George Kubler

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The Shape of Time, 1962, Log, PDF.

George Alexander Kubler (26 July 1912 - 3 October 1996) was an American art historian and among the foremost scholars on the art of Pre-Columbian America and Ibero-American Art.


  • The Shape of Time: Remarks on the History of Things, Yale University Press, 1962, xii+136 pp; new ed., rev., Yale University Press, 2008, x+134 pp. (English)
    • Kształt czasu: uwagi o historii rzeczy, trans. Jacek Hołówka, Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1970, 197 pp. (Polish)
    • Formes du temps: remarques sur l'histoire des choses, trans. Yana Kornel and Carole Naggar, Paris: Champ libre, 1973, 185 pp. (French)
    • La configuración del tiempo, trans. Jorge Lujan Muñoz, Madrid: A. Corazón, 1975, 162 pp; new ed., exp., as La configuración del tiempo: observaciones sobre la historia de las cosas, intro. Thomas F Reese, trans. Jorge Luján Muñoz, Madrid: Nerea, 1988, 219 pp. (Spanish)
    • La forma del tempo: considerazioni sulla storia delle cose, intro. Giovanni Previtali, trans. Giuseppe Casatello, Torino: Einaudi, 1976, 182 pp. (Italian)
    • Die Form der Zeit. Anmerkungen zur Geschichte der Dinge, intro. Gottfried Boehm, trans. Bettina Blumenberg, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1982, 224 pp. (German)
    • A forma do tempo: observações sobre a história dos objectos, Lisbon: Vega, 1990, 182 pp. (Portuguese)
    • Az idő formája: megjegyzések a tárgyak történetéről, trans. Peter Szilágyi and Andrea Jávor, Budapest: Gondolat, 1992, 225 pp. (Hungarian)
    • Tvar času. Poznámky k dějinám věcí, intro. Milena Bartlová, trans. Tereza Pálková and Rostislav Švácha, Prague: PositiF, 2018, 192 pp. Introduction. [1] (Czech)

