Mikuláš Galanda

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Photo: Jaromír Funke, c. 1936-37.
Born May 4, 1895(1895-05-04)
Malá Vieska, near Štubnianske Teplice (now Turčianske Teplice), Austria-Hungary
Died June 5, 1938(1938-06-05) (aged 43)
Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
Web Wikipedia, Wikipedia-SK
Collections Art museums in Slovakia (Web umenia)
With another teacher at the School of Arts and Crafts, Bratislava.

Mikuláš Galanda (1895-1938) was a Slovak painter, illustrator, and graphic designer.

Life and work[edit]

Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest (Prof. Dezider Rakšáni, 1915-16), the Artistic and Industrial School in Prague (Prof. Vratislav Brunner, 1922-23), and graduates from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (Prof. August Brömse, František Thiele, 1923-27). Brömse introduces him to the work of Edvard Munch. 1924-1926 he is the first graphical editor of DAV, Prague-based Slovak avant-garde magazine. 1928 gets the approval to teach drawing; in Prague he meets Mária Boudová, his future wife. 1929 moves to Bratislava, in October starts teaching at the girls town school I (štátna meštianska dievčenská škola), and later at the boys town school II (II. meštianska chlapčenská škola). 1930-1931 shares a studio with Ľudovít Fulla situated on Trnavská street 5, Bratislava. In early 1930 he begins teaching at the School of Arts and Crafts, Bratislava; joins Umelecká beseda slovenská; in September he takes a study trip to Paris via Vladimír Clementis, exhibition in Kraków. 1930-1932 together with Fulla they release four issues of their Private Letters, in which they talk about new progressive ideas in fine arts and its function in modern society. 1932 marries Mária Boudová. 1933 becomes a professor at the School of Arts and Crafts, Bratislava, and teaches litography and graphics (with F.Malý, Josef Vydra, and Fulla); wins Krajinská cena M. R. Štefánika award. 1935 solo exhibition at Elan Hall, Prague. 1936 holiday in Ždiar; participation at the Venice Biennale. 1937 World exhibition in Paris, he wins a Silver Medal for book design and illustration; exhibition in Moscow. 1938 participation at Exhibition of Slovak Art in New York, he signs Verní zostaneme! [Forever faithful!] manifesto together with 300 cultural, artistic, scientific and religious representatives in a protest against the separation of Czechoslovakia. 1991 permanent exhibition opens in his hometown Turčianske Teplice [1].




  • Súkromné listy Fullu a Galandu, ed. Silvia Ilečková, Bratislava: SNG, 1992, [8] pp. [2] (Slovak)
  • Súkromné listy Fullu a Galandu / Private Letters of Fulla and Galanda, ed. Katarína Bajcurová, Bratislava: Slovenská národná galéria, 2020, 148 pp. [3] (Slovak)/(English)


  • Z. Kostrová (ed.), Katalóg stálej expozície zo života a tvorby Mikuláša Galandu, Martin: Vydavateľstvo Turčianskej galérie, 1989, 118 pp. (Slovak)
  • Silvia Ilečková (ed.), Súkromné listy Fullu a Galandu, Bratislava: Slovenská národná galéria, 1992, 32 pp. Catalogue for the exhibition at Dessewffyovský palác, Galéria starého a moderného umenia. (Slovak),(English),(German)
  • Zdenko Ďuriška, "Z minulosti rodu Galandovcov", Biografické štúdie 23, 1996, pp 80-98. (Slovak)
  • Jarmila Kováčová, "Život Mikuláša Galandu", Biografické štúdie 23, 1996, pp 99-106. (Slovak)
  • Lukáš Štepanovský, "Súkromné listy Fullu a Galandu", Web umenia, 19 Dec 2016. (Slovak)
