Tomáš Makara

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Born 1982 in Kosice. Student at Visual Arts and Intermedia FU TU Košice. Print, installations, videoworks.

Links :  
2000 - ended studies at High school of applied arts in Košice - graphic
2003 - studies at VSVU Bratislava - Prof. Daniel Fisher
2000 - 2004 - Studying at Technical university in Košice,
              Faculty of arts,Department of arts and intermedias - 
              studio of graphic and experimental creativity - 
              Akad.mal.Zbynek Prokop
2006 - created Artgroup KASSABOYS with Radovan Cerevka and Peter Vrabel
       KASSABOYS web: 
2008 - Member of MakeUp collective, which make exhibitions of contemporary art
2008 - Heal the world, Subteren, Michalovce /SK/ 
2007 - Tomas Makara + Peter Vrabel in Museum of Vojtech Loffler,Kosice /SK/ 
2006 - JUST BELIEVE IT  -  with Matus Lanyi,IC culture Train,Kosice /SK/

Group exhibition: 
2001 - International student film festival “ÁČKO” in Bratislava /SK/
2002 - Group exhibition FuTu,  Košice /SK/
2002 - In To, Giessen /DE/
2003 - Nowboarding, Gallery Buryzone in Bratislava, exhibition of videoart /SK/
2003 - Exhibition of student works from Department of arts and intermedias 
       Academy  of arts in Prague /CZ/                
2003 - AVANTgarda 003, City gallery of Rimavská Sobota /SK/
2003 - PAL fiction, Gallery art factory - Prague /CZ/
2003 - KVUaI, Muzeum Vojtecha Lofflera Kosice /SK/
2004 - Fresh from East side, gallery AM  180,  Prague /CZ/
2004 - Volume One, Wave club, Presov  /SK/
2004 - KVUAI, Sahy, /SK/
2004 - Under the blue sky, Open Gallery, Bratislava, /SK/
2005 - Pop Gaucaky, Faculty of Public admin., Kosice /SK/
2005 - WAFEX - festival of new media, Irish pub,B.Bystrica /SK/
2006 - Selected videoworks, IC culture Train /SK/
2006 - Hrach o stenu hádzať !,Stanica,Zilina /SK/
2007 - Sieť, Billboart Gallery Europe,Bratislava,Košice /SK/
2007 - East of Eden, galéria Space, Bratislava /SK/
2007 - East of Eden, Casern/Cultur Park, Kosice /SK/
2007 - Mapovanie, Museum of Andy Warhol, Medzilaborce /SK/
2007 - De/cent/ralizácia, Gallery of Youth, Nitra /SK/
2007 - Make it up, Gallery GAVU, Prague /CZ/
2007 - K.O.MIX, Gallery of Youth, Nitra /SK/
2007 - ARTon ! – IFF, Bratislava /SK/
2008 - Cassovia Contemporary on sale 2008, Museum of Vojtech Loffler,Kosice /SK/
2008 - East of Eden, Karlin studios, Prague /CZ/
2008 - AntiFarewell, Bussiness centre, Kosice /SK/
2008 - Little stories / contemporary slovak videoart / , Apollonia, Strassburg /FR/
2008 - Family Hapiness, online exhibition 



We are here to change the world ! collage, installation - print, lightbox 120x60 cm, in CO cover - 2006


Enter limited ! collage, installation - print, lightbox 120x60 cm, in CO cover- 2006


You can change the world ! collage, installation - print, lightbox 120x60 cm, in CO cover - 2006


View on installation in CO cover - 2006


View on installation in CO cover - 2006


View on installation in CO cover - 2006

JUST BELIEVE IT - exhibition Link


View on ´´JUST BELIEVE IT´´exhibition in IC CULTURE TRAIN, 2006, Kosice /SK/


View on ´´JUST BELIEVE IT´´exhibition in IC CULTURE TRAIN, 2006, Kosice /SK/


View on ´´JUST BELIEVE IT´´exhibition in IC CULTURE TRAIN, 2006, Kosice /SK/

´´HRACH O STENU HADZAT´´ Workshop, 2006, Zilina /SK/


´´Untitled´´ from workshop ´´Hrach o stenu hadzat´´ - bilboard 2006


´´EU icon´´ from workshop ´´Hrach o stenu hadzat´´ - bilboard 2006