Johannes Tröndle

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Writer, musician and sound artist based in Vienna. Born 1981 in Hallein. Studied musicology in Vienna. Quit studying classical cello in Linz after one year to focus on a rather experimental approach, treating the whole body of the instrument as a generator for sounds and, especially, noises. Works with amplification and real-time-sampling. He publishes in literary journals (Freibord, Lichtungen, Das Fröhliche Wohnzimmer, Zeitzoo), won Radio-ö1-writing-competition 2010, got a start-scholarship for literature of Austrian federal ministry 2010. He is member of Grazer Autorinnen Autoren Versammlung. Live-radio-play Urgroßvater was published in edition Audiobeans (2012). Co-founder of the electro-acoustic duos Inien, Nörz (with Andreas Trobollowitsch, since 2007), and Acker Velvet. Gave several concerts in Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain. CD-releases on Schraum / Berlin (2009 + 2011) and Monotype Records / Warsaw (2012).