Nicole Starosielski

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Assistant Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU Steinhardt. Nicole Starosielski’s research focuses on the global distribution of digital media, and the relationship between technology, society, and the aquatic environment. She is under contract with Duke University Press for a book that will examine the cultural and environmental dimensions of transoceanic cable systems, beginning with the telegraph cables that formed the first global communications network and extending to the fiber-optic infrastructure that carries almost international Internet traffic. Starosielski has recently published essays on how Fiji’s video stores serve as a nexus of digital media access (Media Fields Journal), on Guam’s critical role in transpacific digital exchange (Amerasia), on the cultural imbrications of cable systems in Hawaii and California (Journal of Visual Culture), and a photo essay on undersea cables (Octopus). She recently taught at Miami University (Ohio). She received her Ph.D. from UC-Santa Barbara.