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An overview of encyclopaedias, lexicons, glossaries and other reference works on visual art, architecture, art history, and aesthetics.


This index focuses on recent publications in English, German, French and Italian. See bibliography for more. Each title is hyperlinked to its bibliographic record. The table is sortable by any column.

Code Title (short) Publisher – Main editors of latest ed. First print edition (volumes) Latest revision in print L. Online Articles in latest ed. Scope
ÄGB Ästhetische Grundbegriffe Metzler – Barck 2000-05 (7v) 2000-05 (7v) DE - 170 subject entries on aesthetics
AKL Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon De Gruyter – Meißner 1983ff (90v) 1983ff (90v) DE paid 500,000 biographies of painters, sculptors, graphic designers, architects, designers, photographers, calligraphers, craftsmen; with bibliographies; worldwide; antiquity–present
Artists of the World De Gruyter EN paid 1,700 English-language extension of AKL
Bénézit Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs Gründ – Bénézit 1911-23 (3v) 1999 (14v) FR 175,000 biographies of artists, their auction records, museum holdings, and bibliographies; antiquity–1990s
Benezit Benezit Dictionary of Artists Oxford 2006 (14v) 2010 EN paid (2011ff) 175,000 biographies of artists, their auction records, museum holdings, and bibliographies; antiquity–present
Delarge Dictionnaire des arts plastiques modernes et contemporains Gründ – Delarge 2001 2001 FR paid (2009ff) 35,750 biographies of artists and photographers
EAA Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica Treccani – Bandinelli 1958-97 (17v) 1958-97 (17v) IT free 10,000 ancient art
EAM Enciclopedia dell'Arte Medievale Treccani 1991-2002 (12v) 1991-2002 (12v) IT free 1,759 medieval art
Encyclopedia of Aesthetics Oxford – Kelly 1998 (4v) 2014 (6v) EN paid (1998ff) 815 subject entries on philosophical, historical, sociological, and biographical aspects of art and aesthetics worldwide
Grove Grove Dictionary of Art Oxford – Turner 1996 (34v) 2003 EN paid (1998ff) 45,000 subject entries and biographies on the visual arts; antiquity–present
Larousse Dictionnaire de la peinture Larousse – Laclotte 1979 (2v) 1987 (1v) FR free 3,000 Western art; middle ages–1980s
LexMA Lexikon des Mittelalters LexMA – Bautier 1980-99 (10v) 1980-99 (10v) DE paid 36,000 Byzantine Empire and Arab world; 300–1500
RDK Reallexikon zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte Beck – ZIKG 1937-2015 (10v) 1937-2015 (10v) DE free (partial) (2012ff) subject entries on architecture, fine arts and crafts
Thieme-Becker/ Vollmer Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler Seemann – Thieme, Becker, Vollmer 1907-50 (37v), 1952-62 (6v) 1907-50 (37v), 1952-62 (6v) DE paid 195,409 biographies of artists; West, Asia, Islamic world; antiquity–1950s
LdK Lexikon der Kunst Seemann – Olbrich 1968-78 (5v) 1987-94 (7v) DE
Wörterbuch der Kunst Kröner – Jahn, Lieb 1940 2008 DE 3,200 entries on countries, eras, artists, architects, objects, methods, materials and techniques in the visual arts, architecture and design; stone age–present


Structured by language; languages are ordered by alphabet. Bibliographic entries are followed by a list of digitised versions, short annotation, Wikipedia article, and translations if available.


  • Enciklopedia e Artit Shqiptar, Albanian Academy of Sciences. [1]



  • Pojmovnik ruske avangarde, 9 vols., eds. Alexander Flaker and Dubravka Ugrešić, Zagreb, 1984-93. [2]
  • Šuvaković, Miško, Pojmovnik suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb: Horetzky, and Ghent: Vlees & Beton, 2005, 856 pp, IA. Biographies of artists and subject entries.


  • Toman, Prokop, Slovník československých výtvarných umělců, Prague: Bedřich Kočí, 1927-30; new ed. as Nový slovník československých výtvarných umělců, 2 vols., litographs Max Švabinský, Prague: Rudolf Ryšavý, 1936, 792 pp; 3rd ed., 1947-50; suppl.ed. as Dodatky ke Slovníku československých výtvarných umělců, Prague, 1955, 224 pp; 4th ed., Ostrava: Výtvarné centrum Chagall, 1993; 5th ed., Prague: Ivo Železný, 2000. TOC (1993).
  • Encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění, ed. Emanuel Poche, Prague: Academia, 1975, 611+17 pp.
  • Trojan, Raul, Bohumír Mráz, Malý slovník výtvarného umění, Prague: SPN, 1990, 238 pp; 2nd ed., rev., Prague: Fortuna, 1996, 236 pp.
  • Blažíček, Oldřich J., Jiří Kropáček, Slovník pojmů z dějin umění. Názvosloví a tvarosloví architektury, sochařství, malířství a užitého umění, Prague: Odeon, 1991, 246 pp; 2nd ed., Prague: Aurora, 2013, 480 pp.
  • Nová encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění, 2+1 vols., ed. Anděla Horová, Prague: Academia, 1995, 1103 pp; addendum as Dodatky, 2006, 985 pp. Publisher.
  • Olič, Jiří, Pomocný slovník českých a slovenských výtvarných umělců, Bratislava: F.R. & G., 1995, 178 pp.
  • Baleka, Jan, Výtvarné umění: výkladový slovník, Prague: Academia, 1997, 429 pp. Subject entries on painting, sculpture and graphic arts.
  • Slovník českých a slovenských výtvarných umělců 1950–1997, 4 vols., ed. Zbyšek Malý, Ostrava: Výtvarné centrum Chagall, 1998ff. Up to "J".
  • Kubička, Roman, Jiří Zelinger, Výkladový slovník: malířství, grafika, restaurátorství, Prague: Grada, 2004, 341 pp.
  • Glanc, Tomáš, Jana Kleňhová, Lexikon ruských avantgard 20. století, Prague: Libri, 2005, 375 pp. TOC, [3]. Review: Steiner (SEER 2008 EN).

See also Dlabač.

  • abART, ed. Jiří Hůla, Kostelec nad Černými lesy: Archiv výtvarného umění, 2003ff, online, online (previous version). (Czech)/(English)
  • Lexikon českých výtvarníků, ed. Jozef Sučík, Ostrava: Společnost pro současné umění-SCA, 2004ff, subscription access. Online only. Biographies of artists born after 1900. Publisher.
  • Artlist, Prague: Center for Contemporary Arts Prague, 2006ff, online. (Czech)/(English)


  • Weinwich, Niels Heinrich, Dansk, Norsk, og Svensk kunstnerlexicon, Copenhagen: Andreas Seidelin, 1829, 197 pp.
  • Weilbach. Weilbach, Philip, Dansk Konstnerlexikon, 1878; 2nd ed. as Nyt dansk Kunstnerlexikon, 2 vols., 1897; 3rd ed. as Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon, 3 vols., 1947-52; 4th ed. as Weilbach – Dansk Kunstnerleksikon, 9 vols., ed. Sys Hartmann, 1994-2000; online ed., 1996ff, online. Biographies of Danish artists including painters, architects, sculptors, conservators, stonemasons, engineers, lithographers, engravers, stucco artists and miniaturists; 8,000 entries in 4th ed. The online version combines the entries with Kunstindeks Danmark, also listing Danish state-owned and state-subsidised museum holdings. WP.


Published before 1900[edit]

  • van Mander, Karel, Het schilder-boeck, Haarlem, 1604, DBNL, IA, Google. Inspired by Vasari's Vite of 1568; biographies of 250+ painters. WP-EN.
    • The Lives of the illustrious Netherlandish and German painters, from the first edition of the Schilder-boeck (1603–1604), preceded by the lineage, circumstances and place of birth, life and ..., from the second edition of the Schilder-boeck (1616–1618), trans. Hessel Miedema, Soest: Davaco, 1994-97. (English)
  • de Bie, Cornelis, Het gulden cabinet, Antwerp, 1662, DBNL, ANET, Google. Written at the instigation of Meyssens. WP-EN.
  • Schouburg. Houbraken, Arnold, De groote schouburgh der Nederlantsche konstschilders en schilderessen, 3 vols., 1718-21, DBNL, IA/1, IA/2, IA/3. A series of artist biographies with engraved portraits; published as a sequel to the Schilder-boeck. WP-EN.
  • Weyerman, Jacob Campo, De levens-beschryvingen der Nederlandsche konst-schilders en konst-schilderessen, 4 vols., 1729-69, IA/1, IA/2, IA/3, IA/4, Google. Artist biographies with engraved portraits; a sequel to Schouburgh. WP-EN.



Published before 1900[edit]


  • OCA. The Oxford Companion to Art, ed. Harold Osborne, Oxford University Press, 1970.
  • The Oxford Companion to Decorative Arts, ed. Harold Osborne, Oxford University Press, 1975.
  • OC20CA. The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Art, ed. Harold Osborne, Oxford University Press, 1981.
  • ODA. The Oxford Dictionary of Art, eds. Ian Chilvers and Harold Osborne, consultant ed. Dennis Farr, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1988, 548 pp; 3rd ed., ed. Ian Chilvers, OUP, 2004, xlvi+816 pp; 4th ed. as The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists, OUP, 2009, xxv+694 pp, subscription access; 5th ed., OUP, 2015, subscription access. First edition is a revised and updated version of Osborne's Oxford companions OCA (1970), OCDA (1975) and OC20CA (1981); focuses on Western painting, sculpture, the graphic arts and design from the 5th century BCE to the present day; architecture is omitted; "oriental art is included only in so far as it has had an influence on Western art"; 3,000 entries include biographies of artists and articles on techniques, groups, styles, movements, historians, patrons, dealers, collectors, museums, and galleries; intended for the layman, art students and teachers. Third ed. contains 3,500 entries; fourth ed. 2,500 entries.
    • Spanish trans., Diccionario d'Art Oxford, ed. Juan-Ramón Triadó, Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1996, viii+899 pp. (Spanish)
    • Portuguese trans., Dicionário oxford de arte, trans. Marcelo Brandão Cipolla, São Paulo: M. Fontes, 2001, 584 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
    • Polish trans., Oksfordzki leksykon sztuki, ed. Hanna Kubaszewska, Warsaw: Arkady, 2002, 722 pp. (Polish)
    • Italian trans., Dizionario dell'arte, Milan: Baldini Castoldi Dalai, 2008, 976 pp. (Italian)
  • CODA The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists, ed. Ian Chilvers, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1990, 517 pp; 2nd ed., 1996. First edition is a revised, updated, and condensed version of ODA (1988); focuses on "Western and Western-inspired painting, sculpture, and graphic art" from the 5th century BCE to the present day; architecture, "oriental art" and book-printing are omitted; 2,000+ entries include biographies of artists and articles on techniques, groups, styles, movements, writers, patrons, dealers, collectors, museums, and galleries.
    • Spanish trans, Diccionario de arte, ed. Adolfo Gómez Cedillo, Madrid: Alianza, 1995, 1040 pp. (Spanish)
    • Greek trans., Lexiko technēs kai kallitechnōn [Λεξικό τέχνης και καλλιτεχνών], 2 vols., trans. Eirēnē Oratē (1) and Katerina Phrouzakē (2), Athens: Nephelē, 1997-98. (Greek)
    • Chinese trans, Niujin yi shu yu yi shu jia ci dian, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001, vii+584 pp. Based on 2nd ed. (Chinese)
    • Russian trans., Putevoditelʹ po iskusstvu, Moscow: Raluga, 2002, 686 pp. (Russian)
  • Grove. The Dictionary of Art [referred to as The Grove Dictionary of Art], 34 vols., ed. Jane Turner, London: Macmillan, 1996; repr., minor corr., London: Macmillan, 1998; new ed., Oxford University Press, 2003. OUP acquired it from Macmillan in 2003. Various smaller specialised redactions have been published, such as The Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts (ed. Gordon Campbell, OUP 2006), The Grove Dictionary of Materials and Techniques in Art (OUP 2008), From David to Ingres: Early 19th-Century French Artists (Grove Dictionary of Art), etc. WP-EN.
  • OD20CA. Ian Chilvers, A Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Art, Oxford University Press, 1998; 2nd ed., Ian Chilvers, John Glaves-Smith, A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art, Oxford University Press, 2009, Google (preview); online ed., subscription access. Second ed. also includes entries on photography, and expands video, performance and installation.
    • Spanish trans., Diccionario del arte del siglo XX, ed. Arturo Colorado Castellary, Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 2001, xx+881 pp. (Spanish)
    • Chinese trans., Niu jin 20 shi ji yi shu ci dian, Shanghai: Shang hai wai yu jiao yu chu ban she, 2002. (Chinese)
  • Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, 4 vols., ed. Michael Kelly, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998, xvii+2048 pp; 2nd ed., 6 vols., OUP, 2014. Covers philosophical, historical, sociological, and biographical aspects of art and aesthetics worldwide; first edition contains 600 essays; second ed.: 815 entries (list). Reviews. Publisher. WP-EN.
  • A Dictionary of Architecture, ed. James Stevens Curl, illustr. John Sambrook, Oxford University Press, 1999, xi+833 pp; 2nd ed. as A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, ed. James Stevens Curl, OUP, 2006, xxv+880 pp; 3rd ed. as The Oxford Dictionary of Architecture, eds. James Stevens Curl and Susan Wilson, OUP, 2015, xxii+1017 pp. Second ed.: 6,000 entries.
  • The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, ed. Michael Clarke, Oxford University Press, 2001, 262 pp; 2nd ed., OUP, 2010, 274 pp. Includes art terms, critical periods, and styles in the visual arts; first edition contains 1,800 entries; second ed.: 1,900 entries.
  • Grove US The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists, ed. Ann Lee Morgan, Oxford University Press, 2007, xiv+537 pp. Contains 945 entries.


  • The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, ed. Lawrence Gowing, London: Encyclopaedia Britannica International, 1983; US ed., Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational Corp., 1983. 976+768+204 pp.

Thames & Hudson[edit]

  • Encyclopaedia of Modern Architecture, 1963; 1971.
  • Encyclopaedia of the Arts, consulting ed. Herbert Read, managing ed. Geoffrey Hindley, assistant ed. Nathaniel Harris, London: Thames & Hudson, 1966; US ed., New York: Meredith Press, 1966, 984 pp. Architecture, sculpture, appled arts, painting, graphic arts, literature, theatre, cinema, photography, music, opera, ballet, biographies, titles, styles, schools, movements and groups, technical terms, techniques and materials; 10,250 entries, 3550 illustrations, 79 colour plates.
  • Lucie-Smith, Edward, The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms, London: Thames & Hudson, 1984, 208 pp; 2nd ed., 2004, 240 pp. First ed. contains 2,000+ entries on "terms from painting, sculpture, architecture, the decorative and applied arts, and the graphic arts, together with techniques of photography."
    • German trans., DuMont's Lexikon der bildenden Kunst, trans. Brigitte Wünnenberg, ed. Karin Thomas, Cologne: DuMont, 1990, 344 pp; 2nd ed., 1997, 320 pp. (German)
    • Portuguese trans., Dicionário de termos de arte, trans. Ana Cristina Mantua, Lisbon: Dom Quixote, 1990, 214 pp; 2nd ed., 1995, 214 pp. (Portuguese)
    • Swedish trans., Konsttermslexikonet, trans. Jonas Gavel, ed. Ragnar Hult, Stockholm: Forum, 1995, 374+[24] pp. (Swedish)
    • Spanish trans., Diccionario de términos artísticos, trans. Hugo Mariani, Barcelona: Destino, 1997, 210 pp. (Spanish)
  • The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists, ed. Nikos Stangos, consulting ed. Herbert Read, London: Thames & Hudson, 1985, 352 pp; new ed., 1994, 384 pp. Based on Encyclopaedia of the Arts (1966). Includes entries on artists, paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints from around the world; 2,500+ entries.
    • Greek trans., Lexiko eikastikōn technōn, trans. Andreas Pappas, Athens: Ypodomē, 1986, 379 pp. (Greek)
    • German trans., DuMont's Künstler-Lexikon: von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Karin Thomas, trans. Brigitte Wünnenberg with Manfred Allié, Cologne: DuMont, 1991, 617 pp; new ed., 1997, 708 pp. (German)
    • Spanish trans., Diccionario del arte y los artistas, trans. María Barberán, Barcelona: Destino, 1995, 383 pp. (Spanish)
  • Amy Dempsey, Art in the Modern Era: A Guide to Styles, Schools & Movements, 1860 to the Present, New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2002, TOC; UK ed. as Styles, Schools And Movements: The Essential Encyclopaedic Guide to Modern Art, London: Thames & Hudson, 2002; new ed., exp., 2010, 312 pp, TOC. [4]


  • Pall Mall Encyclopedia of Art, 5 vols., ed. David Bell, London: Pall Mall Press, 1971; US ed., Praeger Publishers, 1971. Based on Maillard 1967, fully revised and expanded with entries on American and British art.
  • Phaidon Encyclopedia of Art and Artists, Oxford, UK: Phaidon, 1978, 704 pp. Adapted from Pall Mall (1971) [Pall Mall Press had been acquired by Phaidon]. Includes biographies of painters, sculptors, graphic artists and architects active in the West from medieval times to the present, articles on periods, styles, schools and movements, and surveys of the non-Western art; intended for art students and the general reader.
  • The Art Book, London: Phaidon, 1994, 512 pp; 2nd ed., rev. & exp., London: Phaidon, 2012, 592 pp. A "guide to artists from medieval times to the present day"; focuses on "artistic masterpieces"; 500 entries in 1st ed; 600 entries in 2nd ed. Publisher.
    • French trans., Le musée de l'art, Paris: Phaidon, 1994, 512 pp. (French)
    • Spanish trans., El ABC del arte, Madrid: Debate, 1994, 512 pp. (Spanish)
    • Hungarian trans., Képeskönyv: 500 híres művész 500 alkotása, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1995, 512 pp. (Hungarian)
    • Dutch trans., Het kunstboek, Zwolle: Waanders, 1997; new ed. as Het grote Kunstboek, 2012, 516 pp, Zwolle: W Books, 592 pp. (Dutch)
    • Chinese trans., Yi shu shou ce, Shanghai: Shanghai yuan dong chu ban she, 1998, 503 pp. (Chinese)
  • Art in Time: A World History of Styles and Movements, ed. Diane Fortenberry, et al., London: Phaidon, 2014, 367 pp. Publisher. A guide to 150 art styles and movements from the present to antiquity.


  • Murray, Peter, Linda Murray, Penguin Dictionary of Art and Artists, 1959; rev ed., illustr., London: Thames and Hudson, 1965; 3rd ed., 1972; 4th ed., 1976; 5th ed., rev. & enl., Penguin, 1983, xiv+457 pp; 7th ed., Penguin, 1997, 579 pp. Focuses on painting, sculpture, and engraving in Western Europe and North America from 1300 to the present day; includes biographies of artists (1,000+ in 5th ed.) and articles on technical terms, processes, and artistic movements; aimed at the art audience.
  • The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture, eds. Nikolaus Pevsner, Hugh Honour and John Fleming, illustr. Davis Etherton, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966, 248 pp; 2nd ed., Penguin, 1972, 315 pp; 3rd ed., Penguin, 1979, 315 pp; 4th ed., Penguin, 1991, 497 pp.
    • German trans., Lexikon der Weltarchitektur, Munich: Prestel, 1971, 639 pp; 2nd ed., exp., Prestel, 1987, 757 pp; 3rd ed., Prestel, 1992, 876 pp; CD-ROM ed. (of 3rd ed.), Berlin: Directmedia, 2000. Third edition contains 2,900+ articles and 3,400 illustrations. (German)
    • Portuguese trans., Dicionário enciclopédico de arquitetura, trans. Carlos Kronauer, Rio de Janeiro: Artenova, 1977, 271 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • Concepts of Modern Art, ed. Nikos Stangos, London: Penguin, 1974; new ed., Thames and Hudson, 1994.
    • Spanish trans., Conceptos del arte moderno. Del fauvismo al posmodernismo, trans. Hugo Mariani, Barcelona: Destino, 2000, 424 pp. Trans. of 1994 ed. (Spanish)
  • Frazier, Nancy, The Penguin Concise Dictionary of Art History, New York and London: Penguin, 2000, 774 pp.

on non-Western art[edit]

  • Compendium of Russian Avant-Garde Terminology, Part 1, ed. Jan van der Eng, John Benjamins, 1983. (English)
  • Sokol, Stanley S., The Artists of Poland: A Biographical Dictionary from the 14th Century to the Present, Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2000.
  • Pratima Seth, The Dictionary of Indian Art and Artists, Mapin Publishing, 2007, 288 pp. 1,300+ entries. WP-EN.


  • Gunnis. Gunnis, Rupert Forbes, Dictionary of British Sculptors 1660–1851, 1953; 2nd ed., 1968; 3rd ed., ed. Ingrid Roscoe, 2009.
  • A Dictionary of Modern Sculpture, 1962; 1970.
  • Walker. Walker, John A., Glossary of Art, Architecture and Design Since 1945: Terms and Labels Describing Movements, Styles and Groups Derived from the Vocabulary of Artists and Critics, London: Bingley, 1973, 240 pp; 2nd ed., rev., London: Bingley, 1977, 352 pp, OL; 3rd ed., rev. & enl., London: Library Association Pub., 1991, 264 pp.
  • Hall, James, Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art, intro. Kenneth Clark, Harper & Row (Icon Editions), 1974, 345 pp. Devoted mainly to "Christian and classical themes as they are found in the West, the latter mostly from the Renaissance or later." See also Hall 1994.
  • Dictionary of Art Historians, ed. Lee Sorensen, 1986ff, online. Online since 2002; associated with the Journal of Art Historiography and with the Dept of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies of Duke U (since 2010).
  • Palomino 1987.
  • Atkins, Robert, ArtSpeak: A Guide to Contemporary Ideas, Movements, and Buzzwords, 1945 to the Present, Abbeville Press, 1990, 176 pp; 2nd ed., 1997, 180 pp; 3rd ed., rev., 2013, 280 pp.
    • French trans., Petit lexique de l'art contemporain, pref. Hector Obalk, trans. Jeanne Bouniort, New York, Paris and London: Abbeville, 1992, 135 pp; 3rd ed., 1994; 4th ed., 1996; 5th ed., 1998, 135 pp. (French)
    • Chinese trans., Yi shu kai jiang: dang dai yi nian. yun dong yu ci hui dao yin, trans. Huang Lijuan, Taibei Shi: Yi shu jia chu ban she, 1996, 189 pp. (Chinese)
  • Critical Terms for Art History, eds. Robert Nelson and Richard Shiff, University of Chicago Press, 1992, xvi+364 pp; 2nd ed., UCP, 2003, xvi+519 pp. Second ed. contains 31 entries. Publisher.
  • Kostelanetz, Richard, et al., Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes, Pennington, NJ: Cappella Books, 1993, 246 pp.
  • Atkins, Robert, ArtSpoke: A Guide to Modern Ideas, Movements, and Buzzwords, 1848-1944, Abeville Press, 1993, 224 pp.
  • Hall, James, Illustrated Dictionary of Symbols in Western and Eastern Art, illustr. Chris Puleston, London: John Murray, 1994; US ed., HarperCollins (Icon Editions), 1995. Divided into six sections, according to subject: Abstract signs, Animals (including birds and insects), Artefacts, Earth and Sky, Human Body and Dress, Plants. See also Hall 1974.
  • Ross, Leslie, Medieval Art: A Topical Dictionary, Westport, CT/London: Greenwood Press, 1996, xxiv+292 pp.
  • Parmesani 2000.
  • Schirmer Encyclopedia of Art, 4 vols., ed. Ann Landi, New York/Munich: Schirmer, 2002, 177+221+234+219 pp.
  • Little, Stephen, ...Isms: Understanding Art, London: Herbert Press, 2004, 159 pp.
    • Dutch trans., Kunst begrijpen: inzicht krijgen in de belangrijkste kunststromingen, ed. Elizabeth Bacon, trans. Carlo Gremmen, Kerkdriel: Librero, 2005, 159 pp. (Dutch)
    • Turkish trans., İzmler: sanatı anlamak, trans. Derya Nüket Özer, Istanbul: YEM, 2006, 159 pp. (Turkish)
  • Zirpolo, Lilian H., Historical Dictionary of Renaissance Art, Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2007, 517 pp; 2nd ed., Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
  • Zirpolo, Lilian H., The A to Z of Renaissance Art, Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2009, xcvi+517 pp.
  • AOW.


Published before 1900[edit]

  • Meyssen, Jan, Image de divers hommes d'esprit sublime qui par leur art et science devront vivre eternellement et des quels la lovange et renommée faict estonner le monde, A Anvers mis en lumiere par Iean Meyssens peinctre et vendeur de lart au Cammestraet l'an .M.DC.XLIX, 1649, Gallica, Calameo. Book of engraved portraits of many famous men, including many painters; inspired by Anthony van Dyck's Iconography; portraits used as a source for art historians, most notably by de Bie for his Het gulden cabinet; biographical notes used by later art historians such as Filippo Baldinucci, Joachim von Sandrart and Arnold Houbraken.
    • English version, The True Effigies Of the most Eminent Painters, and other famous artists that have flourished in Europe, London, 1694, IA. (English)
  • Félibien, André, Entretiens sur les vies et sur les ouvrages des plus excellents peintres anciens et modernes, 1666, IA; new ed., 6 vols., 1725, Gallica/1.
  • Palomino 1749.
  • Descamps, Jean-Baptiste, La Vie des Peintres Flamands, Allemands et Hollandois, 4 vols., Paris, 1753-64, Google. WP-EN.
  • Descamps, Jean-Baptiste, Voyage pittoresque de la Flandre et du Brabant, Paris, 1769, INHA, IA. Describes the towns and principal churches of Flanders and Brabant with their artworks.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel, Dictionnaire raisonné de l'architecture franc̜aise du XIe au XVIe siècle, 10 vols., Paris: Bance & Morel, 1854-68, WS-FR.
  • Bellier et Auvray. Émile Bellier de La Chavignerie, Louis Auvray, Dictionnaire Général des Artistes de l'école française depuis l'origine des arts du dessin jusqu'à nos jours, 4+1 vols., 1882, online.


  • Joseph. Joseph, René Édouard, Dictionnaire biographique des artistes contemporains, 1910-1930, 3 vols., Paris: Art & édition, 1930-34; suppl.ed., Paris, 1936, 162 pp. WP-FR.
  • Bénézit. Bénézit, Emmanuel, Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs, 3 vols., Paris: Roger & Chernoviz (1-2), and Paris: Gründ (3), 1911-23; 2nd ed., 8 vols., ed. Jacques Busse, Paris: Gründ, 1948-55; 3rd ed., 10 vols., ed. Jacques Busse, Gründ, 1976; 4th ed. as Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays par un groupe d'écrivains spécialistes français et étrangers, 14 vols., ed. Christophe Dorny, Gründ, 1999, 13440 pp. 175,000 articles. WP-FR.
    • English edition, Benezit Dictionary of Artists, 14 vols., managing ed. Christopher John Murray, Paris: Gründ, 2006, 20000+ pp; new ed., 14 vols., Oxford University Press, 2010, 20608 pp; online ed., part of Oxford Art Online, OUP, 2011ff, subscription access. Contains biographies, auction records, museum holdings, and bibliographies of painters, sculptors, designers and engravers; also covers "obscure artists" and includes images of artists' signatures, monograms, and stamps; created primarily for art museums, auction houses, historians and dealers; entries on 175,000+ artists. Publisher. WP-EN. (English)
  • Dictionnaire de la sculpture moderne, ed. Robert Maillard, Paris: Hazan, 1960, 310 pp; new ed. as Nouveau dictionnaire de la sculpture moderne, Paris: Hazan, 1970, 327 pp.
    • German trans., Knaurs Lexikon der modernen Plastik, forew. Werner Schmalenbach, trans. Alfred P. Zeller, ed. Giovanni Caradente, et al., Munich: Droemer/Knaur, 1961, 320 pp. (German)
    • English trans., A Dictionary of Modern Sculpture, trans. Bettina Wadia, New York: Tudor, 1962, 310 pp; London: Methuen, 1962, 310 pp; 2nd ed. as New Dictionary of Modern Sculpture, New York: Tudor, 1970, 328 pp. (English)
  • Maillard Dictionnaire Universel de l'art et des artistes: où sont traités, de manière historique et critique, l'art de tous pays et contrées, des origines à nos jours, les écoles et mouvements, la vie et l'œuvre des architectes, peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs, 3 vols., ed. Robert Maillard, Paris: Hazan, 1967-68, 528+519+552 pp. See also Pall Mall.
    • Spanish trans., Diccionario universal del arte de los artistas, 9 vols., ed. Robert Maillard, trans. Juan-Eduardo Cirlot, Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1969-70. Vol 1: Arte occidental y próximo oriente I. Vol 2: Arte occidental y próximo oriente II. Vol 3: Arte oriental, precolombino y de los pueblos primitivos. Vol 5: Diccionario universal de pintores I. Vol 6: Diccionario universal de pintores II. Vol 7: Diccionario universal de pintores III. Vol 8: Diccionario universal de arquitectos. Vol 9: Diccionario universal de escultores. (Spanish)
  • Larousse. Petit Larousse de la peinture, 2 vols., ed. Michel Laclotte with Jean-Pierre Cuzin, Paris: Larousse, 1979, xxiii+2225 pp; new ed., rev., as Dictionnaire de la peinture, Larousse, 1987, xv+991 pp; online ed., 2003, online. Western art from the Middle Ages to the present day; contains almost 3,000 articles.
    • Italian ed., Dizionario della pittura e dei pittori, 6 vols., eds. Enrico Castelnuovo and Bruno Toscano, Torino: Einaudi, 1989-94. (Italian)
  • L'Arto. Dictionnaire biographique illustré des artistes en Belgique depuis 1830, ed. Arthur Tommelein, et al., Brussels: Arto, 1987, 416+31 pp; new ed., 1995, iv+492 pp. New edition contains 7,000 biographies and 150 illustrations. [5]. WP-FR.
  • Dictionnaire de l'art moderne et contemporain, ed. Gérard Durozoi, Paris: Hazan, 1992, xx+676 pp; new ed., 1994, xx+675 pp; new ed., rev. & augm., 2002, 733 pp. Review: Rioux (Vingtième Siècle 1993).
    • Korean trans., Hyŏndae misul sajŏn, Pusan: Arŭtte, 1994, xxii+694 pp. (Korean)
    • Spanish trans., Diccionario Akal de arte del siglo XX, trans. Flavia Puppo, Madrid: Akal, 1997, xviii+698 pp; 2007, Google (preview). (Spanish)
    • Słownik sztuki XX wieku, trans. Halina Andrzejewska, et al., Warsaw: Arkady, 1998, xv+676 pp. (Polish)
  • Atkins 1992.
  • Art Book FR, 1994.
  • Dictionnaire de l'architecture du XX siècle, ed. Jean-Paul Midant, Paris: Hazan, 1996, xx+987 pp; CD-ROM ed., 2002.
    • Spanish trans., Diccionario Akal de la arquitectura del siglo XX, trans. Juan Calatrva and José Luis López Jiménez, Madrid: Akal, 2004, xviii+1009 pp. (Spanish)
  • Dictionnaire des arts médiatiques, ed. Louise Poissant, Sainte-Foy (Québec): Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1997, 444 pp, HTML. Excerpt. Produced by Groupe de recherche en arts médiatiques (GRAM) at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM). [6] [7] [8].
  • Le Delarge. Delarge, Jean-Pierre, Dictionnaire des arts plastiques modernes et contemporains, Paris: Gründ, 2001, 1368 pp; online ed., 2009ff, subscription access. Online ed. as of June 2015: 31,000 artists, 3,500 photographers and 1,250 notices??.
  • Le Piron. Piron, Paul, Dictionnaire des artistes plasticiens de Belgique des XIXe et XXe siècles, 3 vols., Ohain: Art in Belgium, 2003-06. Contains 33,000 articles. See also Piron 1999. [9]
  • Parmesani 2006.
  • Dictionnaire des arts, Paris: Musée du Louvre, (forthcoming). Publisher.


Published before 1900[edit]

  • von Sandrart, Joachim, Teutsche Academie der Edlen Bau-, Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste, 2 parts (3+3 vols.), Nürnberg: Miltenberger (1) and Froberger (2), 1675-79, online; new ed., 3 vols., Nürnberg: Uhl, 1994; scholarly annotated online ed., 2008-12, online. Illustrated; most of the biographies were translated into German from earlier work by Karel van Mander and Cornelis de Bie, but Sandrart had travelled extensively in Europe and added many original biographies of German-born artists. WP-EN.
    • Latin edition by Christianus Rhodius, with illustrations by Richard Collin, 1683; online ed., 2012, online. (Latin)
  • Allgemeines Lexikon der Künste und Wissenschaften, Leipzig: Fritsch, 1721, 918 pp; new ed., 2 vols., 1748, 1456 pp; new ed., 1767, 1852 pp. WP-DE
  • Palomino 1781.
  • Dlabač. Dlabacž, Gottfried Johann, Allgemeines historisches Künstler-Lexikon, 3 vols., Prague: G. Haase, 1815; suppl.ed. as Beiträge und Berichtigungen, Prague: K. André, 1913; repr. as Allgemeines historisches Künstler-Lexikon: für Böhmen und zum Theil auch für Mähren und Schlesien, 4 vols. in 1, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1973.
  • Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon, 2nd ed., ed. Julius Meyer, Leipzig, 1870, BSB.
  • Grosse vollständige Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste, 1732-54. WP-DE.
  • Ersch, Johann Samuel, Johann Gottfried Gruber, Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste, 1818-89, online. WP-DE.
  • Tschischka, Franz, Kunst und Alterthum in dem österreichischen Kaiserstaate, Vienna: Fr. Beck, 1836, vi+448 pp.


  • Thieme-Becker/Vollmer. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, 37 vols., eds. Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker, Leipzig, 1907-50; suppl. as Hans Vollmer, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts, 6 vols., Leipzig: E.A. Seemann, 1952-62; CD-ROM ed., 2008, subscription access; online ed., part of AKL Online, Berlin: De Gruyter Saur. First edition contains 148,180 entries by 400 authors; the supplement 47,229 entries, almost all by Vollmer; also includes artists from Asia and the Islamic world. WP-DE.
  • LdK. Lexikon der Kunst. Architektur, bildende Kunst, angewandte Kunst, Industrieformgestaltung, Kunsttheorie, 5 vols., ed. Ludger Alscher, Leipzig: Seemann, 1968-78; new ed., 7 vols., ed. Harald Olbrich, Leipzig: Seemann, 1987-94; dig.ed., Berlin: Directmedia, 2001, ARG.
  • Kadatz, Hans-Joachim, Wörterbuchs der Architektur, Leipzig: Seemann, 1980, 279 pp; new ed. as Kadatz, Seemanns Lexikon der Architektur, Leipzig: Seemann, 1994, 262 pp. Contains c2000 articles; aimed at lay audience.


  • RDK. Reallexikon zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 10 vols., ed. Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München, Stuttgart: Metzler (1), Stuttgart: Druckenmüller (2-5), Munich: Druckenmüller (6), Munich: C.H. Beck (7-10), 1937-2015; online ed., 2012ff, free access (partial). Entries on "architecture, fine arts and crafts and their respective traditions, materials and techniques; places particular emphasis on Central Europe, with special consideration of the German-speaking territories from the early Middle Ages to the early 20th century"; covers "A" to "F". Index, Editors.
  • Lexikon der Ästhetik, eds. Wolfhart Henckmann and Konrad Lotter, Munich: C.H. Beck, 1992, 280 pp; 2nd ed., upd. & exp., Beck, 2004, 424 pp. Focuses on "the basic concepts of the philosophy of art and general art history, the concept of art in its historicity and the individual sub-areas, including architecture, poetry, film, painting, music and dance; also the borrowings of art from religion, science, society and contemporary culture are discussed"; first edition contains 200+ articles; second ed.: 250+ articles by 18 authors. Publisher.
    • Czech trans., Estetický slovník, trans. & forew. Dušan Prokop, Prague: Svoboda, 1995, 229 pp. (Czech)
    • Spanish trans., Diccionario de estética, trans. Daniel Gamper and Begonya Sàez, rev. Chus Martínez and Gerard Vilar, Barcelona: Crítica, 1998, 268 pp. (Spanish)
    • Japanese trans., Bigaku no kīwādo, trans. Kenshi Gotō, 2001, 318 pp. (Japanese)

Saur, De Gruyter[edit]

  • AKL. Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: die bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker, 3 vols., ed. Günter Meißner, Leipzig, 1983-90; 4th vol. onwards, Munich/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 1992-2005; further vols., ed. Andreas Beyer, Bénédicte Savoy and Wolf Tegethoff, Berlin: De Gruyter Saur, 2006ff. Revision of Thieme-Becker/Vollmer. Includes biographies of artists worldwide, from antiquity to the present; contains painters, sculptors, graphic designers, architects, designers, photographers, calligraphers, craftsmen; around 1,500 biographies are contained in each volume. Compiled from 1969 onwards; K.G. Saur was acquired by De Gruyter in 2006; as of 2015: 90 vols. up to "Morrillo". Publisher. WP-DE.
    • online as Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Online, subscription access. Contains the Thieme-Becker/Vollmer encyclopedia, the Nürnberger Künstlerlexikon and the Lexikon der Künstlerinnen; 500,000+ entries as of 2015; 3,500 added per year.
    • CD-ROM, of 31st ed., 2009. Contains Thieme-Becker/Vollmer, biographies to date from the print edition of AKL, and other material.
    • English online version, Artists of the World. 1,700 entries as of 2015. (English)
    • English edition, Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (Artists of the World), ed. Wolfgang von Collas, Munich: De Gruyter Saur, (forthcoming). (English)
  • Schmidt-Liebich, Jochen, Lexikon der Künstlerinnen 1700-1900: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Munich: K.G. Saur, 2005, xvii+547 pp; online ed., part of AKL Online, Berlin: De Gruyter Saur.


  • Jahn, Johannes, Wörterbuch der Kunst, Stuttgart: Kröner, 1940, vi+617 pp; 2nd ed., rev. & exp., Kröner, 1943, vi+740 pp; 3rd ed., rev. & exp., Kröner, 1950, vii+712 pp; 4th ed., rev. & exp., Kröner, 1953, 730 pp; 5th ed., rev. & exp., Kröner, 1957, vii+758 pp; 12th ed., Kröner, 1995; 13th ed., upd. Stefanie Lieb, Kröner, 2008, x+917 pp. Covers the visual arts, architecture and design; entries on countries, eras, artists, architects, objects, methods, materials and techniques; from the Stone Age to the present; latest edition contains 3,200+ articles with 330 illustrations. Excerpt. Publisher.
  • Ästhetik und Kunstphilosophie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, eds. Julian Nida-Rümelin and Monika Betzler, Stuttgart: Kröner, 1998, xxxix+838 pp; 2nd ed., upd., upd. Mara-Daria Cojocaru, Kröner, 2012, 992 pp.


  • Reclams Kunstführer series, Stuttgart: Reclam, 1958-94. WP-DE.
  • Freigang, Christian, Kleines Wörterbuch der Architektur, Stuttgart: Reclam, 1995, 144 pp. Publisher.
  • Kretschmer, Hildegard, Lexikon der Symbole und Attribute in der Kunst, Stuttgart: Reclam, 2011, 487 pp.


  • Metzler-Kunsthistoriker-Lexikon, Stuttgart/Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 1999; 2nd ed., 2007. 200 entries in 1999 ed., 210 entries in 2007 ed.
  • ÄGB. Ästhetische Grundbegriffe. Ein Historisches Wörterbuch in sieben Bänden, 7 vols., ed. Karlheinz Barck, et al., Stuttgart/Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 2000-05, 5890 pp. 170 articles by 150 authors; work of the Centre for Literary Research in cooperation with the Department of Romance Languages ​​and Literatures of the Goethe University Frankfurt; funded by the DFG 1992-2005. Editors.
  • Metzler Lexikon Ästhetik: Kunst, Medien, Design und Alltag, ed. Achim Trebeß, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2005, x+468 pp. Contains 414 articles. Introduction.
  • Metzler Lexikon Avantgarde, eds. Hubert van den Berg and Walter Fähnders, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2009, 404 pp.
    • Serbian trans., Mecler leksikon avangarde, trans. Spomenka Krajčević, Belgrade: Službeni Glasnik, 2013, 371 pp. (Serbian)


  • Dresslers Kunsthandbuch, 3 vols., 1920ff. WP-DE.
  • Wasmuths Lexikon der Baukunst, 5 vols., ed. Günther Wasmuth, Berlin, 1929-37.
  • Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum. Sachwörterbuch zur Auseinandersetzung des Christentums mit der antiken Welt, ed. Theodor Klauser, Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1950ff. Up to "K".
  • Knaurs Plastik, 1961.
  • Knaurs Lexikon der modernen Architektur, ed. Gerd Hatje with Wolfgang Pehnt, Munich and Zürich: Droemersche Verlag, 1963, 312 pp.
    • English trans., Encyclopaedia of Modern Architecture, trans. Harold Meek, et al., London: Thames and Hudson, 1963, 336 pp; new ed., 1971, 336 pp. (English)
    • Spanish trans., Diccionário ilustrado de la arquitectura contemporánea, trans. José María Matero, Martín Kraemer and Emilio Casal Bernard, Barcelona: Gili, 1964, 305 pp; 2nd ed., rev. & upd. by Laureano Sabater, 1970, 364 pp. (Spanish)
    • Japanese trans., Gendai kenchiku jiten, trans. Ryūichi Hamaguchi, Tokyo: Kajima Kenkyūjo Shuppankai, 1965, 339 pp. (Japanese)
    • Dutch trans., Elseviers Encyclopedie van den moderne architectuur, 2 vols., trans. J. Kips, et al., Amsterdam and Brussels: Elsevier, 1967. (Dutch)
  • LexMA Lexikon des Mittelalters, 9+1 vols., ed. Robert-Henri Bautier, et al., Munich/Zürich: Artemis & Winkler (1-6), Munich: LexMA (7-9), 1980-99; CD-ROM ed., Turnhout: Brepolis, 2000; online ed., Turnhout: Brepolis, 2009ff, subscription access. Contains 36,000+ articles covering the period ranging from the Late Antiquity (300) to about 1500, covering the Byzantine Empire and the Arab world. Publisher. WP-EN.
    • English online edition, IEMA. International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages, online, Turnhout: Brepolis, subscription access. Publisher. (English)
  • Lexikon der Kunst: Malerei, Architektur, Bildhauerkunst, 12 vols., ed. Wolfgang Stadler, Freiburg (Breisgau): Herder, 1987-90; 12 vols., Erlangen: Müller, 1994.
  • Künstler: kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, eds. Lothar Romain, Detlef Bluemler and Hans-Joachim Müller, Munich: Verlage Weltkunst und Bruckmann (1988-96), Weltkunst-Verlag (1996-2005), Neu-Isenburg: Kunsthandel Verlag (as of 2015), 1988ff. Quarterly; 108+ issues; recent issues contain profiles of 7 artists each. Index. Home page. WP-DE.
  • Lucie-Smith, 1990; 1997.
  • Universal Lexikon der Kunst: von der Frühzeit zur Moderne, ed. Barbara Kappelmayr, Munich: IP Verl.-Ges., 1995, 480 pp; Bindlach: Gondrom, 2001, 480 pp.
    • Polish trans., Uniwersalny leksykon sztuki, trans. Małgorzata and Piotr Szubert, Warsaw: Muza, 2002, 520 pp. (Polish)
  • Kunstlexikon, ed. Peter W. Hartmann, Leobersdorf: Stiepan, 1996, 1663 pp; online ed. as Das große Kunstlexikon, St. Gilgen/Salzburg: BeyArs, 2003ff, online. 10,000 entries.
  • DuMonts Begriffslexikon zur zeitgenössischen Kunst, ed. Hubertus Butin, Cologne: DuMont, 2002, 319 pp, PDF, ARG; new ed., rev., 2006, 319 pp.
    • Diccionario de conceptos de arte contemporáneo, trans. Joaquín Chamorro Mielke, Madrid: Abada, 2009, 246 pp. [10] (Spanish)
  • Künstlerlexikon Ostpreussen und Westpreussen: Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister 1800-1945, ed. Rudolf Meyer-Bremen, Husum: Verlag der Kunst, 2012, 318 pp.
  • SIKART: Lexicon on art in Switzerland, Zürich and Lausanne: Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (SIK-ISEA), online. (German)/(French)/(Italian)/(English)


  • Magyar festők és grafikusok adattára: életrajzi lexikon az 1800-1988 között alkotó festő- és grafikusművészekről, ed. György Seregélyi, Szeged: Seregélyi Gy., 1988, 729 pp.
  • Salamon, Nándor, Kisalföldi művészeti lexikon: festők, szobrászok, építészek, műgyűjtők, művészeti írók, művészeti csoportok, egyesületek, galériák, XVI-XXI. század, Vasszilvágy: Magyar Nyugat Könyvkiadó, 2012, 406 pp.
  • Műgyűjtők Magyarországon: a 18. század végétől a 21. század elejéig: bibliográfiai lexikon / Art collectors in Hungary: from the late 18th to the early 21st century: a bibliographic dictionary, Budapest: Kieselbach Galéria es Aukciósház, 2012, 583 pp. (Hungarian)/(English)


Published before 1900[edit]

  • Vite. Giorgio Vasari, Le Vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori, e architettori da Cimabue insino a' tempi nostri, Florence: Lorenzo Torrentino, 1550; new ed., exp., with woodcuts, Florence: Giunti, 1568, IA, WS-IT, BSB, BSB; further editions. Biographies of artists, sculptors and architects from the late Middle Ages to Vasari's time. WP-EN.
    • critical ed., Le vite de' piu eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori, ed. Gaetano Milanesi, Florence: Sansoni, 1906; repr., 1978-81.
    • English trans., abridged, Stories Of The Italian Artists From Vasari, trans. E.L. Seeley, London/New York, 1908, IA. (English)
    • critical ed., Le vite de' piu eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori, ed. Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, Milan: Rizzoli, 1942-49.
    • English trans., The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 4 vols., trans. A. B. Hinds, ed. William Gaunt, London: Dent, 1963. (English)
    • critical ed., Le vite de' piu eccellenti pittori scultori e architettori, 9 vols., eds. Paola Delia Pergola, Luigi Grassi, Giovanni Previtali, et al., Novara: Istituto Geografico de Agostini, 1967.
    • critical ed., Le vite de' piit eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori nelle redazioni del 1550 e 1569, 7 vols., ed. Paola Barocchi, Florence: Studio per Edizioni Scelte, 1967ff.
    • English trans., The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 3 vols., trans. Gaston Du C. de Vere, intro. Kenneth Clarke, ed. Michael Sonino, New York: Abrams, 1979. Translation done in 1912. (English)
    • English trans., Artists of the Renaissance: A Selection from 'Lives of the Artists' , trans. George Bull, New York: Viking Press, 1978. Illustrated version of an earlier edition of the Lives, I (1987). (English)
    • English trans., Lives of the Artists, 2 vols., trans. George Bull, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987. (English)
    • English trans., The Lives of the Artists, trans., intro. & notes Julia Conaway Bondanella and Peter Bondanella, Oxford University Press, 1991, 586 pp, PDF. (English)
  • Baglione, Giovanni, Le Vite de’ Pittori, Scultori et Architetti. Dal Pontificato di Gregorio XII del 1572 in fino a’ tempi di Papa Urbano VIII nel 1642, Naples, 1642, IA, Google; new ed., Naples, 1733. An encyclopedic compendium of biographies of the artists active in Rome during late Mannerism and early Baroque. WP-EN.
  • Baldinucci, Filippo, Vocabolario Toscano dell'Arte del Disegno, nel quale si explicano i propri termini e voci, non solo della Pittura, Scultura, & Architettura; ma ancora di altre Arti a quelle subordinate, e che abbiano per fondamento il Disegno, Firenze, 1681, Google.
  • Baldinucci, Filippo, Notizie de' Professori del Disegno, Da Cimabue in qua, Secolo V. dal 1610. al 1670. Distinto in Decennali, 6 vols., Firenze, 1681-1728, Google; new ed., 2 vols., Torino, 1768, IA/1, IA/2. Biographies of Baroque painters. WP-EN.
  • Pascoli, Lione, Vite de' pittori, scultori, ed architetti moderni, 2 vols., Rome: Rossi, 1730-36, IA/1, Google/1, IA/2, UBD/2. Biographies of painters, sculptors and architects. WP-EN.
  • Passeri, Giovanni Battista, Vite de' Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti che anno lavorato in Roma, morti dal 1641 fino al 1673, Rome: Gregorio Settari, 1772, Google; critical ed., ed. Jacob Hess, 1934; repr. of critical ed., 1995. Biographies of painters, sculptors and architects.
  • Ticozzi, Stefano, Dizionario degli architetti, scultori, pittori, intagliatori in rame ed in pietra, coniatori di medaglie, musaicisti, niellatori, intarsiatori d'ogni età e d'ogni nazione, 4 vols., Milan, 1830-33, Google/1, Google/2, Google/3, Google/4. Assembly of biographical data and works of architects, sculptors and painters from Europe of the prior four centuries.


  • Enciclopedia universale dell'arte, 14+1 vols., ed. Massimo Pallottino, Venice/Rome: Istituto per la Collaborazione Culturale, 1958-67.
    • English ed., Encyclopedia of World Art, 14+3 vols., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959-87. (English)
  • EAA. Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica, Classica e Orientale, 17 vols., ed. Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli with Giovanni Becatti (1-7) and Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli (8-10), Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana (Treccani), 1958-97, 15000 pp, online. Contains 10,000 entries, 20,000 illustrations and 1,300 tables. Publisher (archived). WP-DE.
  • EAM. Enciclopedia dell'Arte Medievale, 12 vols., Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana (Treccani), 1991-2002, 10500 pp, online. Contains 1,759 entries and 11,000 illustrations. Publisher (archived).
  • Parmesani, Loredana, L'arte del secolo: movimenti, teorie, scuole e tendenze, 1900-2000, Milan: Skira, 1998, 110+80 pp; 2nd ed., 2003, 110+80 pp; new ed. as L'arte del XX secolo e oltre: movimenti, teorie, scuole e tendenze, 2012, 128+96 pp.
    • Art of the Twentieth Century: Movements, Theories, Schools, and Trends 1900-2000, Milan: Skira, 2000, 110+80 pp; upd.ed., 2012, 128+16 pp. TOC. (English)
    • L'art du XXe siècle: mouvements, théories, écoles et tendances, 1900-2000, trans. Béatrice Arnal, Milan: Skira, 2006, 110+80 pp. (French)
  • DIPAI. Silvestrini, Chiara, Dizionario illustrato plurilingue di arte italiana. Architettura, scultura, pittura, iconografia, arti minori, generi, movimenti, stili, restauro, tecniche, materiali, strumenti, Perugia: Guerra, 2005. Publisher.



  • "Kunsthistorie" section in Store norske leksikon, Oslo, 2005-07; online ed., 2009ff, online.


  • Pakbaz, Ruyin, دایرةالمعارف هنر‎‎ [Encyclopedia of Art], Tehran: Publications in Contemporary Culture, 1998, 1033 pp; 5th ed., 2006. 2,855 entries. WP-EN.


  • Słownik artystów polskich i obcych w Polsce działających: malarze, rzeźbiarze, graficy, 9 vols., ed. Jolanta Maurin-Białostocka, Polska Akademia Nauk, 1971ff.
  • Dulewicz, Andrzej, Słownik sztuki francuskiej, Warsaw: Wiedza Powszechna, 1977, 535 pp.
  • Rudomino, Tomasz, Mały leksykon sztuki współczesnej: od abstrakcji amerykańskiej do postmodernizmu, Warsaw: Collage, 1990, 119 pp.
  • Chrzanowska-Pieńkos, Jolanta, Andrzej Pieńkos, Leksykon sztuki polskiej XX wieku: sztuki plastyczne, Poznań: Kurpisz, 1996, 280 pp.
  • Encyklopedie Sztuki WAiF i PWN series, 10 vols., Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe & Wydaw. Naukowe PWN, 1997-2002. Titles.
  • Słownik sztuki XX wieku, 1998.
  • Twardecki, Alfred, Mały słownik sztuki starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, Warsaw: Unia Wyd. "Verum", 1998, 219 pp.
  • Sztuka świata, 12-13: Leksykon, 2 vols., ed. Andrzej Dulewicz, Warsaw: Arkady, 2000-04, 398 & 426 pp.
  • Ostrowski, Jan K., Encyklopedia sztuki polskiej, Kraków: Kluszczyński, 2001, 760 pp. Publisher.
  • Ostrowski, Jan K., Mała encyklopedia sztuki polskiej, Kraków: Kluszczyński, 2005, 232 pp. Publisher.
  • Błachut, Adam Jan, Słownik artystów reformackich w Polsce, Warsaw: Neriton, 2006, 183 pp.
  • Słownik sztuki, ed. Sylwia Ząbczyńska, Kraków: Krakowskie Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2008, 621 pp.
  • Ostrowski, Jan K., Wielka encyklopedia malarstwa polskiego, Kraków: Kluszczyński, 2011, 736 pp. Publisher.

See also Meyer-Bremen and Sokol.

  •, Warsaw: Instytut Adama Mickiewicza, 2001ff, online. Biographies of Polish modern and contemporary artists and entries on works and events. (Polish),(English)



  • Fedor I. Bulgakov (Фёдор Ильич Булгаков), Khudozhestvennaya entsiklopediya. Illyustrirovannyy slovar' iskusstv i khudozhestv [Художественная энциклопедия. Иллюстрированный словарь искусств и художеств], 2 vols., St Petersburg: A.S. Suvorin, 1886-87, 402+340 pp, DJVU/1, DJVU/2. With 535 & 520 illustrations.
  • Populyarnaya khudozhestvennaya entsiklopediya [Популярная художественная энциклопедия], ed. V.M. Polevoy (В.М. Полевой), 2 vols., Moscow: Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, 1986, DJVU/1, DJVU/2. Architecture, painting, sculpture, graphic arts, decorative arts.
  • Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' "Brokgauz". Iskusstvo Rossii [Энциклопедический словарь "Брокгауз". Искусство России], ed. Vladimir Butromeev (В.П. Бутромеев), Moscow: Olma-Press, 2000, 383 pp.
  • Antoni Markunas, Spravočnik po russkomu iskusstvu, Poznań: Wydaw. Naukowe UAM, 2002, 359 pp.
  • Leksikon nonklassiki. Khudozhestvenno-esteticheskaya kul'tura XX veka [Лексикон нонклассики. Художественно-эстетическая культура XX века], ed. V.V. Bychkov (В.В. Бычков), Moscow, 2003, 608 pp, FB2; 2012, online.
  • Entsiklopediya russkogo avangarda [Энциклопедия русского авангарда], ed. Tatiana Kotovich (Татьяна Викторовна Котович), Minsk: Ekonompress, 2003, 415 pp.
  • Elena Mihajlovna Kukina, Mir russkogo iskusstva: entsiklopedicheskiy slovar [Мир русского искусства: енциклопедический словарь], Moscow: Russkiy yazyk-Media, 2005, 484 pp; 2nd ed., 2008, 550 pp.
  • Leksikon sovremennogo iskusstva [Лексикон современного искусства], eds. A. Nikonov (А. Никонов) & M. Biryukov (М. Бирюков), 2010. [11]
  • 500 khudozhnikov. Entsiklopediya russkoy zhivopisi XX veka [500 художников. Энциклопедия русской живописи ХХ века], eds. I.N. Lozinskaya (N.Н. Лозинская) and T. Polivanova (Т. Поливанова), Moscow: WAM, 2012, 512 pp.
  • Entsiklopediya russkogo avangarda [Энциклопедия русского авангарда], 3 vols. (4 books), eds. V.I. Rakitin (В.И. Ракитин) and A.D. Sarabyanov (А.Д. Сарабьянов), Moscow: Global Expert & Service Team, 2013-14, 526+722+384+423 pp. [12] [13]



  • Slovník súčasného slovenského umenia, ed. Marian Váross, Bratislava: Vydavatelstvo Slovenského fondu výtvarných umení, 1967, 284 pp.
  • Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia. Od abstraktného umenia k virtuálnej realite. Idey – pojmy – hnutia, ed. Jana Geržová, Bratislava: Profil, 1999.


  • Pojmovnik slovenske umetnosti 1945-2005, n.d., online.


Published before 1900[edit]

  • Antonio Palomino, El Museo pictórico y escala óptica, 3: El Parnaso español pintoresco laureado, 1724; abridged repr. as Las vidas de los pintores y estatuarios eminentes españoles, que con sus heroycas obras, han ilustrado la nacion, London, 1742, Google; repr. of entire work, Madrid, 1797. WP-EN.
    • English trans., partial, An account of the lives and works of the most eminent Spanish painters, sculptors and architects, trans. U. Price, 1739, Google. (English)
    • French trans., 1749. (French)
    • German trans., Dresden, 1781. (German)
    • English trans. of abridged version, trans. Nina Ayala Mallory, Cambridge University Press, 1987. (English)
    • Italian trans., Le Vite degli eminenti pittori e scultori spagnoli, trans. Marco Mancin, 2013/14, PDF. (Italian)



  • Svenska konstnärer: biografisk handbok, ed. Gustave Thomæus, Malmø, 1946; Stockholm: Eden, 1969, 535 pp; Stockholm: Nyblom, 1982, 582 pp; Vänersborg: VäBo, 1987, 608 pp.
  • Svenskt konstnärslexikon: tiotusen svenska konstnärers liv och verk, eds. Roosval Johnny, Lilja Gösta and Andersson Knut, Malmö: Allhems, 1952-67. WP-SV.
  • Eugen Wretholm, Moderna svenska konstnärer från 1940-, 50-och 60-talen, Stockholm: Forum, 1969, 164 pp; new ed., 1973, 132 pp.
  • Konstlexikon. Svensk konst under 100 år. 2500 konstnärer. 1500 konsttermer, ed. Bo Engman, Stockholm: Natur och kultur, 1972, 380 pp.
  • Lucie-Smith, 1995.
  • Konstnärslexikon Lexikonett Amanda, ed. Hans Alexander Gerlanius, Stockholm: Sveriges Kulturnät, 2004ff, online. 10,000+ biographies of artists from the 1100s until today.
