Video art in Slovakia (1960s-80s)

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Stano Filko, Vladimír Havrilla, Vladimír Kordoš, Ľubomír Ďurček, Peter Meluzin, Peter Rónai


  • diaprojections (Filko)
  • recordings of performances, happenings, events (Mlynárčik, Kordoš, Meluzin, Rónai)
  • features (Havrilla, Ďurček)
  • fine art films (Havrilla)
  • video-installations (Rónai's antivideos)

No references to the use of camera as a performance trigger, neither closed-circuit installations in this period.


Erotic, 1966. Stano Filko. Environment with diaprojection.
Pomník hlasu, zvuku, obrazu..., 1966-67. Stano Filko. Proto-videoinstallation. Tower consisting of television and radio switched on.
Universal environment, 1966-67. Stano Filko. Environment with diaprojection of cars, technical inventions, space travels. The mirror floor reflected both the projected images and viewer.
Cathedral of Humanism, 1968. Stano Filko. Rectangular construction of environment with diaprojection of images reflecting socio-political condition of 1968 in Czechoslovakia. The viewer was inclused into projection. Exhibited at Danuvius '68 exhibition.
Cosmos, 1968. Stano Filko. Environment with images from space travels from four diaprojectors, projection of interior and radio sounds.

Keby všetky vlaky sveta / Deň radosti, 1971. Alex Mlynárčik. 35mm BW film documentation of event in Zakamenné, Orava by Dušan Hanák.

Bird Woman, 1972. Vladimír Havrilla: "Film Vtáčia žena zobrazuje odliatok - poprsie dievčaťa, na ktorom sa všeličo pohybuje, naskakujú pointilistické farebné body a nakoniec je torzo obalené perím. Hlavne, že sa to pohybovalo a že v čase a priestore vznikali varianty tejto sochy."
White (Foam), 1973. Vladimír Havrilla.
White (Pool, Pipe), 1973. Vladimír Havrilla.
Lift, 1974. Vladimír Havrilla.
No Limit, 1976. Vladimír Havrilla.
Baby doll, 1982. Vladimír Havrilla: "Je to polfigúra dievčaťa na tmavom pozadí, pod ňou je natiahnuté veľké biele plátno bez rámu. Tutiana [recituje báseň 'Ruža' v nemčine] ukazuje prstom na rôzne časti na plátne, kde sa zjavujú výrazné farebné fľaky, ktoré sa rozpíjajú a aj sa prelínajú. Na záver na tieto fľaky naskočí malá bábika, ktorá prebieha z jedného fľaku na druhý. Na miesto, kde má prebehnúť ukazuje stále ukazovákom Tutiana. Je to trikový film, a keďže sa medzi tým slnko pomaly skláňalo k západu, je plátno obohatené pohybujúcimi sa tieňami rámu okna."
Films incorporating video art techniques. Lift and No Limit exhibited at Works and Words, Galerie de Appel, Amsterdam, 1979, curated by Tomáš Štraus. Fine art films: Modliaca figurína, 1977; Something New, 1977; The Presence, 1977; Red Danger, 1977; Teamwork, 1977; Yellow Danger, 1977.

School of Athenai, 1981. Vladimír Kordoš. 16mm color film recording of live interpretation of Raffael's painting.
Spojenie živlov, 1987. Vladimír Kordoš. Record from the event of setting the top of waterfalls under the fire.
Hommage à F. X. Messerschmidt, 1989. Vladimír Kordoš. Video recording of performance consisting of Kordoš' lecture on Messerschmidt, projection of his works, preparation for the action and live interpretation of his head-sculptures.

Information about hands and men, 1982. Ľubomír Ďurček. Conceptual poetic film. Irony.
Home, 1983. Ľubomír Ďurček.
White and Black, 1988. Ľubomír Ďurček.
Krok vpred, tri vzad, 1991. Ľubomír Ďurček. On paper news.
Extervention, 1991. Ľubomír Ďurček. On nature.

Loggia, 1984. Peter Meluzin. Super 8mm film from the event.
Obratník PKO-OKP, 1986. Peter Meluzin. Diapositives from the event filmed on 8mm color.
L.E.F. (Liberté-Egalité-Fraternité), 1986. Peter Meluzin. Color and BW film from response of French critic E Cornevin to the theoretician Matuštík's text on absence of art criticism. (In 1998 also on video).

ABC, 1985-86. Peter Rónai. Video from event in the nature. Peter Bartoš lets the pigeon fly.


Video art in Slovakia (1990s-2000s)