Tiny Noise Festival

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Tiny Noise Festival is a collaborative and nomadic d.i.y. music festival conceived by Toni Dimitrov (Skopje) and Kyd Campbell (Sofia/montreal) in February 2006. it started spontaneously as a DIY experiment in trying to see what kind of global network could be created while using global communication tools as well as personal networks and experiences. the idea of the festival is to spread and connect new and adventurous music at irregular times, in divergent places and with various artists, as well as promoting interesting, new, provocative and likeminded artists with their music, sound, experiments, videos, instalations... and any art form that can fit into a sound/experiment/media/technology platform.

.001: February 2006, Cultural Center Tocka, Skopje: Justice Yeldham (au) and every kid on speed (mk).
.001.1: February 2006, Cultural Center Tocka, Skopje: Justice Yeldham (au) and every kid on speed (mk), Ludnica.
.002: February 2006, sofia.club_gramophone, Sofia: Justice Yeldham (au), every kid on speed (mk), Myriam Hamann (fr), Skylined (bg), Dzamski (bg), VJ Maria (mk). In collaboration with radio.cult.bg & The Upgrade! Sofia.
.003: 2 December 2006, IAO Gallery, Oklahoma City: andré gonçalves (pt), tobias c. van veen (ca), jesse harlin (oc/us), every kid on speed (mk), jack acid (oc/us). As part of the Upgrade! International gathering.
.004: 7 April 2007, Club Castro, Skopje: Eric Boros (ca), Cities in desolation (gr/ch), Jabolko za daskalot (mk), Every kid on speed (mk).
