Nora Sternfeld
Nora Sternfeld is an art mediator and curator. She is professor for art education at the HFBK Hamburg. From 2018 to 2020 she was documenta professor at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. From 2012 to 2018 she was Professor of Curating and Mediating Art at Aalto University in Helsinki. In addition, she is co-director of the /ecm - Master Course for Exhibition Theory and Practice at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, in the core team of schnittpunkt. austellungstheorie & praxis, co-founder and partner of trafo.K, Office for Education, Art and Critical Knowledge Production (Vienna) and since 2011 part of freethought, Platform for Research, Education and Production (London). In this context she was also one of the artistic directors* of the Bergen Assembly 2016 and is 2020 BAK Fellow, basis voor actuele kunst (Utrecht). She publishes on contemporary art, educational theory, exhibitions, historical politics and anti-racism. (2024)
- editor, with Beatrice Jaschke and Charlotte Martinz-Turek, Wer spricht? Autorität und Autorschaft in Ausstellungen, Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2005, 219 pp. (German)
- with Ljubomir Bratić and Hannah Stippl, Alles möglich, Innsbruck: Tiroler Künstlerschaft, 2006. (German)
- Das Pädagogische Unverhältnis. Lehren und Lernen bei Rancière, Gramsci und Foucault, Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2009. (German)
- editor, with Belinda Kazeem and Charlotte Martinz-Turek, Das Unbehagen im Museum. Postkoloniale Museologien, Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2009, 236 pp. (German)
- editor, with Luisa Ziaja, Fotografie und Wahrheit. Bilddokumente in Ausstellungen, Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2010. Introduction. (German)
- editor, with Beatrice Jaschke, educational turn. Handlungsräume der Kunst- und Kulturvermittlung, Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2012, 234 pp. (German)
- Kontaktzonen der Geschichtsvermittlung. Transnationales Lernen über den Holocaust in der postnazistischen Migrationsgesellschaft, Vienna: Zaglossus, 2013. (German)
- editor, with Kaija Kaitavuori and Laura Kokkonen, It's All Mediating: Outlining and Incorporating the Roles of Curating and Education in the Exhibition Context, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2013. Introduction. (English)
- editor, with Natalie Bayer and Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński, Kuratieren als antirassistische Praxis, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. [1] [2] (German)
- Curating as Anti-Racist Practice, Espoo: Aalto University, 2019, 326 pp. (English)
- Das radikaldemokratische Museum, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, 288 pp. Assembles twelve essays, published between 2012 and 2018, about the radical reconceptualisation of museums as contested public spaces. TOC. Publisher. Reviews: Landau (Third Text), Walz (H-Soz-Kult), Chwatal (Springerin) [3], Schopferer (KM) [4], Asche & Döring (ZEK). Interviews: Asche & Döring (Museological Rev), Prottas (J Mus Edu). (German)
- editor, with Martina Griesser-Stermscheg and Luisa Ziaja, Sich mit Sammlungen anlegen. Gemeinsame Dinge und alternative Archive, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020, 300 pp. (German)
- editor, with Ayşe Güleç, Carina Herring, Gila Kolb and Julia Stolba, vermittlung vermitteln. Fragen, Forderungen und Versuchsanordnungen von Kunstvermittler*innen im 21. Jahrhundert, Berlin: Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst – nGbK, 2020. (German)
- I det postrepræsentationelle museum, Copenhagen: Billedkunstskolernes Forlag, and Kunsten som Forum, 2022. [5] (Danish)
- co-editor, Widersprüche. Kuratorisch handeln zwischen Theorie und Praxis, De Gruyter, 2022. (German)
- editor, with Gregoire Rousseau, Radio as Radical Education, Helsinki: Station of Commons, 2024, 108 pp. Project. Book launch.