Emese Kürti
Emese Kürti is an art historian, art critic and researcher based in Budapest. Between 2009 and 2015 she worked for the Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art. From 2015 to September 2018 she was the head of acb ResearchLab in Budapest, conducting researches on the experimental art of the Cold War period. Currently she is a Visiting Professor at the Central European University and affiliated with Artpool Art Research Center in Budapest. She holds a PhD in Film, Media and Contemporary Culture at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (2015). Her dissertation suggests a new interpretation for the emerging neo-avant-garde practices based on experimental music in Hungary. She is the author for several essays related to neo-avant-garde culture and contemporary art. Her current research focuses on the experimental art of the 1960s and 1970s, and the poetical aspects of the actionism with a transregional approach. Her recent publications include Screaming Hole. Poetry, Sound and Action as Intermedia Practice in the Work of Katalin Ladik (2017) and Glissando és húrtépés. Kortárs zene és neoavantgárd művészet az underground magánterekben 1958-1970 [Glissando and Plucking Strings: Contemporary Music and the Neo-avantgarde in the Underground Spaces, 1958-1970] (L'Harmattan, 2018). (2019)
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