Benjamin H. D. Buchloh
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Benjamin Heinz-Dieter Buchloh (15 November 1941, Cologne) is an art historian. Between 2005 and 2021 he was the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Modern Art in the History of Art and Architecture department at Harvard University.
- Books
- with Kynaston McShine and Robert Rosenblum, Andy Warhol: A Retrospective, 1990.
- with Lynne Cooke, James Coleman: Projected Images 1972-1994, 1995.
- with Judith F. Rodenbeck, Experiments in the Everyday: Allan Kaprow and Robert Watts. Events, Objects, Documents, New York: Columbia University, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, 1999, xv+155 pp, IA.
- Neo-Avantgarde and Culture Industry: Essays on European and American Art from 1955 to 1975, MIT Press (October Books), 2000, 632 pp, PDF. Publisher.
- with Karner Dietrich, Allan Sekula: Performance Under Working Conditions, 2003. [1]
- with Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, and Yve-Alain Bois, Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism, London: Thames & Hudson, 2004, 704 pp; 2nd ed., rev., 2012, 816 pp; 3rd ed., upd. & exp., 2016, 896 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Bishop (Artforum), Collings (Guardian), Gewen (NY Times), Bryson (Frieze), Karmel, Sá (PT), Richard (LRB), Dahlberg (Leonardo).
- Arte desde 1900: modernidad, antimodernidad, posmodernidad, trans. Fabián Chueca, Francisco López and Alfredo Brotons Mun̋oz, Madrid: Akal, 2006, 704 pp. (Spanish)
- Arte dal 1900: modernismo, antimodernismo, postmodernismo, trans. Elio Grazioli, Bologna: Zanichelli, 2006, 704 pp; 3rd ed., 2017, 895 pp. (Italian)
- Umění po roce 1900: modernismus, antimodernismus, postmodernismus, trans. Josef Hrdlička, Irena Ellis and Jitka Sedláčková, Prague: Slovart, 2007, 704 pp; 2nd ed., exp., Prague: Slovart, 2015, 816 pp. (Czech)
- 1900년 이후의 미술사: 모더니즘, 반모더니즘, 포스트모더니즘, Seoul, 2007, 704 pp; 2nd ed., 2012, 815 pp; 3rd ed., Seoul: 사이언스북스, 2016, 895 pp. (Korean)
- Iskusstvo s 1900 goda: modernizm, antimodernizm, postmodernizm [Искусство с 1900 года: модернизм, антимодернизм, постмодернизм], trans. G. Abdushelishvili, et al., Moscow: Ad Marginem (Ад Маргинем), 2015, 816 pp. Publisher. (Russian)
- Zukan senkyuhyakunen igo no geijutsu [図鑑1900年以後の芸術], Tokyo: Tōkyōshoseki (東京書籍), 2019, 895 pp. (Japanese)
- Sztuka po 1900 roku: modernizm, antymodernizm, postmodernizm, trans. Małgorzata Szubert, Dorota Skalska-Stefańska, and Anna Cichowicz, Warsaw: Arkady, 2023, 896 pp. Publisher. (Polish)
- Formalismo e historicidad: modelos y métodos en el arte del siglo XX, trans. César Rendueles and Carolina del Olmo, Madrid: Akal, 2004, 248 pp, ARG. Selected essays. Publisher. [2] (Spanish)
- Thomas Hirschhorn, 2004.
- editor, Gerhard Richter, MIT Press (October Books), 2009, 200 pp. Publisher.
- Formalism and Historicity: Models and Methods in Twentieth-Century Art, MIT Press (October Books), 2015, xli+550 pp. Publisher.
- Gerhard Richter: Painting After the Subject of History, MIT Press (October Books), 2022, 696 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Siegel (Artforum), Spaulding (Art in America), Sigler (Eur Legacy).
- Articles (selection)
- "De l'esthétique d'administration à la critique institutionnelle (Aspects de l'art conceptuel, 1962-1969)", in L'art conceptuel, une perspective, Paris: Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1989, pp 25-29; repr. in Buchloh, Essais historiques II, Lyon: Art édition, 1992, pp 155-212. (French)
- "Conceptual Art 1962-1969: From the Aesthetic of Administration to the Critique of Institutions", October 55, Winter 1990, pp 105-143.
- "Von der Ästhetik der Verwaltung zur institutionellen Kritik. Einige Aspekte der Konzeptkunst von 1962-1969", in Um 1968. Konkrete Utopien in Kunst und Gesellschaft, ed. Marie Luise Syring, Düsseldorf: Städtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, and Cologne: Dumont, 1990, pp 86-99. (German)
- "El arte conceptual de 1962 a 1969: de la estética de la administración a la crítica de las instituciones", in Buchloh, Formalismo e historicidad: modelos y métodos en el arte del siglo XX, Madrid: Akal, 2004, pp 167-200. (Spanish)
- "Konceptuell konst 1962-1969: från administrationens estetik till kritik av institutioner", Kairos 11: "Konceptkonst", ed. Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Stockholm: Raster, 2006. [3] (Swedish)
- "Arta conceptuală 1962–1969: De la estetica administrării la critica instituțiilor", trans. Veronica Lazăr and Andrei State, IDEA 25, 2006. (Romanian)
- "Konceptualna umetnost 1962-1969: od estetike administracije do kritike institucija", trans. Zorana Dojić and Jelena Vesić, Prelom 9, Belgrade, 2008, pp 199-222. [4] (Serbian)
- Bibliography
- Exit Interview: Benjamin Buchloh in conversation with Hal Foster, no place press, Apr 2024, 184 pp. Publisher. [5]
- October 185: "Collective Reception: Essays in Honor of Benjamin H. D. Buchloh", Summer 2023. [6]
- Daniel Spaulding, "Legitimation Crisis: Notes on Benjamin Buchloh’s Method", Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 86:3, Oct 2023, pp 406-419.