Andrey Smirnov
Andrey Smirnov (1956) is an interdisciplinary artist, independent curator, collector, writer based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Since 2023 he is an expert at MOMus (Thessaloniki, Greece). He is the founder of the Theremin Center, the head of the Rodchenko Sound Lab and a lecturer at the Rodchenko Art School in Moscow. He teaches courses on the history and aesthetics of electroacoustic music, sound design and composition, new musical interfaces and physical computing. He has conducted numerous workshops and master classes in the U.S., Europe and Russia and participated in various festivals and conferences. His collection of the historical documents and early electronic musical instruments has been combined with extensive research into the history of music technology with broad experience in composition, interactive performance and curatorial activities. He is the author of the monographs Sound In Z: Experiments In Sound and Electronic Music in Early 20th Century Russia (Walther Koenig & Sound and Music, London, 2013) and V poiskakh poteryannogo zvuka. Eksperimental'naya zvukovaya kul'tura Rossii i SSSR pervoy poloviny KHKH veka [In Search of Lost Sound. Experimental Sound Culture in Russia and the USSR in the First Half of the Twentieth Century] (Moscow, GARAGE, 2020) (The Book of the Year Award at Innovation 2021, Moscow). (2024)
- with Liubov Pchelkina, Pokolenie Z [ПОКОЛЕНИЕ Z], St. Petersburg: PRO ARTE Foundation, 2010, 20 pp. Booklet-newspaper of the Generation Z exhibition. (Russian)
- Pokolenie Z [ПОКОЛЕНИЕ Z], Moscow: Polytechnic Museum, 2011, 20 pp. Booklet-newspaper of the Generation Z exhibition. (Russian)
- Generation Z: Russian Pioneers of Sound Art and Musical Technology in 1910-1930, Budapest: OSA Archivum, 2011, 20 pp. Booklet-newspaper of the Generation Z exhibition. (English)/(Hungarian)
- Sound in Z: Experiments in Sound and Electronic Music in Early 20th-century Russia, London: Koenig Books, with London: Sound and Music, 2013, 281 pp. (English)
- V poiskakh poteryannogo zvuka. Eksperimental'naya zvukovaya kul'tura Rossii i SSSR pervoy poloviny KHKH veka [В поисках потерянного звука. Экспериментальная звуковая культура России и СССР первой половины ХХ века; In Search of Lost Sound. Experimental Sound Culture in Russia and the USSR in the First Half of the Twentieth Century], Moscow: Garage, 2020, 295 pp. (Russian)