Gui Bonsiepe
Born |
March 23, 1934 Glücksburg, Germany |
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Gui Bonsiepe (1934) is a German designer, teacher and writer. Especially in South America and Germany, his publications are considered standards of design theory.
He was born in Glücksburg, and studied graphics and architecture until 1955 at Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, Munich and at TU München. Until 1959, he studied at Ulm School of Design (Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm) in the Information Department. Between 1960 and 1968 he worked as an Assistant Professor at Ulm School of Design. After closure of the school in 1968 Bonsiepe relocated to South America working as a design consultant. From 1970 to 1973, he led the design team for the transaction room of the Cybersyn project. From 1987 to 1989, Bonsiepe worked as an interface designer in a software company in Emeryville, USA.
From 1993 to 2003, Bonsiepe was Professor for Interface Design at Köln International School of Design (KISD) in Germany. He was Professor for Integrated Media at Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI), Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro, where he planned and established a Master of Design study program.
He lives in La Plata, Buenos Aires and in Florianópolis, Brasil.
- Design im Übergang zum Sozialismus, Hamburg: Designtheorie, 1974. (German)
- Diseño industrial: artefacto y proyecto, Madrid: Alberto Corazón, 1975. (Spanish)
- Teoria e pratica del disegno industriale, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1975; 3rd ed., new pref., 1993. (Italian)
- Teoría y práctica del diseño industrial: elementos para una manualística crítica, Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1978, 254 pp. Chapter 1. (Spanish)
- Teoria e prática do design industrial: elementos para um manual crítico, Lisbon: Centro Portugüês de Design, 1992, 362 pp. (Portuguese)
- Diseño industrial, tecnologia y subdesarrollo, Buenos Aires: Summa, 1975; new ed., exp., Diseño industrial: tecnologia y dependencia, México: Edicol, 1978. (Spanish)
- with Tamiko Yamada, Desenho industrial para pessoas deficientes, Brasilia: Conselho Nacional de Desenvovimento Científico e Tecnológico, 1982, 56 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- A 'Tecnologia' da tecnologia, pref. Darcy Ribeiro., São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 1983. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Diseño de la periferia, México, D.F.: Gustavo Gili, 1985, 271 pp. (Spanish)
- with Tamiko Yamada, Prevenção de acidentes e componentes para edificações habitacionais: estudos de projetos, Brasilia: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, 1984. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- editor, Metodologia experimental. Desenho Industrial, Brasilia: CNPq, 1984, 86 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Las siete columnas del diseño, Azcapotzalco: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 1993. A collection of lectures and interviews. (Spanish)
- Dall'oggetto all'interfaccia: mutazioni del design, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1995, 263 pp. (Italian)
- Interface. Design neu begreifen, Mannheim: Bollmann, 1996. Introduction, Excerpt. (German)
- Del objeto a la interfase: mutaciones del diseño, Buenos Aires: Infinito, 1999, 200 pp. (Spanish)
- Interface: An Approach to Design, ed. Dawn Barrett, Maastricht: Jan van Eyck Akademie, 1999, 168 pp. (English)
- Design: do material ao digital, trans. Claudio Dutra, Florianópolis, SC: FIESC/IEL, 1997, 191 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Bonsiepe, et al., HfG Ulm, Berlin: form + zweck, 2003, 128 pp. With CD. (German)
- editor, with Silvia Fernandez, Historia del diseño en América Latina y el Caribe: industrialización y comunicación visual para la autonomía, São Paulo: Blücher, 2008, 371 pp. (Spanish)
- Entwurfskultur und Gesellschaft: Gestaltung zwischen Zentrum und Peripherie, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2009, 239 pp. (German)
- Diseño y crisis, València: Campgràfic, 2012, ix+271 pp. (Spanish)
- Design and Democracy, London: Bedford Press, 2010, 68 pp. Includes excerpt from Design im Übergang zum Sozialismus (1974). [1] (English)
- with Tomás Maldonado, "Wissenschaft und Gestaltung / Science and Design", ulm 10-11 (May 1965), pp 12-29, HTML (de), PDF (de). (German)/(English)
- "Scienza e progetto", in Progettazione e scienza, ed. G. Susani, Marsilio: Padova, 1967. (Italian)
- "Visuell-verbale Rhetorik / Visual-verbal Rhetoric", ulm 14-16 (1965), pp 23-40. (German)/(English)
- "Erziehung zur visuellen Gestaltung / Education for Visual Design", ulm 12-13 (Mar 1965), pp 17-24, HTML (de). (German)/(English)
- "Arabesken der Rationalität / Arabesques of Rationality", ulm 19-20 (1967), pp 9-23, HTML (de). (German)/(English)
- "Eine Methode, Ordnung in der typographischen Gestaltung zu quantifizieren / A Method of Quantifying Order in Typographic Design", ulm 21 (1968), pp 24-31. (German)/(English)
- Josef Albers, Wechselwirkung der Farbe, Cologne: DuMont, 1970. Trans. of Interaction of Color. (German)
- Tomás Maldonado, Umwelt und Revolte : zur Dialektik des Entwerfens im Spätkapitalismus, trans. Gui Bonsiepe, Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1972, 118 pp. Trans. of La speranza progettuale (1970). (German)
- Tomás Maldonado, Digitale Welt und Gestaltung: ausgewählte Schriften, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2007, 421 pp. (German)
See also[edit]