Richard Kriesche
Richard Kriesche ranks among those pioneers in media art who, in a most rigorous way, have applied strategies to analyse the inherent qualities and limits of the medium. Born 1940 in Vienna; 1963 teaching credential examination for Artistic Pedagogy at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academy of Visual Arts) und and at the University, Vienna; 1964 Masters in Graphic Arts and Painting at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna; 1969 instructed at the Höheren Technischen Lehranstalt (Higher Technical Teaching Facility), Graz, Austria; 1969 founded «pool»; 1977 head of the experimental section of the Audio-Visual Center, Graz; 1984 founded «kulturdata» (culture data); artistic interest in media, initially analog, but since the early 70s, digital; currently Director of the Office for Artistic and Scientific Affairs of the Steiermark state government, Graz; lives and works in Graz.