003, PDF, ARG, Scribd. [18] (Spanish)
    • Furansoa Rabureno Sakuhin to Chusei, Runessansu no no Minshubunka, 1974. (Japanese)
    • Michail Bachtin, François Rabelais a lidová kultura středověku a renesance, trans., ed. & afterw. Jaroslav Kolár, Prague: Odeon, 1975, 406 pp; 2nd ed., Prague: Argo, 2007, 489 pp. (Czech)
    • Michaił Bachtin, Twórczość Franciszka Rabelais’go a kultura ludowa Średniowiecza i Renesansu, trans. Anna and Andrzej Goreniowie, Kraków, 1975. (Polish)
    • M. Bahtin, Stvaralaštvo Fransoa Rablea i narodna kultura srednjeg veka i renesanse, trans. Ivan Šop and Tihomir Vučković, Belgrade: Nolit, 1978, 483 pp, Scribd. (Serbo-Croatian)
    • Михаил Бахтин, Tvorchestvoto na Fransua Rable i narodnata kultura na Srednovekovieto i Renesansa [Творчеството на Франсоа Рабле и народната култура на Средновековието и Ренесанса], trans. Donka Dancheva, Sofia: Nauka i iskustvo, 1978, 520 pp. (Bulgarian)
    • Michail Bachtin, L'opera di Rabelais e la cultura popolare: riso, carnevale e festa nella tradizione medievale e rinascimentale, trans. Mili Romano, Torino: Einaudi, 1979, 524 pp; 2nd ed., 1980; 3rd ed., 1982. (Italian)
    • Mihail Bahtyin, François Rabelais művészete, a középkor és a reneszánsz népi kultúrája, trans. Csaba Könczöl, Budapest: Európa, 1982, 591 pp. (Hungarian)
    • Michail Bachtin, Rabelais och skrattets historia: François Rabelais verk och den folkliga kulturen under medeltiden och renässansen, trans. Lars Fyhr, Gråbo: Anthropos, 1986, 476 pp; 2nd ed., 1991, 476 pp; 3rd ed., 2007, 451 pp. (Swedish)
    • Michail Bachtin, Rabelais und seine Welt. Volkskultur als Gegenkultur, trans. Gabriele Leupold, ed. & intro. Renate Lachmann, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1987; 1995, 552 pp. [19] (German)
    • Mikhail Bakhtin, A cultura popular na Idade Média e no Renascimento: o contexto de François Rabelais, trans. Yara Frateschi Vieira, São Paulo: Hucitec, 1987, PDF. (Portuguese)
    • Mihail Bahtin, François Rabelais: keskiajan ja renessanssin nauru, trans. Paula Nieminen and Tapani Laine, Taifuuni, 1995; 3rd ed., Like-pokkari, 2002. (Finnish)
    • in Bakhtin, Latter og dialog: utvalgte skrifter, trans. Audun J. Mørch, Cappelen Damm, 2003. [20] (Norwegian)
  • Michail Bachtin, Literatur und Karneval, trans. & afterw. Alexander Kaempfe, Munich: Hanser, 1969, 151 pp; repr. as Literatur und Karneval. Zur Romantheorie und Lachkultur, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1990. Contains two texts, on Rabelais and Dostoevsky. (German)
Voprosy literatury i estetiki, 1975, PDF, DOC.
The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays, 1981, ARG.
  • Voprosy literatury i estetiki [Вопросы литературы и эстетики. Исследования разных лет], Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1975, 500 pp, PDF, DOC. Contains 6 essays, "Problema soderzhaniya, materiala i formy v slovesnom chudzhestvennom tvorchestve" [1924] (6-71), "Slovo v romane" [1934-35] (72-233), "Formy vremeni i chronotopa v romane. Ocherki po istoricheskoy poetike" [1937-8, 1973] (234-407), "Iz predystorii romannogo slovo" [1940] (408-446), "Epis i roman (O metodologii ussledovaniya romana)" [1941] (447-83), and "Rable i Gogol (Iskusstvo slova i narodnaya smechovaya kultura)" [1940, 1970] (484-95). [21]
    • Mikhaïl Bakhtine, Epopée et roman, l'étude du roman, questions de méthodologie, 1973. Partial trans. (French)
    • Michail Bachtin, Problémy poetiky románu, ed. & afterw. Vincent Šabík, trans. Marta Beránková, Bratislava: Slovenský spisovateľ, 1973, 301 pp. Contains the essays "Slovo v poézii a v próze", "Epos a román", "Tvorba Françoise Rabelaisa a ľudová kultúra stredoveku a renesancie", "Polyfonický román Dostojevského a jeho interpretácia v kritickej literatúre", "Typy prozaického slova. Slovo u Dostojevského", and "O dvoch úlohách literárnej vedy". (Slovak)
    • Mihail Bahtyin, A szó esztétikája. Valogatott tanulmanyok, trans. Csaba Könczöl and József Kőrösi, Budapest: Gondolat, 1976, 392 pp. (Hungarian)
    • Mikhaïl Bakhtine, Esthétique et théorie du roman, trans. Daria Oliver, intro. Michel Aucouturier, Paris: Gallimard, 1978. (French)
    • Michail Bachtin, Die Ästhetik des Wortes, ed. Rainer Grübel, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1979. (German)
    • Mihail Bahtin, Kirjallisuuden ja estetiikan ongelmia, trans. Kerttu Kyhälä-Juntunen and Veikko Airola, intro. Vadim Kozhinov, notes Nikolai Nikolajev, Moscow: Progress, 1979. (Finnish)
    • Michail Bachtin, Román jako dialog, trans. Daniela Hodrová, afterw. Daniela Hodrová and Vladimír Svatoň, Prague: Odeon, 1980, 479 pp. Contains 6 texts, "Epos a román", "Promluva v románu", "Z předhistorie románové promluvy", "Čas a chronotop v románu (Studie z historické poetiky)", "Rabelais a Gogol (Umění slova a lidová smíchová kultura)", and "Problém obsahu, materiálu a formy ve slovesné umělecké tvorbě". (Czech)
    • The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays, ed. Michael Holquist, trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981, 444 pp, ARG. Partial trans. Contains 4 essays, "Epic and Novel" (3-40), "From the Prehistory of Novelistic Discourse" (41-83), "Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel" [1937-8, 1973] (84-258), and "Discourse in the Novel" [1934-5] (259-422). [22] (English)
    • Michaił Bachtin, "Problemy literatury i estetyki", trans. Wincenty Grajewski, Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1982, 596 pp. [23] (Polish)
    • Михаил Бахтин, Vprosi na literaturata i estetikata [Въпроси на литературата и естетиката], trans. Nadezhda Chekarlieva and Dimitr Kirkov, Sofia: Nauka i iskustvo, 1983, 568 pp. (Bulgarian)
    • Michail Bachtin, Untersuchungen zur Poetik und Theorie des Romans, eds. Edwald Kowalski and Michael Wegner, trans. Michael Dewey, Berlin and Weimar: Aufbau, 1986; repr. as Formen der Zeit im Roman. Untersuchungen zur historischen Poetik, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1989. New ed. of Formen der Zeit und des Chronotopos im Roman as Chronotopos, afterw. Michael C. Frank and Kirsten Mahlke, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2008, 242 pp. (German)
    • Mijaíl Bajtín, Problemas literarios y estéticos, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1986. (Spanish)
    • Michail Bachtin, Det dialogiska ordet, trans. Johan Öberg, Anthropos, 1988, 291 pp; 2nd ed., Daidalos, 1991, 291 pp. (Swedish)
    • Mijaíl Bajtín, Teoría y estética de la novela. Trabajos de investigacion, trans. Helena S. Kriúkova and Vicente Cazcarra, Madrid: Taurus, 1989, PDF, Scribd; 1991. [24] (Spanish)
    • Mihail Bahtin, O romanu, trans. Aleksandar Badnjarević, Belgrade: Nolit, 1989, 474 pp, Scribd. (Serbo-Croatian)
    • Questões de literatura e de estética: a teoria do romance, trans. A.F. Bernardini, et al., São Paulo: Hucitec, 1990; 2002, Scribd. (Portuguese)
    • Michail Bachtin, Estetica e romanzo, Einaudi, 2001. (Italian)
  • Mihail Bahtyin, A szó az életben és a költészetben, trans. Csaba Könczöl, Budapest: Európa, 1985, 168 pp. (Hungarian) [25]
Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva, 1979, HTML; 1986, DJVU.
Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, 1986, ARG.
  • Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva [Эстетика словесного творчества], ed. S.G. Bocharov, Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1979, 423 pp, HTML; 2nd ed., 1986, 445 pp, DJVU. 2nd ed. contains the texts "Iskusstvo i otvetstvennost" [written 1919] (7-8, 404), "Avtor i geroy v estetichecskoy deyatelsnosti" [mid-1920s] (9-191, n404-12), "Iz knigi 'Problemy tvorchestva Dostoevskogo'" [late 1920s] (192-8, n412-4), "Roman vospitaniya i ego znachenie v istorii realizma" [1936-8] (199-249, n414-8), "Problema rechevych zanrov" [1952-3] (250-96, n418-21), "Problema teksta v lingvistike, filologii i drugich gumanitarnych naukach" [1959-61] (297-235, n421-423), "K pererabotke knigi o Dostoevskom" [1961-2] (326-46, n424-6), "Otvet na vopros redaktsii 'Novogo mira'" [1970] (347-54, n426), "Iz zapisey 1970-1971 godov" [1970-1] (355-80, n426-9), "K metodologii gumanitarnych nauk" [1974] (381-93, n429-32), and "Prilozhenie. Iz lektsiy po istorii russkoy literatury. Vyacheslav Ivanov" [1920s] (394-403, n433). [26]
    • M.M. Bajtín, Estética de la creación verbal, trans. Tatiana Bubnova, Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 1982; 10th ed., 1999, 396 pp, PDF. (Spanish)
    • Mikhaïl Bakhtine, Esthétique de la création verbale, Paris: Gallimard, 1984. Partial trans. (French)
    • Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, trans. Vern W. McGee, eds. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist, intro. Michael Holquist, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986, 177 pp, ARG. Partial trans. Contains 6 texts, "Response to a Question from the Novy Mir Editorial Staff" [1970] (1-9), "The Bildungsroman and Its Significance in the History of Realism" [1936-8] (10-59), "The Problem of Speech Genres" [1952-3] (60-102), "The Problem of the Text in Linguistics, Philology, and the Human Sciences" [1959-61] (103-31), "From Notes Made in 1970-71" (132-58), and "Toward a Methodology for the Human Sciences" [1974] (159-72). [27] (English)
    • Michał Bachtin, Estetyka twórczości słownej, trans. Danuta Ulicka, ed. & intro. Eugeniusz Czaplejewicz, Warsaw: PIW, 1986. [28] (Polish)
    • Michail Bachtin, Estetika slovesnej tvorby, trans. Viera Šabíková, Bratislava: Tatran, 1988, 451 pp. (Slovak)
    • Estética da criação verbal, trans. Maria Ermantina Galvão G. Pereira, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1992; 2nd ed., 1997, PDF. (Portuguese)
    • Михаил Бахтин, Filosofiya na slovesnostta [Философия на словесността], trans. Kiril Marinov, Sofia: LIK, 1996, 293 pp. (Bulgarian)
    • Spørsmålet om talegenrane, trans. Rasmus T. Slaattelid, Bergen: Ariadne, 1998, 89 pp, NB. Partial trans. (Norwegian)
    • Михаил Бахтин, Estetika jezičkog stvaralaštva, trans. Mirjana Grbić, Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, 2013, 239 pp. [29] (Serbian)
    • Sprechgattungen, trans. Rainer Grübel and Alfred Sproede, postf. Sylvia Sasse and Renate Lachmann, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2017, ARG. (German)
  • Literaturno-kriticheskie stati [Литературно-критические статьи], eds. S. Bocharov and V. Kozhinov, Moscow: Khudozestvennaya literatura, 1986, 532 pp. [30]
  • Mihail Bahtyin, A beszéd és a valoság: filozófiai beszédelméleti írások, trans. István Orosz and Csaba Könczöl, Bratislava: Madách, and Budapest: Gondolat, 1986, 556 pp. (Hungarian)
  • The Bakhtin Reader: Selected Writings of Bakhtin, Medvedev and Voloshinov, ed. Pam Morris, London: Arnold, 1994, 262 pp, PDF, ARG, PDF. (English)
  • Bakhtinian Thought: an Introductory Reader, ed. Simon Dentith, Routledge, 1995, PDF. (English)
Sobranie sochineniy, 7 vols., torrent, ARG.
  • Sobranie sochineniy [Собрание сочинений], 7 vols., eds. S.G. Bocharov and L.A. Gogotishvili, Moscow: Jazyki slavyanskich kultur, 1996-2012, torrent, ARG.
    • Т. 1. Filosofskaya estetika 1920-kh godov [Философская эстетика 1920-х годов], 2003, 957 pp.
    • Т. 2. Problemy tvorchestva Dostoevskogo. Staty o Tolstom. Zapisi kursa lektsiy po istorii russkoy literatury [Проблемы творчества Достоевского. Статьи о Толстом. Записи курса лекций по истории русской литературы], 2000, 799 pp.
    • Т. 3. Teoriya romana (1930-1961 gg.) [Теория романа (1930—1961 гг.)], 2012, 880 pp.
    • Т. 4 (1). Fransua Rable v istorii realizma (1940). Materialy k knige o Rable (1930-1950-e gg.). Kommentarii i prilozheniya [Франсуа Рабле в истории реализма (1940). Материалы к книге о Рабле (1930—1950-е гг.). Комментарии и приложения], 2008, 1120 pp.
    • Т. 4 (2). Tvorchestvo Fransua Rable i narodnaya kultura srednevekovya i Renessansa. Rable i Gogol (Iskusstvo slova i narodnaya smechovaya kultura) [Творчество Франсуа Рабле и народная культура средневековья и Ренессанса. Рабле и Гоголь (Искусство слова и народная смеховая культура)], 2010, 752 pp.
    • Т. 5. Raboty 1940-kh - nachala 1960-kh godov [Работы 1940-х — начала 1960-х годов], 1997, 732 pp.
    • Т. 6. Problemy poetiki Dostoevskogo. Raboty 1960-1970 gg. [Проблемы поэтики Достоевского. Работы 1960—1970 гг.], 2002, 800 pp.
    • T. 7. Raboty 'kruga Bachtina' [Работы «круга Бахтина»]
  • Tetralogiya [Тетралогия], Moscow, 1998.
  • Freidizm. Formalniy metod v literaturovedenii. Marksizm i filosofiya jazyka. Staty [Фрейдизм. Формальный метод в литературоведении. Марксизм и философия языка. Статьи] [1925-30], ed. I.V. Peshkov, comm. V.L. Machlin and I.V. Peshkov, Moscow: Labirint, 2000, PDF, DJVU.
    • Michail Bachtin, Linguaggio e scrittura [1926-30], ed. Augusto Ponzio, trans. Luciano Ponzio, Booklet Milano, 2003, 208 pp. (Italian)
  • Epos i roman. Sbornik [Эпос и роман. Сборник], St Petersburg: Azbuka, 2000, 304 pp.
  • Mijail Bajtín, Yo también soy (Fragmentos sobre el otro), ed., trans., comm. & intro. Tatiana Bubnova, México: Taurus, 2000, 172 pp, PDF. (Spanish)
  • Michail Bachtin e il suo circolo, Opere (1919-1930). Testo russo a fronte, ed. Augusto Ponzio, trans. Luciano Ponzio, Bompiani, 2014, 2132 pp. (Italian)


  • Joan Nordquist, Mikhail Bakhtin, Santa Cruz, CA: Reference and Research Services, 1988, 60 pp.
  • Joan Nordquist, Mikhail Bakhtin II: A Bibliography, Santa Cruz, CA: Reference and Research Services, 1993, 64 pp.
  • G.V. Karpunov, F.V. Makarevich (eds.), Michail Michajlovich Bachtin: bibliograficheskiy ukazatel, Saransk: Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1995, 60 pp.
  • Carol Adlam, David Shepherd (eds.), The Annotated Bakhtin Bibliography, London: Maney Publishing for the Modern Humanities Research Association, 2000.
  • Karine Zbinden, Cross-cultural Transmission of the Works of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Bakhtin Circle, University of Sheffield, 2001. PhD thesis.


  • Besedy s V.D. Duvakinym [Беседы с В. Д. Дувакиным], Moscow: Soglasie, 2002, 398 pp.
    • In dialogo. Conversazioni del 1973 con Viktor Duvakin, ed. Augusto Ponzio, Scientifiche Italiane, 2008. (Italian)
    • The Duvakin Interviews, 1973, Rutgers University Press, 2019, 341 pp, ARG. (English)



  • Dialog.Carnival.Chronotope [Диалог. Карнавал. Хронотоп.], 1992-2001, 2009. (in Russian, English and French)
  • Dialogism: An International Journal of Bakhtin Studies, ed. David Shepherd, University of Sheffield, 1998-2001.
  • Bakhtiniana. Revista de Estudos do Discurso, ed. Beth Brait, São Paulo: LAEL/PUC-SP. [31]

Monographs, journal issues and articles[edit]

  • Julia Kristeva, "Bakhtine, le mot, le dialogue et le roman", Critique 239 (Apr 1967), pp 438-465. (English)
  • Julia Kristeva, "Une poetique ruinee", in Bakhtine, La Poetique de Dostoievsky, Paris, 1970. (French)
    • English trans. in Russian Formalism, eds. Stephen Bann and John E. Bowlt, New York, 1973.
  • Krystyna Pomorska, "Mixail Baxtin and His Verbal Universe", PTL 3:2 (Apr 1978), pp 379-386. (English)
  • Augusto Ponzio, Michail Bachtin. Alle origini della semiotica sovietica, Bari: Dedalo, 1980, 230 pp. (Italian)
  • Tzvetan Todorov, Mikhaïl Bakhtine. Le principe dialogique suivi de Ecrits du Cercle de Bakhtine, Paris: Seuil, 1981, 318 pp. (French)
    • Mikhail Bakhtin: The Dialogical Principle, trans. Wlad God­zich, University of Minnesota Press, 1984. (English)
  • Katerina Clark, Michael Holquist, Mikhail Bakhtin, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1984, 398 pp. (English). Reviews: Perlina (1986), Frank (1986). [32] [33]
    • Mikhail Bakhtin, trans. J. Guinsburg, Sao Paulo: Perspectiva, 2004, 381 pp, Scribd. (Portuguese)
  • Gary Saul Morson (ed.), Bakhtin: Essays and Dialogues on His Work, University of Chicago Press, 1986. (English)
  • David Patterson, Literature And Spirit: Essays on Bakhtin and His Contemporaries, University Press of Kentucky, 1988, 176 pp, ARG. Review: Emerson (MFS 1989). (English)
  • Gary Saul Morson, Caryl Emerson (eds.), Rethinking Bakhtin: Extensions and Challenges, Northwestern University Press, 1989. (English)
  • Ken Hirschkop, David Shepherd (eds.), Bakhtin and Cultural Theory, Manchester University Press, 1989; 2nd ed., rev. & exp., 2001, ARG.
  • Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz (ed.), The Bakhtin Circle Today, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989, 229 pp. Conference proceedings. (English)
  • Robert Stam, Subversive Pleasures: Bakhtin, Cultural Criticism, and Film, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. (English)
  • Michael Holquist, Dialogism: Bakhtin and His World, 1990, EPUB; 2nd ed., Routledge, 2002, ARG, PDF. (English)
  • Clive Thomson (ed.), Mikhail Bakhtin and the Epistemology of Discourse, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990. (English)
  • David Danow, The Thought of Mikhail Bakhtin: from Word to Culture, London: Macmillan, 1991. (English)
  • Emil Volek (ed.), Antología del formalismo ruso y el grupo de Bajtin. Vol. I: Polemica, historia y teoria literaria, intro. & notes Emil Volek, Madrid: Fundamentos, 1992, 278 pp. (Spanish)
  • Augusto Ponzio, Tra semiotica e letteratura. Introduzione a Michail Bachtin, Milan: Bompiani, 1992, 232 pp; 2nd ed., 2003, 232 pp. (Italian)
  • Michael Gardiner, The Dialogics of Critique: M.M. Bakhtin and the Theory of Ideology, Routledge, 1992, ARG. (English)
  • S.S. Konkin, L.S. Konkina, Michail Bachtin: stranitsy zhizni i tvorchestva, Saransk: Mordovskoye knizhnoje izdatelstvo, 1993, 397 pp.
  • David Shepherd (ed.), Bakhtin: Carnival and Other Subjects: Selected Proceedings of the Fifth International Bakhtin Conference, University of Manchester, July 1991, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993. (English)
  • Matthias Freise, Michail Bachtins philosophische Ästhetik der Literatur, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1993. (German)
  • Karen Hohne, Helen Wussow, A Dialogue of Voices: Feminist Literary Theory and Bakhtin, University of Minnesota Press, 1994, PDF. (English)
  • R.I. Aleksandrova, Nravstvennaya filosofiya i tvorcheskoje naslediye M.M. Bachtina, Saransk: Izdatelstvo Mordovskogo universiteta, 1995, 171 pp.
  • Sue Vice, Introducing Bakhtin, Manchester University Press, 1997. (English) [34]
  • Caryl Emerson, The First Hundred Years of M.Bachtin, Princeton University Press, 1997, 293 pp. (English)
  • Emil Volek (ed.), Antología del formalismo ruso y el grupo de Bajtin, Vol. II: Semiótica del discurso y posformalismo bajtiano, Madrid: Fundamentos, 1995, 282 pp. (Spanish)
  • T.G. Jurchenko (ed.), M.M. Bachtin v zerkale kritiki: sbornik, Moscow: INION RAN, 1995, 191 pp.
  • Clive Thomson, Hans Raj Dua (eds.), Dialogism and Cultural Criticism, Mestengo Press, 1995. (English)
  • Je. A. Bogatyreva, Dramy dialogizma: M.M. Bachtin i khudozhestvennaya kultura XX veka, Moscow: Shkola Kulturnoy Politiki, 1996, 135 pp.
  • Amy Mandelker (ed.), Bakhtin in Contexts: Across the Disciplines, Northwestern University Press, 1996. (English)
  • Frank Farmer (ed.), Landmark Essays on Bakhtin, Rhetoric, and Writing, London: Erlbaum-Hermagoras Press, 1997, PDF. (English)
  • Carol Adlam, Rachel Falconer, Vitalii Makhlin, Alastair Renfrew (eds.), Face to Face: Bakhtin in Russia and the West, Sheffield University Press, 1997. (English)
  • Augusto Ponzio, La rivoluzione bachtiniana. Il pensiero di Bachtin e l’ideologia withtemporanea, Bari: Levante, 1997, 358 pp. (Italian)
    • La revolución bajtiniana. El pensamiento de Bajtin y la ideologia withtempoanea, Madrid: Catedra, 1998. (Spanish)
    • A revolução bakhtiniana, São Paulo: Contexto, 2008, 320 pp. (Portuguese)
  • Michael Mayerfeld Bell, Michael Gardiner (eds.), Bakhtin and the Human Sciences: No Last Words, Sage, 1998, 235 pp, PDF. (English)
  • David Shepherd (ed.), The Contexts of Bakhtin: Philosophy, Authorship, Aesthetics, Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1998. (English)
  • South Atlantic Quarterly 97(3/4): "Bakhtin/“Bakhtin”: Studies in the Archive and Beyond", ed. Peter Hitchcock, Duke University Press, 1998, 512 pp. (English) [35] [36]
  • Mika Lähteenmäki, Hannele Dufva (eds.), Dialogues on Bakhtin: Interdisciplinary Readings, University of Jyväskylä, 1998, PDF. (English)
  • Ken Hirschkop, Mikhail Bakhtin: An Aesthetic for Democracy, Oxford University Press, 1999, ARG. (English)
  • T.V. Shitsova (Т.В. Щитцова), Ponyatie sobytiya i filosofskoe obosnovanie gumanitarnykh nauk u Bachtina [Понятие события и философское обоснование гуманитарных наук у Бахтина], Virtus, 2000, 120 pp, PDF.
  • Bucknell Review 43(2): "Bakhtin and the Nation", ed. San Diego Bakthin Circle, Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2000, 194 pp, PDF. (English)
  • Craig Brandist, Galin Tihanov (eds.), Materializing Bakhtin: The Bakhtin Circle and Social Theory, Palgrave Macmillan, 2000, ARG, PDF. (English)
  • Peter Good, Language For Those Who Have Nothing - Mikhail Bakhtin and the Landscape of Psychiatry, Springer, 2000, PDF. (English)
  • Peter I. Barta, Paul Allen Miller, Charles Platter, David Shepherd (eds.), Carnivalizing Difference: Bakhtin and the Other, Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2001, ARG. Review: Templeton (2002). (English)
  • K.G. Isupov (ed.), M.M. Bachtin. Pro et contra, t. 1: lichnost i tvorchestvo M.M. Bachtina v otsenke russkoy i mirovoy gumanitarnoy mysli: antologiya; t. 2: tvorchestvo i nasledie M.M. Bachtina v kontekste mirovoy kultury: antologiya, St Peterburg: Izdatelstvo Russkogo Christianskogo gumanitarnogo instituta, 2001-02, 551 & 711 pp, Scribd/1.
  • Craig Brandist, The Bakhtin Circle: Philosophy, Culture and Politics, Pluto Press, 2002, ARG, PDF. (English)
  • Boguslaw Zylko (ed.), Bakhtin and his Intellectual Ambience, Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, 2002. (English)
Michael E. Gardiner (ed.), Mikhail Bakhtin, 4 vols., 2003, ARG/1, ARG/2, ARG/3, ARG/4.
  • Michael E. Gardiner (ed.), Mikhail Bakhtin, 4 vols., Sage, 2003, ARG/1, ARG/2, ARG/3, ARG/4. (English)
  • Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 28(2-3): "Four Bakhtinian Perspectives", 2003. (English)
  • Finn Bostad, Craig Brandist, Lars Sigfred Evensen, Hege Charlotte Faber (eds.), Bakhtinian Perspectives on Language and Culture: Meaning in Language, Art and New Media, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, ARG, PDF. (English)
  • Craig Brandist, David Shepherd, Galin Tihanov (eds.), The Bakhtin Circle: In the Master's Absence, Manchester University Press, 2004, 285 pp, ARG. (English)
  • James P. Zappen, The Rebirth of Dialogue: Bakhtin, Socrates, and the Rhetorical Tradition, SUNY Press, 2004, PDF. (English)
  • Joan Kelly Hall, Gergana Vitanova, Ludmila A. Marchenkova (eds.), Dialogue with Bakhtin on Second and Foreign Language Learning: New Perspectives, Routledge, 2004, PDF. (English)
  • V.M. Alpatov, Voloshinov, Bachtin i lingvistika, Moscow: Jazyki slavyanskich kultur, 2005, 432 pp.
  • Beth Brait (ed.), Bakhtin: conceitos-chave, São Paulo: Contexto, 2005, PDF; 5th ed., 2012. (Portuguese)
  • Beth Brait (ed.), Bakhtin: outros conceitos-chave, São Paulo: Contexto, 2006; 2nd ed., 2012. (Portuguese)
  • Irina Wutsdorff, Bachtin und der Prager Strukturalismus. Modelle poetischer Offenheit am Beispiel der tschechischen Avantgarde, Munich: Fink, 2006, 256 pp. (German). Review: Strebel (2007).
  • Roland Boer (еd.), Bakhtin and Genre Theory in Biblical Studies, Atlanta/Leiden: Society of Biblical Literature/Brill, 2007, PDF. (English)
  • Graham Pechey, Mikhail Bakhtin: The Word in the World, London: Routledge, 2007, 238 pp, ARG, PDF, Scribd. (English)
  • Deborah J. Haynes, Bakhtin and the Visual Arts, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 240 pp. (English)
  • Tim Beasley-Murray, Mikhail Bakhtin and Walter Benjamin: Experience and Form, Macmillan, 2008, PDF. (English)
  • Beth Brait (ed.), Bakhtin: dialogismo e polifonia, São Paulo: Contexto, 2009, 251 pp. (Portuguese)
  • Beth Brait (ed.), Bakhtin e o Círculo, São Paulo: Contexto, 2009, 207 pp. (Portuguese)
  • Wolfram Eilenberger, Das Werden des Menschen im Wort. Eine Studie zur Kulturphilosophie Michail M. Bachtins, Zürich: Chronos, 2009. Based on 2008 dissertation. (German)
  • John Thobo-Carlsen, Inter-lektualitet: læsningens semiotik og etik, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2009, 222 pp. (Danish)
  • N.A. Pankov (Н.А. Паньков), Voprosy biografii i nauchnogo tvorchestva M.M. Bachtina [Вопросы биографии и научного творчества М.М. Бахтина], MGU, 2009, 721 pp.
  • Natalia Avtonomova (Н.С. Автономова), Otkrytaya struktura: Jakobson — Bakhtin — Lotman — Gasparov [Открытая структура: Якобсон—Бахтин—Лотман—Гаспаров], Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2009, 503 pp, DJVU.
  • V.L. Machlin (ed.), Michail Michajlovich Bachtin, Moscow: ROSSPÈN, 2010, 447 pp.
  • Sylvia Sasse, Michail Bachtin zur Einführung, Hamburg: Junius, 2010. (German)
  • Maja Soboleva, Die Philosophie Michail Bachtins. Von der existentiellen Ontologie zur dialogischen Vernunft, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2010. (German)
  • Bemong, Borghart, Dobbeleer, Demoen, Temmerman, Keunen (eds.), Bakhtin's Theory of the Literary Chronotope: Reflections, Applications, Perspectives, Gent: Academia Press, 2010, 213 pp, [37]. (English)
  • N.D. Tamarchenko (Н.Д. Тамарченко), "Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva" M.M. Bachtina i russkaya filosofsko-filologicheskaya traditsiya ["Эстетика словесного творчества" М. М. Бахтина и русская философско-филологическая традиция], Moscow: Kulaginoy, 2011, 400 pp.
  • Jean-Paul Bronckart, Cristian Bota, Bakhtine démasqué. Histoire d'un menteur, d'une escroquerie et d'un délire collectif, Paris: Droz, 2011. (French) [38]
    • Bakhtin desmascarado: história de um mentiroso, de uma fraude, de um delírio coletivo, São Paulo: Parábola, 2012. (Portuguese)
    • Bajtín desenmascarado. Historia de un mentiroso, una estafa y un delírio colectivo, Madrid: Machado, 2013. (Spanish)
    • Unmasking Bakhtin: The story of the lie that took over the humanities, Geneva: Droz, 2019 (English)
  • Mykola Polyuha, Clive Thomson, Anthony Wall (eds.), Dialogues with Bakhtinian Theory. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Mikhaïl Bakhtin International Conference, London (ON), Mestengo Press, 2012, 437 pp. (English)
  • Alexandre Dessingué, Le polyphonisme du roman: lecture bakhtinienne de Simenon, Brussels: Peter Lang, 2012, 247 pp. (French)
  • Luis Alberto Brandão (ed.), Respostas a Bakhtin, Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2012, Scribd. (Portuguese)
  • Hilary B.P. Bagshaw, Religion in the Thought of Mikhail Bakhtin: Reason and Faith, Ashgate, 2013, 158 pp. (English)
  • Liisa Steinby, Tintti Klapuri (eds.), Bakhtin and his Others: (Inter)subjectivity, Chronotope, Dialogism, Anthem Press, 2013. (English)
  • Deborah J. Haynes, Bakhtin Reframed: Interpreting Key Thinkers for the Arts, I.B. Tauris, 2013, ARG. (English)
  • Baltic Worlds 10(1-2): "Bakhtin Theory: The Postcolonial and Postsocialist Perspective", eds. Yulia Gradskova and Paromita Chakrabarti, 2017, pp 46-90. (English)
    • Paromita Chakrabarti, Yulia Gradskova, "A Discussion on the Bakhtin Circle", pp 48-56, PDF.
  • Slavic and Eastern European Journal 61(2): "The Dark and Radiant Bakhtin: Wartime Notes", eds. Irina M. Denischenko and Alexander Spektor, 2017, pp 188-310. [39] [40] (English)
Biographies and chronologies
  • Michael Holquist, "Introduction, II", in Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays, ed. Michael Holquist, University of Texas Press, 1981, pp xxi-xxvi. (English)
  • Katerina Clark, Michael Holquist, Mikhail Bakhtin, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1984, 398 pp. (English). The standard biography; esp. chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 12, and 15 deal with his life. [41]
    • Mikhail Bakhtin, trans. J. Guinsburg, Sao Paulo: Perspectiva, 2004, 381 pp, Scribd. (Portuguese)
  • Craig Brandist, "Biographical sketch", in Brandist, The Bakhtin Circle: Philosophy, Culture and Politics, Pluto Press, 2002, pp 5-11. See also [42]. (English)
  • Michael E. Gardiner, in "Editor's Introduction", Mikhail Bakhtin, Vol. 1, ed. Gardiner, Sage, 2003, pp xv-xxvi. (English)
  • "The Bakhtin Circle: a timeline", in The Bakhtin Circle: In the Master's Absence, eds. Brandist, Shepherd and Tihanov, Manchester University Press, 2004, pp 251-275. (English)

Documentary films[edit]

  • Michail Bachtin: chelovek iz "Bolshogo vremeni" [Михаил Бахтин: человек из "Большого времени"], dir. Irina Fedorenko (Ирина Федоренко), 26 min, 2009. [43]
