Pavlína Morganová

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Pavlína Morganová works at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague since 1997, since 2013 as the head of its Academic Research Centre (VVP AVU). From 2014 to 2016 she was Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, and from 2017 to 2022 she was Vice-Rector for Art, Research and Development. She lectures on the history of Czech art of the 20th century.

In recent years, Pavlína Morganová has conducted extensive research into the history of exhibitions, resulting in the book Pavlína Morganová - Terezie Nekvindová - Dagmar Svatošová, Výstava jako médium. České umění 1957-1999 (VVP AVU 2020). She is the author of the following books: Procházka akční Prahou. Akce, performance, happeningy 1939-1989 (VVP AVU 2014), Czech Action Art: Happenings, Actions, Events, Land Art, Body Art and Performance Art Behind the Iron Curtain (Karolinum Press 2014), Action Art (Votobia, 1999, 2nd edition Nakladatelství J. Vacl, 2010); co-editor of the anthologies České umění 1939-1989. Programy, kritické texty, dokumenty (Academia, 2001) and České umění 1980-2010. Texty a dokumenty (VVP AVU, 2012). She has published numerous articles in journals and for exhibitions, e.g. Jiří Kovanda. I Haven't Been Here Yet (Wrocław Contemporary Museum, The Brno House of Arts, 2013), Islands of Resistance: Between the First and Second Modernities 1985-2012 (National Gallery in Prague, 2011), Fluxus East (Künstler-haus Bethanien, Berlin 2007), Action, Word, Movement, Space (GHMP 1999).

She has curated exhibitions such as Někdy v sukni. Umění 90. let (In a Skirt - Sometimes: Art of the 1990s) (Moravian Gallery in Brno and GHMP 2014), Začátek století (Západočeská galerie v Plzni 2012, Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava 2013), Insiders. Nenápadná generace 2. pol. 90. let (Dům umění města Brna, 2004, Futura, Prague 2005).

She has received numerous professional grants and regularly participates in international conferences and symposia. She is a member of the editorial board of Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones and, since 2018, of the editorial board of ArteActa. In 2014-2017 she was an editor of Artlist and in 2015-2017 she was a member of the jury of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award. (2023)
