Expanded cinema

"'Expanded cinema' is an elastic name for many sorts of film and projection event. It is notoriously difficult to pin down or define. At full stretch, it embraces the most contradictory dimensions of film and video art, from the vividly spectacular to the starkly materialist. Stan VanDerBeek's synthetic multimedia Movie-Drome of the 1960s, for example, is in high contrast to the analytic and primal cinema of 1970s Filmaktion screenings in the UK. Some kinds of expanded cinema widen the field of vision so far that they dissolve cinema itself as a separate entity, merging it into cybernetic space, as envisaged in Gene Youngblood's seminal book of 1970 or in Carolee Schneemann's manifesto-like performance scripts of the same era. Other variants seek film's ontology in the medium's simplest elements, such as the projector lightbeam or the bare bulb. In 'paracinema', the notion of the film medium is itself questioned, and the cinematic is sought outside or beyond the film machine." (Rees et al 2011: 12)
Filmmakers, artists[edit]
- Yann Beauvais
- Tony Conrad
- Gill Eatherley
- Filmaktion (Le Grice, Raban, Eatherley, Nicolson)
- B+W Hein
- Tony Hill
- Ken Jacobs
- Jeff Keen
- KwieKulik
- Malcolm Le Grice
- Maurice Lemaître
- Anthony McCall
- Jonas Mekas
- Werner Nekes
- Annabel Nicolson
- Hélio Oiticica
- William Raban
- Joost Rekveld
- Lis Rhodes
- Hans Scheugl
- Ernst Schmidt Jr.
- Carolee Schneemann
- Paul Sharits
- Michael Snow
- José Val Del Omar
- Stan VanDerBeek
- Peter Weibel
- Robert Whitman
- New Cinema Festival I [aka "Expanded Cinema Survey", "Expanded Cinema Festival"], Film-Makers' Cinematheque, New York, 1-30 Nov 1965. [1] [2] [3]
- 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering, 69th Regiment Armory, New York, 13-23 Oct 1966. Conjured up by Robert Rauschenberg and Billy Klüver.
- XSCREEN Festival, Cologne, 1968. Organised by W+B Hein. [4] [5]
- International Underground Film Festival, NFT, London, 14-20 Sep 1970. Organised by the Robert Street Arts Lab, the co-op, the Other Cinema and other independent film distributors.
- Filmaktion events, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 22-27 Jun 1973. William Raban's documentation (online video, 7 min). [6] [7]
- Projected Images exhibition, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, 21 Sep-3 Nov 1974. Works by Peter Campus, Rockne Krebs, Paul Sharits, Michael Snow, Ted Victoria, Robert Whitman. 46pp catalogue published.
- Festival of Expanded Cinema, Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 4-11 Jan 1976. Curated by Deke Dusinberre. 64pp catalogue published.
- Expanded Cinema season at Arnolfini gallery, Bristol, 1-10 Apr 1976. Works by Marilyn Halford, Ron Hazelden, Jeff Keen, William Raban, Tony Sinden.
- Landscape in Film and Video exhibition and events, LFMC / Air Gallery / B2 Gallery, London, 1983. Curated by Michael O'Pray and Jez Welsh.
- Video Art: Expanded Forms exhibition, Whitney Museum of American Art at Equitable Center, 1988. Curated by John G. Hanhardt. Catalogue. Curator's essay in Leonardo (1990).
- Into the Light: The Projected Image in American Art 1964-77 exhibition, Whitney Museum, New York, 18 Oct 2001-6 Jan 2002. Curated by Chrissie Iles. 183pp catalogue published. Curator's essay. Reviews: Kimmelman (NYT), Wilson (Frieze).
- Future Cinema: The Cinematic Imaginary after Film exhibition, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 16 Nov 2002-30 Mar 2003. Curated by Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel. 635pp catalogue published.
- X-Screen exhibition, Mumok, Vienna, 13 Dec 2003-7 Mar 2004. Curated by Matthias Michalka. Review: Webber (Frieze). 216pp book published.
- Experiments in Moving Image exhibition, University of Westminster, 25-31 Jan 2004. Curated by Steve Littman and Jackie Hatfield. Catalogue essay by Hamlyn.
- Expanded Cinema: Film as Spectacle, Event and Performance exhibition, HMKV, Dortmund, 10-26 Sep 2004. Curated by Mark Webber. Featured 32 artists.
- Expanded Cinema: Space / Time / Structure symposium, WKV, Stuttgart, 7-10 Dec 2006. Curated by Mark Webber. Featured 30 works by 20 artists. [8]
- The Live Record conference, BFI Southbank, London, 6 Dec 2008. Brochure.
- Expanded Cinema: Activating the Space of Reception conference, Tate Modern, London, 17-19 Apr 2009. Video recordings. Audio recordings.
- Expanded Cinema—I exhibition, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, 13 Jun-3 Jul 2011; Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture, 24 Jun-24 Jul 2011. Catalogue.
- Expanded Cinema—II The Immersion: Towards Haptic Cinema, Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, Moscow, 23 Jun-19 Aug 2012. Curated by Olga Shishko. Catalogue.
- Playing in the Shadows conference, Tate Modern, London, 26 Oct 2012. Video recordings.
- Expanded Cinema—III. Mocumentary: Reality Is Not Enough, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, 25 Jun-28 Jul 2013. Curated by Olga Shishko.
- European Expanded Cinema, Spoutnik Cinema/Forde Art Space, Geneva, 27 September 2013.
- Never Twice: Live Expanded Cinema Performance exhibition, Microscope Gallery, New York, 11 Dec 2015-10 Jan 2016. Featured 8 artists. Video discussion

Artists' writings[edit]
- Jonas Mekas, "On the Expanding Eye", Village Voice, 6 Feb 1964; repr. in Mekas, Movie Journal: The Rise of the New American Cinema, 1959-71, New York: Collier, 1972, pp 118-120.
- Jonas Mekas, "More On Expanded Cinema: Emshwiller, Stern, Ken Jacobs, Ken Dewey", Village Voice, 2 Dec 1965; repr. in Mekas, Movie Journal: The Rise of the New American Cinema, 1959-71, New York: Collier, 1972.
- Stan VanDerBeek, "“Culture: Intercom” and Expanded Cinema: A Proposal and Manifesto", Film Culture 40 (Spring 1966), pp 15-18; repr. in Motive, Nov 1966, pp 13-23; repr. in The Tulane Drama Review 11:1 (Autumn 1966), pp 38-48.
- Jonas Mekas, "On the Plastic Inevitables and the Strobe Light", Village Voice, 26 May 1966; repr. in Mekas, Movie Journal: The Rise of the New American Cinema, 1959-71, New York: Collier, 1972, pp 242-244.
- Film Culture 43: "Expanded Arts", ed. Jonas Mekas, New York: Film Culture, Winter 1966, 12 pp.
- Carolee Schneemann, "Expanded Cinema: Free Form Recollections of New York", International Underground Film Festival, London, 1970.
- Werner Nekes, "Some Notes on Some Expanded Films", International Underground Film Festival, London, 1970.
- Annabel Nicolson, "Artist as Filmmaker", Art and Artists, Dec 1972; repr. in A Perspective on English Avant-Garde Film, 1978.
- Japanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia: Critical Texts of the 1960s, eds. Ann Adachi-Tasch, Go Hirasawa and Julian Ross, intro. Julian Ross, Berlin: Archive Books, 2020, 222 pp. Introduction. Publisher. Editors. Reviews: Pires (CAA), Gómez (Hyperallergic), Macfarlane (Brooklyn Rail).
Film/art history and theory[edit]
For catalogues see Events above.
- Gene Youngblood, Expanded Cinema, intro. R. Buckminster Fuller, New York: Dutton, 1970, 432 pp; 50th anniv. ed., Fordham University Press, 2020, 464 pp. 50th anniversary event (video documentation). [9]
- Cine expandido, Buenos Aires: Eduntref, 2012, 456 pp. [10] (Spanish)
- Expanded cinema, trans. Pier Luigi Capucci and Simonetta Fadda, Bologna: CLUEB, 2013, xvi+388 pp. (Italian)
- Hans Scheugl, Erweitertes Kino. Die Wiener Filme der 60er Jahre, Vienna: Triton, 2002. (German)
- Pavel Büchler, Tanya Leighton (eds.), Saving the Image: Art After Film, Glasgow: Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), and Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University, 2003, 264 pp. Bellour's essay. [11]
- Matthias Michalka (ed.), X-Screen: Film Installations and Actions in the 1960s and 1970s, Cologne: Walther König, 2004. Kotz's essay.
- Joachim Jäger, Gabriele Knapstein, Anette Hüsch (eds.), Beyond Cinema: The Art of Projection: Films, Videos and Installations from 1963 to 2005, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2006, 152 pp. [12]
- Janine Marchessault, Susan Lord (eds.), Fluid Screens, Expanded Cinema, University of Toronto Press, 2008, 368 pp.
- Stan Douglas, Christopher Eamon (eds.), Art of Projection, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2009, 192 pp. [13]
- A.L. Rees, David Curtis, Duncan White, Stephen Ball (eds.), Expanded Cinema: Art, Performance and Film, London: Tate Publishing, 2011, 304 pp. Reviews: Utterson (Screen), MacDonald (MIRAJ).
- Gertrud Koch, Volker Pantenburg, Simon Rothöhler (eds.), Screen Dynamics: Mapping the Borders of Cinema, Vienna: Synema – Gesellschaft für Film und Medien, 2012, 181 pp. TOC, [14]. Reviews: Voci (Screen), Brydon (Necsus), Casau (Comp Cinema).
- Erik Bullot, Sortir du cinéma: histoire virtuelle des relations de l'art et du cinéma, Geneva: Mamco, 2013, 267 pp. Review: Terrier (CdA). (French)
- Erika Balsom, Exhibiting Cinema in Contemporary Art, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013, 260 pp.
- Andrew V. Uroskie, Between the Black Box and the White Cube: Expanded Cinema and Postwar Art, University of Chicago Press, 2014, x+273 pp.
- François Bovier, Adeena Mey (eds.), Cinéma exposé / Exhibited Cinema, Lausanne: Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne, 2014, 224 pp. Review: Venturi (Critique d'art). [15] (French)/(English)
- Julian Ross, Beyond the Frame: Intermedia and Expanded Cinema in 1960s-1970s Japan, Leeds: University of Leeds, 2014, 287 pp. PhD dissertation. (English)
- Omar Kholeif (ed.), Moving Image, London: Whitechapel Gallery, 2015, 239 pp.
- Mathieu Copeland, Lore Gablier (eds.), L'Exposition d'un film, Dijon: Les Presses du réel, and Geneva: HEAD, 2015, 456 pp. [16] (French)
- Bertrand Bacqué, et al. (eds.), Jeux sérieux: cinéma et art contemporains transforment l’essai, pref. Jean-Pierre Greff, Genève: Mamco: Haute école d’art et de design-Genève, 2015, 576 pp. Review: Venturi (Critique d'art). (French)
- Natacha Pugnet (ed.), Temps exposés: histoire et mémoire dans l'art récent, Nîmes: Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts de Nîmes, 2015, 125 pp. Review: Venturi (Critique d'art). [17] (French)
- Mike Sperlinger (ed.), Here is Information. Mobilise. Selected writings by Ian White, afterw. Josephine Pryde, London: LUX, 2016, 352 pp. [18]
- François Bovier, Adeena Mey (eds.), Cinema in the Expanded Field, Dijon: Presses du reél, and Zurich: JRP|Ringier, 2016, 184 pp. [19]
- Érik Bullot, Le film et son double. Boniment, ventriloquie, performativité, Dijon: Les Presses du réel, 2017, 208 pp. Introduction. [20] (French)
- Érik Bullot (ed.), Du film performatif, Dijon: Les Presses du réel, 2018, 265 pp. [21] (French)
- Jonathan Walley, Cinema Expanded: Avant-Garde Film in the Age of Intermedia, Oxford University Press, 2020, 432 pp. [22]
Journal issues[edit]
- Tulane Drama Review 11(1): "Film & Theatre", Aug 1966. [23]
- Art and Artists: "Artists' Films", London, Dec 1972.
- Art in-sight 14 (Filmwaves 27:1): "On Expanded Cinema", ed. Jackie Hatfield, 2005. Texts by Jackie Hatfield, Grahame Weinbren, Chris Hales. [24]
- Décadrages 21-22: "Cinéma élargi", eds. François Bovier and Adeena Mey, 2012. (French)
- Aniki 2(1): "Cinema Expandido", ed. Susana Viegas, Feb 2015. (Portuguese),(English)
Essays, book chapters[edit]
- Sheldon Renan, "Expanded Cinema", ch 6 in Renan, An Introduction to the American Underground Film, New York: Dutton, 1967, pp 227-257.
- John G. Hanhardt, "The Passion for Perceiving: Expanded Forms of Film and Video Art", Art Journal 45(3): "Video: The Reflexive Medium", Autumn 1985, pp 213-216.
- Felicity Sparrow, "Light Illusions Artists and Cinema; Filmmakers and Galleries", Vertigo 2:1 (Spring 2001).
- Peter Weibel, "Expanded Cinema, Video and Virtual Environments", in Future Cinema: The Cinematic Imaginary after Film, eds. Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel, MIT Press, 2003, pp 110-124.
- Valie Export, "Expanded Cinema as Expanded Reality", Senses of Cinema 28 (Oct 2003).
- Jackie Hatfield, "Expanded Cinema and Narrative: Some Reasons for a Review of the Avant-Garde Debates Around Narrativity", Millennium Film Journal 39-40: "Hidden Currents", New York, Winter 2003.
- Jackie Hatfield, "The Subject in Expanded Cinema", Art in-sight 11 (Filmwaves 24:2), 2004, pp 14-18.
- Peter Weibel, "Expanded Cinema: Material Films, Film Actions (without Film), Project and Concept Films", in Beyond Art: A Third Culture. A Comparative Study in Cultures, Art and Science in 20th Century Austria and Hungary, ed. Weibel, 2005.
- Andrew V. Uroskie, "La Jetée en Spirale: Robert Smithson's Stratigraphic Cinema", Grey Room 19, Spring 2005, pp 54-79.
- Nicole Brenez, "Improvised Notes on French Expanded Cinema", trans. Franck Le Gac, Millenium Film Journal 43/44 (Summer/Fall 2005).
- Bruno Lessard, "Missed Encounters: Film Theory and Expanded Cinema", Refractory blog, 26 Dec 2008.
- Duncan White, "Mapping Expanded Cinema", Vertigo 4:2 (Winter-Spring 2009).
- Marc Glöde, "Expanded Cinema", in See This Sound Compendium, c2009.
- Duncan White, "British Expanded Cinema and the ‘Live Culture’ 1969–79", Visual Culture in Britain 11:1 (2010), pp 93-108.
- Lucy Reynolds, "Magic Tricks? Shadow Play in British Expanded Cinema", Afterall 23, Spring 2010. [25]
- Hans Scheugl, "Expanded Cinemas Exploding", 2012. (German)
- "Expanded Cinemas Exploding", in Film Unframed: A History of Austrian Avant-Garde Cinema, ed. Peter Tscherkassky, Vienna, 2012.
- Andrew V. Uroskie, "Visual Music After Cage Robert Breer Expanded Cinema and Stockhausen's Originals 1964", Organised Sound 17:2, 2012, pp 163-169.
- Chris Meigh-Andrews, "Expanded Cinema", ch 4 in Meigh-Andrews, A History of Video Art, Bloomsbury, 2013. [26]
- Paul Hegarty, "Expanding Cinema", ch 1 in Hegarty, Rumour and Radiation: Sound in Video Art, Bloomsbury Academic, 2014, pp 19-31.
- gary comenas, "Jonas Mekas and the Film-Makers' Cinematheque", WarholStars.org, 2014.
- Nadja Millner-Larsen, "The Subject of Black: Abstraction and the Politics of Race in the Expanded Cinema Environment", Grey Room 67, Spring 2017, pp 64-99.
See also[edit]
Visual art | ||
Movements – 1990s – East Central Europe – Writers – Historians – Care – Museums – References. |
Moving Image communities of practice in film and video |
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