B books

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b_books is a collective based in kreuzberg, berlin. it started in 1996 and consists of persons with different backgrounds, working fields and ambitions, such as artists, political activists, theoreticians and filmmakers. the b_books collective runs a bookshop, a venue and a publishing house, specialized in political philosophy, art and film theory, queer, gender and postcolonial studies. b_books arranges and hosts events called montagsPRAXIS. The publishing activity began in 1998 with writings by antonio negri, linda singer, chris kraus, maurizio lazzarato, harun farocki, paul b. preciado, jacques rancière and series on architecture, politics and art criticism. In 2000 b_books started producing essay-, and featurefilms as bbooks av.

the b_books collective currently includes Katja Diefenbach, Daniel Delhas, Florian Gass, Stephan Geene, Çiğdem Inan, Marietta Kesting, Karolin Meunier, Mirja Reuter, Anna R. Winder, Michaela Wünsch. (2022)


  • Diedrich Diederichsen, Der lange Weg nach Mitte. Der Sound und die Stadt, Cologne: Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1999; repr., Kiwi, 2018, 312 pp. Publisher. (German)
