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In 1990 in Apatin, Zoran Pantelić and Rastislav Škulec co-founded Apsolutno Skulpturalno art group. Pantelić and Škulec created a number of artworks together but their key focus remained in the individual artistic practices.

In 1993 in Novi Sad, Apsolutno Skulpturalno is renamed to association Apsolutno. At this point, the notion of association born only a formal character as its shifting members continued with their individual artistic practices. The membership in the association was identified through the prefix "Apsolutno" in artists' signatures, e.g. Apsolutno Dragan Rakić.

In 1995 in Vienna, Dragan Miletic, Zoran Pantelić, Bojana Petrić, and Dragan Rakić (1957-2009) transformed the association and collectively decided to produce, sign and exhibit the works collaboratively as association Apsolutno, without any reference to personal names. As such, association Apsolutno dealt with media pluralism and interdisciplinary art work that has been shown in different venues worldwide. The key phase in the association's artistic opus was between 1995 and 2000, manifested through project 1995:2000.

See also