Manfredo Tafuri

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Manfredo Tafuri (Rome, 1935 – Venice, 1994) was an Italian architect, historian, theoretician, critic and academic. He was one of the most important architectural historian of the second half of the 20th century.



Theories and History of Architecture [1968], 1976.
Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist Development [1973], 1976, PDF.
The Sphere and the Labyrinth: Avant-Gardes and Architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s [1980], 1987, PDF.
  • L'architettura moderna in Giappone, Bologna: Cappelli, 1964, 174 pp. (Italian)
  • Ludovico Quaroni e lo sviluppo dell'architettura moderna in Italia, Milan: Comunità, 1964, 212 pp. (Italian)
  • Teorie e storia dell'architettura, Bari: Laterza, 1968, 358 pp; 2nd ed., 1970; 3rd ed., 1973; 4th ed., 1976; 5th ed., 1980; 1986; 1988. (Italian)
    • Teoría e historia de la arquitectura: hacia una nueva concepción del espacio arquitectónico, Barcelona: Laia, 1970, 287+83 pp; 2nd ed., 1977; Madrid: Celeste, 1997, 393 pp. (Spanish)
    • Theories and History of Architecture, trans. G. Verrecchia, London: Granada, 1976, 324 pp; New York: Harper & Row, 1976; 1980. Of 4th ed. Ch 4: "Operative Criticism". (English)
    • Théories et histoire de l'architecture, trans. Jean-Patrick Fortin and François Laisney, afterw. Hubert Damisch, Paris: SADG, 1976, xiii+397 pp. Of 4th ed. (French)
    • Teorias e história da arquitectura, trans. Ana de Brito and Luis Leitão, Lisbon: Presença, 1979, 275 pp; São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1979, 275 pp; 2nd ed., 1988. (Portuguese)
  • Il concorso per i nuovi uffici della Camera dei deputati: un bilancio dell'architettura italiana, Rome: Edizioni universitarie italiane, 1968, 147 pp. (Italian)
  • Jacopo Sansovino e l'architettura del '500 a Venezia, Padova: Marsilio, 1969, 166 pp; new ed., 1972. (Italian)
  • L'architettura dell'Umanesimo, Bari: Laterza, 1969, 402 pp; 2nd ed., 1972; 3rd ed., 1976; 4th ed., 1980. (Italian)
    • La arquitectura del humanismo, trans. Víctor Pérez Escolano, Madrid: Xarait, 1978, 141 pp; 1982. (Spanish)
    • Architecture et humanisme: de la Renaissance aux réformes, trans. H. Berghauer and Odile Seyler, pref. & ed. Henri Reymond, Paris: Dunod, 1981, 207 pp; 1986. (French)
  • with A. Asor Rosa, B. Cassetti, G. Ciucci, F. Dal Co, M. De Michelis, R. Di Leo, K. Junghanns[sic], G. Oorthuys, V. Procházka, and H. Schmidt, Socialismo, città, architettura, URSS 1917-1937. Il contributo degli architetti europei, Rome: Officina, 1971, 342 pp; 2nd ed., 1972; 3rd ed., 1976. With Tafuri's "Il socialismo realizzato e la crisi delle avanguardie". (Italian)
  • with Massimo Cacciari and Francesco Dal Co, De la vanguardia a la metropoli: critica radical a la arquitectura, Barcelona: Gili, 1972, 205 pp. (Spanish)
  • with J.L. Cohen, M. de Michelis, et al., URSS 1917-1978: la ville, l'architecture / URSS 1917-1978: la città, l'architettura, Rome: Officina & Paris: L'Equerre, 1973, 371 pp. (French)/(Italian) For the exhibition L'Espace urbain en URSS, 1917-1978, Centre de création industrielle - CNAC Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1978.
  • Progetto e utopia: architettura e sviluppo capitalistico, Bari: Laterza & Figli, 1973, 174 pp. (Italian) Retraces the development of architecture from the late 18th C to the early 1970s, he concludes by discounting any possibility of utopia for the architecture of the era of late capitalism. Expanded from his essay "Per una critica dell'ideologia architettonica" (1969; EN: "Toward a Critique of Architectural Ideology", 1998).
    • "Para una crítica de la ideología arquitectónica", in Tafuri, Cacciari, Dal Co, De la vanguardia a la metropolis. Crítica radical a la arquitectura, Barcelona: Gili, 1972, pp 13-78. (Spanish) Published in conjunction with the 1972 Seminar on Urbanism II at ETS de Arquitectura, Barcelona.
    • Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist Development, trans. Barbara Luigia La Penta, MIT Press, 1976, xi+184 pp. (English) Review: Puglisi (2013).
    • Kapitalismus und Architektur. Von Corbusier's 'Utopia' zur Trabantenstadt, trans. Thomas Bandholtz, Nikolaus Kuhnert and Juan Rodriguez-Lores, Hamburg and West Berlin: VSA, 1977. (German)
    • Ontwerp en utopie: Architektuur en Ontwikkeling van het Kapitalisme, trans. Umberto S. Barbieri, Cees Boekraad, et al., Nijmegen: Socialistiese Uitgeverij, 1978. (Dutch)
    • Projet et utopie. De l'avant-garde à la métropole, trans. Françoise Brun, ed. Ligia Ravé-Emy, Paris: Dunod, 1979. (French)
    • Projecto e utopia: arquitectura e desenvolvimento do capitalismo, trans. C. Jardim and E. Nogueira, Lisbon, 1985. (Portuguese)
    • Projekt in utopija, ed. & trans. Janko Zlodre, Ljubljana: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS, 1985. (Slovenian)
  • with Giorgio Ciucci, Francesco Dal Co, and Mario Manieri-Elia, La Città americana: dalla guerra civile al New Deal, Bari: Laterza, 1973, xii+569 pp. (Italian)
    • The American City: From the Civil War to the New Deal, trans. Barbara Luigia La Penta, London: Granada, 1973, xiv+563 pp; MIT Press, 1973, xiv+563 pp; 1979. (English)
  • with Francesco Dal Co, Architettura contemporanea, Milan: Electa, 1976, 459 pp; 1979; 1988; 1992; 1998; 2000; 2003. (Italian)
    • Modern Architecture, 2 vols., trans. Robert Erich Wolf, New York: Electa/Rizzoli, 1976; London: Academy Editions, 1976; New York: H.N. Abrams, 1979, 448 pp; London: Faber, 1980; London: Faber, 1986; New York: Electa/Rizzoli, 1986. (English) Review: Curtis (JSAH 1981).
    • Architektur der Gegenwart, trans. Giorgio Bordin and Roland Tschrepp, Stuttgart: Belser, 1977, 455 pp. (German)
    • Arquitectura contemporánea, trans. Luis Escolar Bareño, Madrid: Aguilar, 1978, 461 pp; 1980; Buenos Aires: Viscontea, 1982; Madrid: Aguilar, 1989. (Spanish)
  • La sfera e il labirinto: Avanguardie e architettura da Piranesi agli anni '70, Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 1980, xxii+386 pp; 1988. (Italian)
  • Vienna rossa: la politica residenziale nella Vienna socialista, 1919-1933, Milan: Electa, 1980, 289 pp; new ed., 1995, 343 pp. (Italian)
  • Venezia e il Rinascimento: religione, scienza, architettura, Torino: Einaudi, 1985, xxi+313 pp; 1986; 1990; 1998. (Italian)
    • Venice and the Renaissance, trans. Jessica Levine, MIT Press, 1989, xi+296 pp; 1995. (English) Review: Romano (JMH 1991).
  • Storia dell'architettura italiana 1944-1985, Torino: Einaudi, 1986, xxi+268 pp; 1992; 1994; 1996; 1997; 2002; 2005. (Italian) Commentary: Leach (2002).
    • History of Italian Architecture: 1944-1985, trans. Jessica Levine, MIT Press, 1988, ix+269 pp; 1990. (English)
  • Ricerca del Rinascimento: principi, città, architetti, Torino: Einaudi: 1992, xxii+384 pp; 1993; 1994. (Italian)
    • Sobre el renacimiento: principios, ciudades, arquitectos, trans. Antonio Bonet Correa, Madrid: Cátedra, 1995, 316+64 pp. (Spanish)
    • Interpreting the Renaissance: Princes, Cities, Architects, trans. & pref. Daniel Sherer, foreword K. Michael Hays, Yale University Press/Harvard GSD Publications, 2006, xxxi+408 pp. [1] (English) Reviews: Leach (ATR 2006), Pellecchia (RQ 2007), Hermans (CAA 2007), Morman (Historian 2008).


  • "Le strutture del linguaggio nella storia dell’architettura moderna", in Teoria della progettazione architettonica, ed. A. Locatelli, Bari, 1968, pp 12-30. (Italian)
  • "Per una critica dell'ideologia architettonica", Contropiano 2 (1970), pp 241ff. (Italian)
  • "Lavoro intellectuale e sviluppo capitalistico", Contropiano2 (1970). (Italian)
  • "Social-democrazia e città nella Repubblica di Weimar", Contropiano 1 (1971), pp 207-223. (Italian)
  • "Austro-Marxismo e città. 'Das Rote Wien'", Contropiano 2 (1971), pp 257-311. Later enlarged as the introduction to Vienna rossa (1980). (Italian)
  • "L'Architecture dans le Boudoir: The Language of Criticism and the Criticism of Language", trans. Victor Caliandro, Oppositions 3 (1974), pp 37-62; repr. in Architecture Theory Since 1968, ed. K. Michael Hays, MIT Press, 1998, pp 148-173. (English)
  • "Ceci n'est pas une ville", Lotus 13 (1976), pp 10-13. (Italian)/(English)
  • "'European Graffiti' Five x Five = Twenty-five", trans. Victor Caliandro, Oppositions 5 (1976), pp 35-73. (English)



  • Luisa Passerini, "History as Project: An Interview with Manfredo Tafuri", trans. Denise L. Bratton, ANY 25-26, New York, pp 10-70. Conducted Feb-Mar 1992 in Rome.
  • Françoise Very, AMC: Architecture mouvement continuité 39 (Jun 1976), pp 64-68.
  • Omar Calabrese, La tecnica delle avanguardie, Casabella 463-464 (Nov-Dec 1980), pp 98-101. (Italian)
  • "Manfredo Tafuri Interview", trans. Amanda Pearce, Transitions 2:3/4 (Sep/Dec 1981), pp 7-12. (English)
  • Fulvio Irace, Domus 653 (Sep 1984), pp 26-28.
  • Richard Ingersoll, Design Book Review 9 (Spring 1986), pp 8-11.
  • Giacinto Di Petrantionio, Flash Art 145 (Mar-Apr 1989), pp 67-71.
  • Ana Luiza Nobre, "Entrevista Manfredo Tafuri", au: arquitetura urbanismo 9:48 (Jun-Jul 1993), pp 66-68. (Brazilian Portuguese)



  • Marco Biraghi, Progetto di crisi. Manfredo Tafuri e l'architettura contemporanea, Milan: Christian Marinotti, 2005. (Italian)
  • Andrew Leach, Manfredo Tafuri: Choosing History, Ghent, Belgium: A&S Books, 2007, 250 pp. (English) Review: Hermans (CAA 2007), Hartoonian (ATR 2007).

Special journal issues[edit]

  • Casabella 619-620: "Il progetto storico di Manfredo Tafuri / The Historical Project of Manfredo Tafuri", ed. Vittorio Gregotti, Milan, 1995. (Italian)/(English)
  • ANY (Architecture New York) 25-26: "Being Manfredo Tafuri", ed. Ignasi de Solà-Morales, New York, Feb 2000. [2] (English)


Book chapters, papers, articles, theses[edit]
