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File:Lumbung Commons and Community Art A Conversation on the Behind-the-Scenes of documenta fifteen 2023.pdf

Lumbung Commons and Community Art A Conversation on the Behind-the-Scenes of documenta fifteen 2023.jpg
Lumbung, Commons and Community Art. A Conversation on the Behind-the-Scenes of documenta fifteen

by Florian Cramer and Simon Kentgens

"documenta fifteen was a large-scale collective experiment in creating a commons using the art system. How did its lumbung community experience it? What happened on site and behind the scenes? What went wrong, and what can we take away from it? How does documenta fifteen fit into a larger picture of collective and community-oriented art practices?

This publication takes is base from a radio conversation between Simon Kentgens and Florian Cramer, where they together ruminated on their experiences and takeaways as peripheral participants in documenta fifteen."

 Publisher: HumDrumPress, Rotterdam, 2023
 136 pages

Publisher. Toot. Toot.


File:Messe 2ok 1996.pdf

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Messe 2ok Diagramm 1996.jpg

Messe 2ok : ökonoMiese machen

Edited by / Herausgegeben von Alice Creischer, Dierk Schmidt, Andreas Siekmann

A reader from a fair for political initiatives and art groups, organised by Alice Creischer, Andreas Siekmann, Birger Huebel, Michaela Odinius and Dierk Schmidt. Took place parallel to Art Cologne 1995.

"Ein nahezu legendäres Buch im Großformat. Ein umfassendes Resümee zur politischen Diskussion autonomer Künstlergruppierung der 90er. Die Schwerpunktthemen sind:
Autonomie, Sponsoring, Stadtplanung und Ökonomie.
Die Messe 2ok war ein selbstorganisiertes und selbstfinanziertes Treffen von ca. 30 Gruppierungen aus dem Kunst-, Polit-, und Musikbereich aus der BRD, den Niederlanden, Dänemark, Italien, Ungarn, Österreich und der Schweiz parallel zur Art Cologne im November 1995.

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind . . .

der politische Anspruch von nichtinstitutioneller Organisationsarbeit, deren Entscheidungsprozesse und deren ökonomische und politische Konsequenzen. Daran schließt sich eine ausführliche Behandlung des Themas Sponsoring an. Im Reader werden, neben zahlreichen Recherchen, Quellenmaterial und einer kritischen Bestandsaufnahme des bisherigen Standes der Diskussion in der Feuilletons (in denen Sponsoring seit dem vergangenen Jahr zum bevorzugten Thema avanciert), Vertragsentwürfe und die Diskussion von Strategien gegenüber Finanzierungsangeboten von politisch fragwürdigen Firmen (z.B. Siemens) vorgestellt.

und weiterhin: . . .

Autonomie: der Abgleich zwischen künstlerischen und politischen Autonomieverständnis Stadtplanung: der öffentliche Raum als privatwirtschaftliche Disposition: Strategien, Gegen-Projekte Ökonomie: kritische Diskussion der Paradigmen der politischen Ökonomie bzgl. der Aktualität der repressiven wirtschaftlichen Machtverhältnisse: Waren-, Geld-, Tausch- und Vermittlungsproblematik.

Der Reader bietet mit Beiträgen von über 20 AutorInnen einen umfassenden Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der politische Diskussion im Kunstbereich, den damaligen Strategien und dem daraus resultierenden Selbstverständnis autonomer künstlerischer Gruppierungen. Der Reader enthält Projektbeschreibungen, Interviews, Diskussionen, Aufsätze und Essays und vielfältige Materialien zu den einzelnen Themenschwerpunkten. Er enthält zahlreiche Abbildungen und gehört mit seinem bemerkenswerten Layout zu den diesbezüglichen Highlights der 90er Jahre." [1]

 permanent press verlag, Köln / Berlin, 1996
 ISBN 3-931184-02-1
 Language: German
 120 Seiten, A3
 PDF (382 mb)
 1990s Cologne


File:Promiscuous Infrastructures Practicing Care 2024.pdf

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Promiscuous Infrastructures: Practicing Care

Edited by Michelle Teran, Marc Herbst, Vivian Sky Rehberg, Renée Turner and The Promiscuous Care Study Group

"Promiscuous Infrastructures brings together more than twenty contributors—art and social practitioners, researchers, and educators—who have been researching and writing about caring infrastructures and promiscuous care for the past several years. This interdisciplinary publication comprises essays, visual schematics and scores, personal letters, recipes, and conversations, which emerge from the work of the Promiscuous Care Study Group, situated around the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam.

Promiscuous Infrastructures calls for an ethics of care and attentiveness to one another within and beyond the shared context of a structurally dispassionate institution that requires innovation, expediency, and accountable results. The promiscuity it explores is defined by a collective refusal of efficiency, and favors generosity, care, love, and attention. Together, the group and their interlocutors address themes ranging from institutional change, communal responsibility and accountability practices, mental health and collective care, hospitality and hosting, soil, counter-histories, intergenerational learning, joy and collective grief and the poetics of imagining otherwise."

With contributions from: Carla Arcos, Jacquill Basdew, Selma Bellal, Seecum Cheung, Cooking Something Up, Yoeri Guépin, Marc Herbst, Czar Kristoff P., Pablo Lerma, Judith Leijdekkers, Carmen José, Edwin Mingard, Skye Maule-O’Brien, Lola Olufemi, Laurence Rassel, Vivian Sky Rehberg, Reading Room Rotterdam, Kari Robertson, Yusser al Obaidi, Michelle Teran, Renée Turner, and Julia Wilhelm.

 Publisher  Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, Leipzig, and WdKA Research Center, Rotterdam, May 2024
 ISBN       9798218366827
 Creative Commons BY—NC—ND 4.0 License
 285 pages
 PDF (38mb)



File:Rodney Walter How Europe Underdeveloped Africa rev ed 1981.pdf

Rodney Walter How Europe Underdeveloped Africa 1972.jpg

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

Walter Rodney

"Before a bomb ended his life in the summer of 1980, Walter Rodney had created a powerful legacy. This pivotal work, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, had already brought a new perspective to the question of underdevelopment in Africa. His Marxist analysis went far beyond the heretofore accepted approach in the study of Third World underdevelopment. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is an excellent introductory study for the student who wishes to better understand the dynamics of Africa s contemporary relations with the West."

Published in Great Britain 1972 by Bogle-L'Ouverture Publications, London and Tanzanian Publishing House, Dar es Salaam.

First published in the United States 1974 by Howard University Press.

Revised edition, 1981
postscript by A. M. Babu
Howard University Press, Washington DC
ISBN 0882580965 
312 pages

Review: Gabriel O. Apata (Theory, Culture & Society, 2022).

Publisher, 2018. Source PDF.


File:Schneider Ira Korot Beryl eds Video Art An Anthology 1976.pdf

Video Art: An Anthology

eds. Ira Schneider and Beryl Korot

Seventy video artists were each given two pages to present information about their work in any form they chose.

Also contains documents such as Shigeko Kubota’s “Anthology Film Archives Video Program,” and essays by David Antin, Stephen Beck, Eric Cameron, Douglas Davis, Anne Focke, Peter Frank, Hermine Freed, Davidson Gigliotti, Frank Gillette, John Hanhardt, Wulf Herzogenrath, Bruce Kurtz, David Ross, Bill Viola, Ingrid Weigand, and Willoughby Sharp.

 New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
 286 pages

Internet Archive. Worldcat.

video art


File:The Constituent Museum Constellations of Knowledge Politics and Mediation 2018.pdf

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The Constituent Museum. Constellations of Knowledge, Politics and Mediation

"What would happen if museums put relationships at the centre of their operations? This question inspires this publication, which offers a diverse, rigorous, and experimental analysis of what is commonly known as education, mediation or interpretation within museum institutions. It regards the visitor not as a passive receiver of predefined content, but as an active member of a constituent body, whom it facilitates, provokes, inspires and learns from. Moving beyond the practice of mediation as such, the publication situates constituent practices of collaboration and co-production within the existing social-political (neoliberal) context. It does this to reimagine and affect both the physical and organizational structures of museums and galleries.

Understanding the challenges of a constituent practice in an integral, interdisciplinary manner is what this publication aspires to. This is explored by placing the museum's constituents – museum professionals, active audience/co-curator, local and political agencies, operational structures and contexts – at the centre of the museum organization and looking at how their positions in society start to shift and change.

Issues that are addressed: ownership and power dynamics, collective pedagogy, pedagogy of encounter, collaboration, assent, dissent and consent, co-labour and co-curation (economies of exchange), precarity, and working with interns, archives and how to activate them, broadcasting, digital cultivation, crowdsourcing, and many other topics."

Editors: John Byrne (Lead Editor, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool), Elinor Morgan (MIMA, Middlesbrough), November Paynter (MOCA, Toronto), Aida Sánchez de Serdio (UOC, Barcelona), and Adela Železnik (MG+msum, Ljubljana).

Contributors: Azra Akšamija, Alberto Altés Arlandis, Burak Arikan, James Beighton, Manuel Borja-Villel, Sara Buraya, John Byrne, Jesús Carrillo, Alejandro Cevallos Narváez, Céline Condorelli, Sean Dockray, Özge Ersoy, Carmen Esbrí, Oriol Fontdevila, Amy Franceschini, Janna Graham, Nav Haq, Yaiza Hernández Velázquez, Emily Hesse, John Hill, Alistair Hudson, Adelita Husni-Bey, Kristine Khouri, Nora Landkammer, Maria Lind, Isabell Lorey, Francis McKee, Elinor Morgan, Paula Moliner, November Paynter, Manuela Pedrón Nicolau, Elliot Perkins, Bojana Piškur, Tjaša Pogačar Podgornik, Alan Quireyns, RedCSur, Rasha Salti, Francesco Salvini / pantxo ramas, Raúl Sánchez Cedillo, Aida Sánchez de Serdio, Somateca, Igor Španjol, Nora Sternfeld, Subtramas, Tiziana Terranova, Piet Van Hecke, Onur Yıldız, and Adela Železnik.

 Published by Valiz, Amsterdam, with L'internationale, 2018
 ISBN 978-94-92095-42-8
 Open access (2024)
 384 pages

Publisher. Publisher.


File:The Long 1980s Constellations of Art Politics and Identities 2018.pdf

The Long 1980s Constellations of Art Politics and Identities 2018.webp

The Long 1980s: Constellations of Art, Politics and Identities

"The Long 1980s considers the significance of the 1980s for culture and society today. It revisits this pivotal decade via a collection of microhistories from across Europe that span the fields of art, culture, and politics. Central to the stories in this book is the changing relationship between ideologies, governments, and their publics, the effects of which have come to shape the contemporary condition of Europe and beyond. Artists, writers, and activists were responding to and articulating these changes in myriad ways: in the streets, through words, images, objects, and actions. At the same time, new subjectivities were emerging at the intersection of race, class, gender, and sexuality, all voices that were demanding to be heard.

The publication is divided into four thematic chapters: 1. No Alternative? (on counter cultures, alternative forms of self-organization and art as activism); 2. Know Your Rights (on civil liberties, the rising planetary consciousness and new ecologies); 3. Processes of Identification (on anti-colonial positions and the drive for sexual and gender equality through culture); 4. New Order (on the far-reaching effects of the neoliberal regime and, finally, the significance of the year 1989). Comprising newly commissioned essays by leading thinkers alongside seventy case studies, including images and archival material published for the first time, this reader offers an invaluable and alternative reading of the recent past. A constellation of over seventy micro-histories, ranging from significant exhibitions or events to publications or key essays are presented across the four sections, spanning the different contexts out of which the research developed: Belgium, Catalonia, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and the UK. These case studies are presented through a rich combination of archival material, reproductions or reprinted texts with introductions by curators, historians, and theorists."

Editors: Nick Aikens (Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven), Teresa Grandas (MACBA, Barcelona), Nav Haq (M HKA, Antwerp), Beatriz Herráez (independent curator, San Sebastián), and Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez (L'Internationale Online).

Contributors: Nick Aikens, Henry Andersen, Zdenka Badovinac, Barış Gençer Baykan, Cristina Cámara Bello, Hakim Bey, Manuel Borja-Villel, Rosi Braidotti, Boris Buden, Jesús Carrillo, Bojana Cvejić, Luc Deleu, Ayşe Düzkan, Diedrich Diederichsen, Nazım Hikmet Richard Dikbaş, Corinne Diserens, Merve Elveren, Charles Esche, Marcelo Expósito, Božidar Flajšman, Annie Fletcher, Diana Franssen, June Givanni, Lisa Godson, Teresa Grandas, Nav Haq, Beatriz Herráez, Lubaina Himid, Lola Hinojosa, Antony Hudek, Tea Hvala, Gal Kirn, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon, Anders Kreuger, Elisabeth Lebovici, Rogelio López Cuenca, Geert Lovink, Amna Malik, Pablo Martínez, Lourdes Méndez, Aleš Mendiževec, Ana Mizerit, Alexei Monroe, Meriç Öner, Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez, Bojana Piškur, Marta Popivoda, Carlos Prieto del Campo, Pedro G. Romero, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, Igor Španjol, Chris Straetling, Luis Trindade, Erman Ata Uncu, Jelena Vesić, Mar Villaespesa, Vladimir Jerić Vlidi, and Ana Vujanović.

 Publisher Valiz, Amsterdam, with L'internationale, 2018
 ISBN 978-94-92095-49-7
 Open access (2024)
 416 pages
 PDF (115 mb)

Publisher. Publisher.


File:Volcano Del LaGrace Halberstam Judith Jack The Drag King Book 1999.pdf

The Drag King Book
Author Judith "Jack" Halberstam, Del LaGrace Volcano (photography)
Language English
Publisher Serpent's Tail
Date August 1999
Pages 160
ISBN 1852426071, 978-1852426071
E-book PDF
The Drag King Book

by Judith "Jack" Halberstam, Del LaGrace Volcano (photography)

"The book profiles many different performers, among them San Francisco's larger-than-life Elvis Herselvis and New York's mackdaddy Dred, and presents interviews with drag kings alongside descriptions and analyses of actual shows. Lavishly illustrated with over 100 pictures by transgender photographer Del LaGrace Volcano, The Drag King Book is a striking testament to the multiple forms of gender variance today."

"It is impossible to separate my personal relationship with facial hair from my hermstory with the Drag King scene that erupted in London and around the globe in the mid 1990s. The thought of coming out as a bearded lesbian was terrifying and it was only when I hooked up with Simo Maronati that I found the courage to let it all hang out, consequences be damned! I was also due to compete in the first Drag King contest ever at the London Lesbian & Gay Film festival during the spring of 1996. I thought that possibly having a beard of my own might give me a much needed edge....since I was well aware that I did not possess an iota of 'authentic' masculinity. As it happened I was the biggest loser. My leather daddy stripper persona was a bit too genderqueer in an era where ‘realness’ was the currency. But from that one event a new queer time and place began that included Drag King clubs, lots of mainstream press, including a faux exhibition of my work on Sex & The City and a free trip through the Channel Tunnel to Paris for a gaggle of Drag Kings. The biggest bonus by far though was that Judith Jack Halberstam, (an academic already writing about Female Masculinity and one of the contest judges) and I became friends and went on to produce THE DRAG KING BOOK together over the next five years.

Now that more than twenty years have passed a new generation of Kings are in the spot light, although they are still given far less space than there sister Drag Queens. Many of the Kings I photographed in the 90s now live their lives as men or trans after finding the performance of masculinity a better fit than the options they had been living. As for myself, I continue to believe that dis-obedience, dis-ruption and defiance of gender norms and ALL norms are the cornerstones of queer cultural production." (Volcano Del LaGrace)

