Mikhail Matiushin

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Matiushin and Elena Guro, Finland, c1913.
Matiushin with Malevich and Kruchenykh, 1914.

Mikhail Vasilievich Matiushin (Михаил Васильевич Матюшин; 1861, Nizhny Novgorod - 1934, Leningrad) was a Russian painter and composer, leading member of the Russian avant-garde.

In 1910–1913 the professional musician and amateur painter Matiushin and his wife Elena Guro (1877-1913) were key members of the Union of Youth, an association of Russian Futurists. In 1913 he, the writer Alexei Kruchenykh and the painter Kazimir Malevich collaborated on what they called the "first Futurist Opera", Victory Over the Sun, for which Matiushin wrote the score.

Matiushin worked closely with Kandinsky studying color and musical relationships to color. He conducted experiments at his Visiology Center (Zorved) to demonstrate that expanding visual sensitivity from retinian optical centers would enable the discovery of "new organic substance and rhythm in the apprehension of space." He tried to teach himself and his students to see with both eyes, each independently, and to widen the field of their vision. He describes some of his work and ideas in a long essay titled "An Artist's Experience of the New Space." Matiushin later developed his own concept of the fourth dimension connecting visual and musical arts, a theory that he put to practice in the classrooms of Leningrad Workshop of SVOMAS and GINKhUK (1918–1934) and summarized in his 1932 work Spravochnik po tsvetu [Colour Handbook].


  • "O knige Mettsenzhe-Gleza O kubizme" [О книге Метценже-Глеза «О кубизме»], Союз молодежи 3, St Petersburg, Mar 1913, pp 25-34. (Russian)
    • "Of the Book by Gleizes and Metzinger Du Cubisme", in Linda Dalrymple Henderson, The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art, Princeton University Press, 1983, pp 368-375. (English)
    • "About the Book Du Cubisme by Metzinger and Gleizes", in Russian Avant-Garde 1910-1930: The George Costakis Collection, vol. 2, ed. Anna Kafetsi, Athens: Ministry of Culture and National Gallery, 1995, pp 484-487. (English)
  • "Futurizm v Peterburge" [Футуризм в Петербурге], Futuristy 1-2, eds. Vasily Kamensky and David Burliuk, Moscow: Mysl, 1914, pp 153-157. (Russian)
  • Osennii son. Siuita dlia skripki i pianino, Petrograd: Zhuravl, 1915. (Russian)
  • Don Kikhot. Siuita dlia pianino, Petrograd: Zhuravl, 1915. (Russian)
  • Rukovodstvo k izucheniyu chetvortogo tona dlya skripki [Руководство к изучению четвёртого тона для скрипки], Petrograd: Zhuravl, 1915. (Russian)
  • "O vystavke poslednikh futuristov" [О выставке последних футуристов], Ocharovannyy strannik [Очарованный странник], Petrograd, 1916. (Russian)
  • "O staroy i novoy muzyke", Almanakh UNOVIS [Альманах Уновис] 1, Vitebsk, 1920; facsimile repr., Moscow: ScanRus [Сканрус], 2003. (Russian)
  • "Ne iskusstvo, a zhizn'", Zhizn' iskusstva 20, Petrograd, 22 May 1923. (Russian)
    • "Not Art But Life, 1923", in The Avant-Garde in Russia 1910-1930: New Perspectives, ed. Stephanie Barron and Maurice Tuchman, Los Angeles: LACMA, and Cambridge: MIT Press, 1980, p 209. (English)
    • "Not Art But Life", in Russian Avant-Garde 1910-1930: The George Costakis Collection, vol. 2, ed. Anna Kafetsi, Athens: Ministry of Culture and National Gallery, 1995, p 586. (English)
  • "Sproba novogo bidchuttia prostoroni", Nova generatsiia 11 (1928), pp 311-322. (Russian)
  • Spravochnik po tsvetu [Справочник по цвету. Закономерность изменяемости цветовых сочетаний; Colour Handbook], Moscow/Leningrad, 1932; new ed., intro. L.A. Zhadova, Moscow: D. Aronov, 2007, 72 pp. (Russian)
    • "The Laws Governing the Variability of Colour Combinations: Colour Manual", in Margareta Tillberg, Coloured Universe and the Russian Avant-Garde. Matiushin on Colour Vision in Stalin's Russia, 1932, Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2003, pp 345-376. (English)
  • "Opyt khudozhnika novoy mery" [Опыт художника новой меры, 1926], in K istorii russkogo avangarda [К истории русского авангарда], ed. Nikolai Khardzhiev, Stockholm: Hylaea Prints, 1976, pp 159-187. (Russian)
  • "Russkie kubo-futuristy: vospominaniya" [Русские кубо-футуристы: воспоминания], in K istorii russkogo avangarda [К истории русского авангарда], ed. Nikolai Khardzhiev, Stockholm: Hylaea Prints, 1976, pp 135-158; repr. as "Vospominaniya futurista" [Воспоминания футуриста], Volga [Волга] 9-10 (1994), pp 72-123. (Russian)
  • "Russkiy kubofuturizm" [Русский кубофутуризм], in Russkiy futurizm: teoriya, praktika, kritika, vospominaniya [Русский футуризм: теория, практика, критика, воспоминания], Moscow: Nasledie, 1999, pp 312-328. (Russian)
  • "Staraya i novaya muzyka" [Старая и новая музыка], Iskusstvoznanie 1 (2003), pp 501-507. (Russian)
  • Tvorcheskiy put' khudozhnika: avtobiografiya [Творческий путь художника], ed. Alla Povelikhina, Moscow: Muzey Organicheskoy Kul'tury, 2011, 408 pp. (Russian)


  • B.N. Kapelyush (Б.Н. Капелюш), "Arkhivy M.V. Matiushina i Ye.G. Guro" [Архивы М. В. Матюшина и Е. Г. Гуро], Ежегодник Рукописного отдела Пушкинского дома на 1974 год, Leningrad: Nauka, 1974, pp 4-23. (Russian)
  • Matjuschin und die Leningrader Avantgarde, ed. Heinrich Klotz, Stuttgart: Oktogon, 1991, 231 pp. Catalogue of the exhibition held at Badischen Kunstverein Karlsruhe, 27 Apr–9 Jun 1991. [1] (German)
  • Margareta Tillberg, Coloured Universe and the Russian Avant-Garde. Matiushin on Colour Vision in Stalin's Russia, 1932, Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2003, 406 pp. Dissertation. [2]. Review: Werner (2004), Pohlmann (2010). (English)
    • Margareta Tillberg, Tsvetnaia vselennaia: Mikhail Matiushin ob iskusstve i zrenii [Цветная вселенная: Михаил Матюшин об искусстве и зрении], trans. D. Dukhavina and M. Iarosh, Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2008, 512 pp. Review: Ivankin. (Russian)
  • Bulat Galeyev, "Mikhail Matyushin's Contribution to Synthetic Art", Leonardo 38:2 (2005), pp 151-154. (English)
  • Михаил Матюшин. Профессор академии художеств / Mikhail Matyushin: Professor of Academy of Arts, ed. Nikita Nesmelov (Никита Несмелов), NT-Print, 2007, 264 pp. Catalogue. (Russian)/(English)
  • Margareta Tillberg, "Matiushin i muzyka", in Avangard i teatr 1910–1920-kh godov, ed. G.F. Kovalenko, Moscow: Nauka, and Gosudarstvennyi institut iskusstvoznaniia, RAN, 2008, pp 321-346. (Russian)
  • Margareta Tillberg, "'Be a Spectator with a Large Ear': Victory over the Sun as a Public Laboratory Experiment for Mikhail Matiushin's Theories of Colour Vision", in Victory over the Sun: The World's First Futurist Opera, eds. Rosamund Bartlett and Sarah Dadswell, University of Exeter Press, 2011, pp 208-223 & 304-307. (English)
  • Isabel Wünsche, Kunst & Leben: Michail Matjuschin und die Russische Avantgarde in St. Petersburg, Vienna/Cologne/Weimar: Böhlau, 2012, 258 pp. TOC, Bibliography, [3]. (German)
  • Margareta Tillberg, "Farbe als Erfahrung: Experiment und praktische Anwendung in Kunst und Wissenschaft an der Moskauer GAKhN und Leningrader GINChUK", in Form und Wirkung: phänomenologische und empirische Kunstwissenschaft in der Sowjetunion der 1920er Jahre, eds. Aage Hansen-Löve, Brigitte Obermeyr and Georg Witte, Munich: Fink, 2013, pp 209-221. (German)
  • Isabel Wünsche, "Mikhail Matiushin and the Emergence of the Organic School", ch 3 in Wünsche, The Organic School of the Russian Avant-Garde: Nature's Creative Principles, Farnham: Ashgate, 2015, pp 83-140. [4] (English)

See also[edit]
